
Not Another Fairytale



Till that day, Myungsoo keeps his promise and did everything to win back Hee Rin’s heart. He would send flowers to her everyday and would take her out when she wants too. Sometimes, he would wake up extra early and would cook breakfast for Hee Rin. It was a miracle though, since everyone knows that Prince Myungsoo never steps his feet into the kitchen.

Hee Rin appreciates everything that Myungsoo is doing for her. She honestly feel how he treasures her and that he was telling the truth when he said he loves her. Though sometimes, she was still afraid to trust him again. Yes, she loves him but giving back the trust wasn’t that easy.

It is rather easy for a person who lies to quit and regret his mistakes. It can be done already if there is determination to do so. But of course, as the person who had been lied to, it was hard to go back to square one and pretend as if lies never hurt you.

But Hee Rin tries… She tries to understand like she usually do but the pain just won’t go away. This is the first time she loves someone with all her heart and this is also the first time that she experienced being betrayed by that one person. 

She gives everything to him and even changed her own self just to look good enough for every one else… Just to be good enough for him. But what did she found out in the end? That she was being betrayed and that all her sacrifices were just being put into trash.

As days passed by, Hee Rin sees how Myungsoo changed and how he tries to get her back again. She would bite back a smile whenever he did something flattering and couldn't help but to feel proud of having Myungsoo. 

But of course, she can't just smile and move on like that... She can't show people that she's already okay because she was afraid they might think that she's easy to forgive and that it won't matter if they hurt her again. She had enough of the pain and she learned how to deal with such things now. 

Although... she find it hard to trust someone easily now. 


After a week, the King has finally dismissed from the hospital and everyone was sending their greetings to the palace. Hee Rin still continues to study at the palace everyday and would bond with the Queen more often now.

But of course, as the palace was now quiet… New rumor starts to spread… 

No one knows where the issue started but the next thing they knew, it was already the hot topic in the internet: That Prince Myungsoo’s marriage was falling.

Lot of netizens say that it was just a rumor and that no one should believe it.. But there were also articles where some netizens starts to believe about the truth behind the rumor.

It started to get more serious when someone uploaded a scanned pictrure of the Prince’s fake marriage. Most of the netizens starts to protest and that were claiming it was just fake evidence from someone who doesn’t know what to do with their lives. Some were saying that people were just envy and that they were just trying to destroy the Prince’s marriage.

The palace remained quiet about this spreading issue and the netizens starts to think of another possible reason for the Prince’s falling marriage. Like “Maybe someone cheated” “Maybe Hee Rin can’t cope up with the palace’s rules” “Maybe Prince Myungsoo has a mistress like what his father does before” Or “Maybe they don’t really love each other. Or were falling out of love with each other

They can guess whatever they want, but no one knows what the truth is behind those smiles of the couple.

Hee Rin never says a word when she found out what’s happening… While Myungsoo tries everything to take down every article regarding the rumor.

The palace once again, starts to face another problem.

Hee Rin’s family would try to call her for confirmation but she doesn’t answer any of their calls because she was afraid to talk… She was afraid to face the truth once again and bring back the pain.

The couple started to become quiet again between dinner and ‘good night’ were the only thing to be said after a long day. Myungsoo knows that what’s happening right now hurts Hee Rin… that everything that is happening right now is because of his failure. He can’t afford to see her cry again and the painful thing is he can’t do anything to comfort her when he’s the reason for the pain she’s carrying.

Myungsoo started to skip sleeping at nights and would just roll on his bed while thinking of his wife. Sometimes, he just wants to run away with Hee Rin and forget the world. He wants to start a new life with her where everything was pure and honest but life just wasn’t fair and it seems like it just wants to destroy their relationship than to let them get back with each other.

Medias were trying to get a word of confirmation from the couple and would sometimes go beyond their limitation. Some paparazzi and reporters starts following Hee Rin and would force her to talk about the issue, that’s why Myungsoo sends extra bodyguard to protect Hee Rin.

Myungsoo on the other hand was always out and was trying to find solutions for this issue. But the more he would take down the articles, the more that the people start to get suspicious.


Today though, Myungsoo decided to stay home since he was warned by his assistant that there were some people and reporters waiting for the Prince’s arrival outside…

He was at their mansion’s library and was staring at his phone that kept on ringing since earlier. Friends, families and business partners never stops bugging him too and was trying to find answers from him. Everyone was pressuring him and he can’t keep calm anymore. The stress was building up inside him and he just wants to die.

When the Queen’s number flashes on his phone’s screen, Myungsoo immediately answered it and was greeted by his fuming mother. “What is this Myungsoo?!!” She growls and Myungsoo closed his eyes and took a deep breath before muttering an apology.

“You fix this immediately before your father take a move!” She sneered and hangs up harshly before Myungsoo could even reply. He tightened his grip on his phone and throws it to the wall with all his might till it breaks into pieces. He shouted in agony while pulling his hair frustratingly, trying to let out the anger and tiredness that he was feeling right now.

Everything just pressures him right now. He can’t talk to the girl he loves, he can’t finish his work, he can’t sleep at night and everyone was bugging him. He doesn’t know what to do anymore.

Hee Rin leans against the wall after she peeked at Myungsoo in the library. She saw everything… She saw how frustrated he looks like and somehow, it hurts her the most. Though she was mad at him, she still admits that she loves him still and seeing him pressured right now just tugs her heart painfully.

There were so many things that hurt her before and she can’t even count them… But nothing was as painful as seeing Myungsoo breaking down. A part of her wants him to suffer and show him how he hurts her, but there was also a part of her where she just wants to see only smile on his face and never see him in pain. Maybe a part of her wants to take revenge from all that he has done, but she can’t bear to see him suffering.

Hee Rin lets her back slide down the wall and sat lifelessly on the floor while clutching her heart. “Why is this happening to us?” she asked herself and shook her head slowly and was biting back a sob. “Why of all people, it has to be us?” she murmurs and was tightly gripping on her skirt.

Hee Rin was the type of person who was easily hurt but she was also the girl who can’t take to see her love ones suffering. She was willing to take all the pain than to watch the people she loves crying. She was too good to be true and some says that she’s perfect! But Hee Rin was like everyone else too… She has flaws and can do mistakes too… And, she can also lie.

She stared at the blank wall across from her while hearing Myungsoo’s cry at the library and she knew she had finally decided.

Her heart was pounding so badly but the determination was rising up… She stood up on her feet and takes in a deep breath as she puts her hand on her chest. “This is the only thing I can think of” she tells herself and bites her lower lip. “And please forgive me for what I am about to do


       Am I fast pacing?

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)