Not this way

Not Another Fairytale


Hee Rin gazes out the window, though she wasn’t watching nor looking at something but thinking. There were hundreds of thoughts that are going on in her mind right now but the very thing that keeps her feeling uneasy is that this might be the last time she will sit here inside Myungsoo’s car while he’s driving there with his oh so handsome features. It pains her heart thinking about it but she told herself she can take it… She’s going to be fine.

When they arrived at Park’s residence, Mungsoo saw and he feel how happy Hee Rin was when she sees their house looking absolutely the same since she left. Her smile was so big yet there was something hiding behind those dazzling eyes…. It was sadness.

“Oh Dear!!” Mrs. Park cries and throws her arm around Hee Rin and kisses her all over her face. “We missed you so much!” She exclaimed and Hee Rin smiled while holding back her tears.

Myungsoo stood behind Hee Rin as he watches her being welcomed by her family… Hee Young was now hugging her older sister really tight that Hee Rin can’t even breathe. Mr. Park was just standing by the door frame though and was keeping his face expressionless as he watch his family reunited.

Though they knew that there was a conflict between Hee Rin and Myungsoo, Park family still invites Myungsoo to eat dinner with them before he goes back to the palace. Chanyeol wasn’t there to celebrate with his family since he was busy with school works


"I know right! Can you believe it?! Our school's hearthrob asked me to go with him to the prom after knowing that you're my sister!" Hee Young exclaimed while they were eating and they all laugh. "Gosh, so frustrating" She scrunches her nose.

Myungsoo smiles and he turned to glanced at Hee Rin that is beside him, she's laughing so warmly and Myungsoo had to soften at the sight.

I hope you will laugh like this everyday.

"My stomach hurts, stop it Hee Young" She laughs and reach for a glass of water to drink.

What am I going to do when this day ends? Without you by my side when I drive back home.

"Chanyeol Oppa once brought a girl here and Mom was so nervous that she thought he would tell that he's going to get married!" Hee Young laughs and Hee Rin glanced at her mom before laughing too.

Can I ask you if you can come with me? And maybe we can still spend one last day together. Just one more day... And maybe after that, you would realize that you don't want to leave me anymore.

"I'm not nervous. And I know Chanyeol won't get married till he's 40" Mrs. Park protested and the two sisters gaped at her while Mr. Park smrked and glanced at Myungsoo, eating silently.

"Mom! That's too old!"

Would it bother you if I will call you every now and then just to hear your voice? Or even just your breathing? I just want to know if you're okay.. And maybe I am being too selfish but I want you to not forget me. Would that be okay?

"I bet Chanyeol oppa will get tons of girls pregnant before he gets married" Hee Young joked and their mother shot her a look.

"That's not possible" Hee Rin shakes her head with a smile before she turns to look at Myungsoo, offering him a glass of juice. 

"Thank you" He mutters after she poured a juice for him.

I hope I would be the last guy you would be serving to. And I hope I would be the last guy you would spend your time dressing up just to look good infront of me. I hope I would be the last guy you would say 'I love you' to.

"You're welcome!" She smiles.

I hope I would be the last guy to feel the warmth of your smile when I am in your presence.


“Can we talk?” Mr. Park interrupted after the dinner. Myungsoo gulps nervously and followed the older one to the living room where he sat at the big brown sofa with Mr. Park sitting across from him with a glass of wine in his hand.

“Sir, I wanted to apologize for what happened to us… To your daughter” Myungsoo started with his hands twiddling together. He doesn’t know why but he just has to call him Sir.

“Though I don’t know the whole story, I hope you know how much I want to punch you right now” Mr. Park says but his voice doesn’t sound completely angry but just a tad serious but that doesn’t mean Myungsoo feels comfortable now. There were beads of sweat forming on his forehead and his throat felt dry. It was indeed one of the scariest things he has experienced in his life- to have a serious talk with the father of your girl.

Mr. Park told Myungsoo how they treasures Hee Rin a lot that he can’t even let a single tear escaped her eyes. He told him how it would even hurt him when she cried on her 1st year of age because she tripped. How it hurt him when she cried because she got rejected by her first crush. How it hurts him when she cried because she failed the exam…Even with those little things, it makes his heart cringed because it is his daughter and he loves her so much. “How much do you think it hurts me now to see her crying because of you?” Mr. Park asked and Myungsoo ducks his head down, ashamed of himself. He has never felt being so judged till now.

“I gave her to you for you to take care… Because I know that I wasn’t the number one man in her heart anymore now that she found you. And I know I couldn’t give her the happiness anymore” He says with his voice sound so broken that Myungsoo felt even more guilty.

“I’m sorry Sir” Was all that Myungsoo can say…

“Do you love her?”

“I Do!” Myungsoo tells almost immediately and Mr. Park smiled at that. “I love her, Sir. More than you could imagine” He says sincerely with his eyes looking right back at the older one, feeling brave as ever.

Mr. Park glanced at the glass of wine and took a sip on it before turning back his attention to Myungsoo. “I know you do” He smirks. “I can see it” From the way Myungsoo watch Hee Rin with so much love earlier at the dining, it was too obvious and Mr. Park knew that Hee Rin picked the right guy after all.

“As much as I hate you, I still want you to know that even on the second life, I would still choose you for my daughter” Mr. Park tells and Myungsoo felt so wonderful as if he was floating right now after hearing those words.

Mr. Park’s smile suddenly vanished and was replaced by a serious look. “But don’t think that I will give back my daughter to you.” He points a finger at him. “You should strive to gain her trust again” He clucked his tongue.

“I understand.. Sir” Myungsoo answers.

“You should promise that you will win her back” Mr. Park says while looking straight at Myungsoo, his eyes so scary that Myungsoo shivers in his gaze.

“I will, Sir”


Maybe one of the most painful moments of Myungsoo’s life is when he faces Hee Rin for the last time. She walked him out of the house after he bade goodbye to the Park Family. “Drive safely” Hee Rin says as they stopped at the front porch, Myungsoo nodded and turned to face Hee Rin.

“I really like your family” Myungsoo remarked and Hee Rin laughs. “Of course you do” She chuckles before there was silence between them again. They have so much to tell each other but words just chose to get lost in their minds.

“You take care of yourself, alright?” Hee Rin speaks as she looks up at him. Myungsoo avoided her gaze and nodded halfheartedly.

“look at me” She softly mumbled and takes his hand. “Myungsoo..” She calls and she finally meets his gaze. “I want to say thank you for everything you have done for me… Thank you for making me one of the happiest woman on earth” She smiles but Myungsoo saw the sadness in her eyes.

There was nothing much to say about their goodbyes but the striking pain in their heart was unexplainable. Myungsoo might not hear the “goodbye” of Hee Rin’s soothing voice but heard the muted “I love you” instead.

Hee Rin is so lost in her sadness that she has no idea how visible it is. Myungsoo saw.

I know things are rough right now and I wish there were something I could do or say to lift you up and make you feel better. I know it's not easy, but you are strong and beautiful person. You will get through this, and when you do, you will be stronger and more beautiful than you already are.

But for now... We have to say goodbye and find our own path.

And I know someday.. maybe soon, we will cross paths and would smile at each other and we don't have to say goodbye anymore...



Ciao for now!

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)