
Not Another Fairytale


Hee Rin walk towards the pathway leading to a garden and furrowed her brows. “Where did they go?” She asks herself and turned to her right and saw the way towards the parking lot. She shrugs to herself and walk her way there anyway.

She stopped midway when she heard someone yelled, as if the voice was angry. She bit her lower lip and contemplate whether to continue walking into the parking lot but as she walk nearer to the voice, this tugging feeling inside her heart makes her nervous.

Hee Rin was sure enough that that was her husband’s voice that echoes throughout the parking a while ago. She doesn’t want to eavesdrop or anything, but her feet just moves its way towards the three silhouette she’s seeing beside the black car.

“ooohhh~~~ it’s the contract” Min Ae’s voice echoed and Hee Rin stops midway. She quickly hide behind a red car that is just parked beside the car where Min Ae is leaning.

She heard her husband’s muffled voice but she wasn’t able to hear what he said clearly so she leans closer...

But what she heard next makes her regret eavesdropping…

“Oh, and I wonder what she’ll do when she finds out that your marriage wasn’t real. Haha. That the marriage was actually fake” and Hee Rin’s breath hitches.

The marriage was actually fake.

Actually fake.


Hee Rin widened her eyes and it's as if her body felt weak all of the sudden. *This can't be true.* She gulps heavily and lets her mind process of what she just heard. It makes her feel nauseous.

No. That can't be.. Her marriage with Myungsoo wasn't fake. Min Ae was talking about other people and not Myungsoo. No way, that is not possible. There was a feeling that makes her desperate for approval and affection. Hee Rin wants to think and for the first time, she prays that she was deaf... So she can escape from the hurtful words that can stab her heart to the core. But she knew that  Min Ae was talking about her and Myungsoo. As much as she wanted to runaway and tell herself Min Ae was just drunk and she’s talking nonsense… She knows that she has to face this. She needs to.

Everything's too fast to comprehend and as she blinked once and her heart sank, her stomach lurches into , choking her and making a huge tangle of organs and intestines. Everything is dizzy and she felt numb.

She stumbles forward and the next thing she knew was she’s already standing behind the three and words had slipped out of unwanted. “W-What fake marriage?” She managed to croak.

She observed how the three suddenly became stiff and Min Ae looks over at Taemin’s shoulder to see her staring at them and a hiccup escaped from Min Ae’s lips. Taemin  turns around and his eyes were wide that you would wonder if it will pop out of its socket.

Myungsoo robotically spun around and the look of bewilderment and horror were visible in his eyes. Hee Rin’s heart clenches and she knew from the way the three looks at her means that everything she heard was true.


“Hee Rin…” Myungsoo breathed and Hee Rin’s shoulder deflated as her heart sank. *So it was all true* She thought and everything was a bit clearer to her now but it makes her dizzy.

She didn’t utter any word and Myungsoo immediately walk towards her making her hard to breathe. Her head was pounding with every step Myungsoo takes and her eyes suddenly got lost in the darkness of unbearable truth.

Her body felt numb and she can’t even feel Myungsoo’s grip on both of her shoulders. He searched for her eyes and Hee Rin watched as his lips moved to pronounce his explanation which Hee Rin was unable to hear. Everything was too loud in her head and voices of laughter and judgmental criticism invaded her mind.

She gulped once and the voice of the man she loves enters her ears, she snapped back in reality. “—Didn’t mean to do it, Hee Rin” Myungsoo desperately explains. Though Hee Rin didn’t hear the first part, she already knows what he’s explaining.

“I know I was stupid and I wouldn’t blame you if you’ll become mad at me, but please just try to understand me Hee Rin” He explains while looking straight into her eyes. Taemin looks away and Min Ae suddenly wakes up from her drunken state, she was too shock of everything that just happened.

“I’m a jerk and I don’t deserve your forgiveness but I didn’t mean to hurt you and I would do anything to make the pain go away” He pleads but Hee Rin’s brain was too full to even register what he’s explaining. She can hear him clearly but the words just float through the air and vanished in the darkness that Hee rin was afraid to see.

Hee Rin regretted everything... She regrets finding Myungsoo here. Worse, she regretted being alive as ever. She wants to go back in time once more, because maybe next time the pain would be easier on her, and it will be as if it never hurt her.

Myungsoo continues to explain everything to Hee Rin with his eyes pleading for forgiveness and hands shaking against Hee Rin’s bare shoulders. Earlier, he prayed that Hee Rin would let him speak first before she reacts but then now that he’s looking into her vacant eyes while she was standing in front of him with few inches apart and with her lips unable to say anything, Myungsoo felt even more scared.

Her face was blank and she’s not even blinking for a while. She wasn’t protesting nor hitting Myungsoo like the way he imagined her to react but just stared at him in complete emptiness. As if she was showing apathy towards this important problem.

Hee Rin doesn’t seem to hear the pleading “I love you Hee Rin” of Myungsoo that got lost in her confused mind but heard the muted “I’m sorry” Instead.

Myungsoo’s heart was pounding so badly and he was trying to search any emotions in Hee Rin’s eyes but found none. For the first time, he wasn’t able to read her expression and maybe it’s better for him not to see because it might be unbearable to witness the pain.

When Myungsoo catches his breath after explaining everything to Hee Rin, he stared at her and waited for her word. Teamin and Min Ae was silently waiting for Hee Rin too… But she didn’t speak.


Hee Rin stared at Myungsoo, then to Taemin and then turns to Min Ae. Her eyes were blank and shoulders were slowly deflating. She blinked once, then twice before her head slowly ducks down. Mind was full of tangled rubbish reasons and answered questions. Fist starts clenching and knuckles had turned to white as if her blood can no longer pass through her veins. Her breathing becomes heavy and she slowly looks up at the three who’s staring at her worriedly. Her eyes had turned cold as tears starts welling up in it. She gently yanks Myungsoo’s hands off of her shoulders and it fell lifelessly to his sides. She looks so vulnerable and they have no idea how Hee Rin wishes to die now.


Her lips quivers and then she took a deep shaking breath before turning around and walking away with heavy steps. Not even a single word escaped her pale lips, because no words can explain how painful everything is to her right now.



It hurts so much. So much that she couldn't even bear anymore. The feeling was too blurr and she came to the point where she prefer to be murdured than to know that all along she's been living in the midst of deception.

Myungsoo didn’t run to stop Hee Rin, because he knew that he has no right to and that he needs to give her space.

She didn’t look back much to Myungsoo’s disappointment… And she didn’t saw how broken he was while watching her walk away with a single tear trickling down his cheek. 


Buzzing sound coming from Hee Rin’s phone snaps her back in reality. She stared at the caller id as Woohyun’s name flashes on the screen. With shaking hands, she answered the call and pressed the phone against her ear. “Where are you?” Woohyun’s voice echoed in her head.

“You knew, didn’t you?” that all of this was just lies. Hee Rin’s voice came out in a hurtful whisper that stings her heart.

Woohyun didn’t speak and there was a silence before he sighs. “Hee Rin… Myungsoo loves you” he said and Hee Rin lets her hand that was gripping on her phone fall to her side lifelessly.

She looks up at the dark night sky and quirks up in a heartbreaking smile. Everyone seems lying to her all along and she was being too naïve to even notice. She feels so worthless and horrible. How many people have lied to her? How many times they have lied to her?

She felt so stupid. Isn’t it funny, how she fought for their marriage when in reality is her effort was just worthless because there’s actually no marriage to save in the first place.

Hee Rin laughs to herself as pained salt tears rolled down her cheeks and she cries… Cries until the pain will go away as she breaks down to her knees while clutching her broken heart. She wishes all the pain would just be her tears and she would let it out, but it wasn’t and she has to suffer on her own… She felt so betrayed, what have she done to deserve this?

Why of all the people who can hurt her, why does it have to be the man she vows to love for the rest of her life?!


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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)