His realization

Not Another Fairytale

“Are you okay, boss?!! What happened?!” Taemin asked, panicking. Woohyun just left a while ago and Myungsoo was just sitting on his chair with his shoulder deflated and head ducked down. He has a bruise in the corner of his lips.

“Nothing. Leave me alone” He mutters and Taemin scratches his head. “But boss…”

“JUST LEAVE!” he sneered  and Taemin sighed, defeated before walking out of the office.

Myungsoo stood up and walk towards the window as he ruffled his hair. He rest his hands on his hips as he watch the city outside the window, people walking down the city looks so small from up there where Myungsoo’s office was. It was late but everyone seemed more awake then ever. Moon lit up the night and signs flashed and horns are blaring everywhere. Myungsoo turned to look at the sky and saw the stars twinkling, decorating the dark sky. Then he looks down at his feet, a sudden tug in his heart makes him cringed and he couldn’t help but to close his eyes to forget his problem even for a while. He was so frustrated about everything that is happening right now. Everything seems falling apart that it hurts.

“She loves you…” Woohyun’s voice echoed in his mind over and over again. He clenches his fist and shut his eyes tightly, wanting to escape from the truth. A pained salt tear trickled down his cheek and he wiped it immediately. 

He always witness how Hee Rin's face would lit up when he walks in the house. He always feel from the way she prepare for his lunch how she poured her love to it. He always see how her eyes turned sad whenever she saw him frowning. It's all written on her face. Easy to read, he always thought. But somehow he hated how he always read her every expression, because as he watch her every expression, he somehow feel and witness how she loves him so much. And he did everything he can just to ignore it.

Hee Rin.

His wife.

She’s always the one who is trying to understand him despite his confusing action. The one that is always waiting for him even after midnight despite her tiredness. She will wait no matter how long it’ll take just to eat with him, because she knew that that’s the only time they can spend together. She’s too good to be true. Her patience was never ending that everyone around her believes that she never gets angry no matter what.

Hee Rin. She’s the one who is there beside him when he’s feeling down, to cheer him up. She is taking care of him like how a mother takes care of her child.

Despite his cold shoulders giving to her, she’s still smiling brightly at him. This is his first time having someone like Hee Rin by his side… That will still love him even more even if he’s hurting her. She’s perfect. She’s too good to be true.

Myungsoo opened his eyes and stared at his clenched fist, his knuckles had turned white. He exhaled once and hurriedly snatches his car keys and darted off his office.



Hee Rin yawned as she stared at the blank tv screen. She’s sleepy but she has to wait for Myungsoo. It was already 11 in the evening and her eyes were closing with her head nodding. “I think I should take a nap for a while” She tells herself and looked at the clock before walking up to her room.

She sets her alarm at 12 o’clock so that she’ll be awake when Myungsoo comes home if ever. She crawled on her bed and hugs her pillow thoughtfully then closes her eyes.


A sudden noise makes Hee Rin wake up from her nap. She thought she’s still dreaming but then she heard someone sobbing just beside her. She slowly opens her eyes and turns to her side to see Myungsoo kneeling on the floor beside her bed, his head duck down and tears were streaming down his cheeks. His tie wasn’t fixed and his hair was tousled but still he is handsome.

Hee Rin widened her eyes when she saw him in this state and she quickly sat up. “What happened?!” She worriedly asked. He looks so fragile crying like that.


“I’m sorry” Myungsoo croaks suddenly with his lips trembling. “I’m sorry” He repeated again and again with tears escaping his swollen eyes. He is breathing heavily.

“Myungsoo…” Hee Rin calls, softening at the sight. Concern was written all over her face as usual. Myungsoo didn’t know why but her voice just makes it even harder for him to breathe. He wants to stop but the tears just find its way to escape from his tired eyes. He drove all the way from his office in full speed just to talk to his wife at last.

“I’m sorry” for ignoring you all this time. Was all that he’s saying and Hee Rin couldn’t help but to panic. What happened to him? Did he do something wrong?!

She had lots of questions in her mind right now and she doesn’t know what makes her husband cry like this. But the next thing she did was beyond Myungsoo’s expectation.

“Come here” She softly called and pulled him in her arms. She was sitting on her bed while Myungsoo was kneeling on the floor just beside the bed. She rested his head on her chest and Myungsoo's breath suddenly hitches, his eyes widened. He can smell her sweet scent. He gulped heavily and he can hear her calm heart beat, making him feel safe.

“Ssshhh… Everything will be alright” She mutters while patting his back with her right hand while the other was caressing his hair. And Myungsoo cries even more. The beating of her heart was like a melody in his ears and he couldn’t help but to hug her waist tightly.

"Hee Rin" He cries harder while hugging her securely like he's never letting go. 

“I’m so so sorry” He cries. His tears makes her dress wet but they could careless. She doesn't know why he's saying sorry but that doesn't matter, all she was thinking right now is how she can make him feel okay.

"Business problems?" She asked softly and Myungsoo just hugs her while crying, pulling her even close to him if that was possible. She's too innocent.

“It’s okay… its okay” Hee Rin gently says and rested her cheeks on top of his head.

She starts rocking him side to side while humming a sweet melody. Myungsoo can hear from her chest the vibration of her voice and it makes him feel weak. The gentleness of her touch softens him and her calm breathing makes him calm as well.

He eventually stops crying and just found himself relaxing in his wife’s warm embrace. He looks like a child that was crying in his mom but this really feels good more than anything.

It was already past midnight and the rain started to pour outside with the pitter patter sounding throughout the house. It was cold but Myungsoo found warmth here with his wife and he doesn’t want to end this.

The room was silent and only the rain, Hee Rin humming a song and only their calm breathing were the only things can be heard. It feels good, Myungsoo thought. His eyes were close while his arms tightly wrapped around her slim waist and he thought he can sleep like this just fine. He wasn’t crying anymore and his lips were slowly curving into a small yet meaningful smile. This is his first time feeling this kind of calm and serene moment, where the two of you were just satisfied in each others arms, no one’s talking but the silence feels good.


Soon enough, Hee Rin drags Myungsoo to the kitchen when she found out he’s not eating yet. He sat on the wooden chair and propped his arm on the kitchen table while resting his chin on his palm, his head was aching from crying. He watched as Hee Rin stared at the open fridge while tapping her cheek, her other hand was resting on her hips. “Chef Choi just left an hour ago. I don’t know what to cook” She mutters.

“How ‘bout I’ll just make you a soup?” She beamed as she turned to look at her husband who’s staring at her blankly, his eyes were swollen. He blinked and just nodded innocently. “Okay!” she smiled and takes some vegetables from the fridge before kicking the door close. She tries to lighten up the mood so Myungsoo's sadness will subside but in the inside, she's sad too. Why is her husband crying? Why did he suddenly appear in front of her looking so broken like that? She would thought.

Myungsoo found himself staring at his wife and suddenly, a smile appeared on his lips. And there she is, chopping vegetables, unaware of her posture and of the wildness of her hair, even unaware that her husband was staring at her with so much love.

Myungsoo suddenly froze at his sudden realization but then when Hee Rin gave him a smile when she turned to check if he’s okay, he knew that what he is feeling right now is what he is trying to find out long time ago. The feeling that he's afraid to admit. And the fast beating of his heart proves it…

That he loves Hee Rin. 

He really loves her.

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)