
Not Another Fairytale


Hee Rin rides her bicycle on the way to her school. She thought it’d be good to exercise once in a while. It’s Friday today and it sure is the best day of the week. The cold wind hits Hee Rin’s face and she can’t help but to smile.

After she parked her bicycle, she skipped to her respected classroom. She greeted her friends with a small wave and a warm smile that matches the cold morning and hopped to the stairs. “Hey Jihae! Ssup?” She grinned as she high fived her friend. Jihae yawns and scratches her head while frowning.

“I can’t sleep last night and I have to finish my project” she murmurs and rubbed her eyes.

“It’s okay, we still have two days to prepare” Hee Rin encourages and pats Jihae’s back.


Once in their classroom, big cheers of their classmates have erupted suddenly. “What’s happening?” Hee Rin asks as one of her classmates drags her towards her table, giving her a sly grin.

Jihae asked one of her classmates about what’s going on and her eyes sparkled when she heard the answer.

“What’s this?!” Hee Rin gasps when she saw a large bouquet of flowers resting on her table. She has never seen such beautifully arranged flowers and she can’t help but to soften at the sight.

“is this for me?” She breathed and reaches to touch the flowers; they are so beautiful that Hee Rin wants to keep them forever.

“Most probably since it’s obviously on your desk.” Sarah, one of her classmates says with a teasing smile. “Someone has a secret admirer” Someone whistles and the room was filled with laughter.

“Who gave this?” Hee Rin curiously asked as she faced her classmates and they just gave her a shrug, heading back to what they were doing.

“We just saw it there when we came in.” Her seatmate stated and Hee Rin nods.

Her heart skipped a beat and she took the flowers in her arms with such carefulness in her action. Her face was so bright and it’s as if it’s her first time to see such thing.

Truthfully, she never really experienced receiving flowers before. She always wonders how it felt like to receive such beautiful flowers like what she watches on movies. And she never really thought that she would experience it now.

She was definitely curious on who is her admirer. It’s not like she wants to have intimate relationship with him already but a part of her wants to see how a guy can possibly fall for a girl like her. She wants to see that even she’s not the most beautiful girl, there’s someone who sees her beyond beauty. Because every girl dreams of having someone to treat her special.

To her dismay, she didn’t found her admirer that fast. But sending of flowers never stops, it continues everyday and Hee Rin was dying of curiosity. She would sometimes go to school early, hoping that she would catch her admirer but she always fail. It’s not like she’s too eager to know him but hell yeah, you’ve got secret admirer, aren’t you excited to know who he is? Or so you can be aware about how you act and look when he is there watching you.


One evening though, when Hee Rin was finishing her project at the painting room, a sudden thing happened. There were still students in the school who takes their classes at night shift. Hee Rin stayed to finish her project till evening and her classmates left already. She was too immersed of her painting when someone suddenly knocked on the door that Hee Rin almost jumped in shock. She put her hand on her chest as she sighed in relief when she sees a silhouette standing at the doorway.

“Oh, are you here to clean the room already? Can I extend time for a little while?” She asks as she picks up her paint brush that fall out of her hand when she got shocked.

“I’m afraid I’m not the janitor but I’m happy to see you again” He says and Hee Rin looks up, only to see the man she least expected to see, standing in front of her with that handsome smile of him. She gasped.

“W-what are you—I mean, wha..?” She stuttered as she stood up.

“Did I scare you?” Myungsoo grinned and Hee Rin shivered at his words. If he’s not this handsome, he would turn out like a creepy freak. “I was looking for you and someone told me you’re here”

“me?” She pointed to herself and gulps.

“Can we talk somewhere?” Myungsoo asked as he looks around and Hee Rin wonders if she did something wrong. And her mind wasn’t processing really well today.

She never really expected to meet him again, though she really hoped to see him too. The chances of meeting a prince are really rare and Hee Rin felt like she’s on her dreamland. She’s not a fan of royals but it is really an honour to meet one of them. And besides, this prince is too handsome to resist.


Hee Rin suggested that they should just sit at the bleachers while watching some students play soccer at the field. The sky was already dark and the wind was obviously cold. Hee Rin made sure that she gave a good amount of space between her and Myungsoo as they sat and you have to take note that her hands were sweating because of nervousness.

“You see, I don’t know how I am going to address you.. And should I bow first or what?” Hee Rin awkwardly asks as she dryly laughs, thinking how stupid she sounds like.

“You just have to be yourself” Myungsoo stated nonchalantly and watches the students play while Hee Rin stared at his side view. Why does a prince have to be so perfect?

“Why didn’t you tell me you’re a prince?” Hee Rin bravely asked after a minute of thinking what to say to a prince. Myungsoo turned to look at her and she looks away immediately.

“Do I have to?” He raises his brow. “If I told you I’m a prince then you will not treat me like a normal friend” He says and Hee Rin furrows her brows, confused. “And you’ll treat me like an alien like how you treat me now” He gave her a crooked smile and she gaped at him. Why does he have to be so handsome?

“What a-are you s-saying?” she asks and Myungsoo pointed at the distance between them. “Do I have a virus or something? You’re too far that I need to keep my voice high so you will hear me clearly” He pointed out and Hee Rin snorts.

“It’s.. It’s not l-like that” She clears and squirms to sit close to him, but not close enough.

“See? You’re stuttering and you can’t look at me” He chuckles and Hee Rin turns her head at him and gave him a judging look “I’m not!” She protest almost immediately and Myungsoo laughs.

She awkwardly plays with the hem of her skirt and was trying to distract herself by watching the students run across the field but to no avail.. She can’t ease her mind when Myungsoo is beside her. *What does he really want from me?!* She asked herself and bit her bottom lip.

“Do you like the flowers?” Myungsoo suddenly asked and Hee Rin almost choked. “Huh?”

“The flowers. Don’t you like them?” He asked, noticing that she’s been awkwardly sitting there.

Hee Rin blinked at him innocently. “You.. You’re the one sending those?!” She asked and covered immediately when she realized that she’s almost shouting. “Why? Do you expect someone else?” He asked and she shook her head.

She always thinks about her admirer every night before she goes to sleep. She even suspects almost every guy in the school but never in her mind that Myungsoo’s name slipped. She never imagined him being the one. It’s not like she’s not confident about herself but she only met him once and he is a prince for goodness sake! Why would a prince like him send flowers to a girl someone like her?

“I-I.. Why’d you?” She stammers while trying to keep her composure.

“Because I like you” He confesses just like that. His face was expressionless and his voice was stern and Hee Rin was lost in daze.. Totally lost in daze.

This was the first time she heard from a guy that he likes her and she didn’t know how to react. Her mind went blank and the sound of the student’s laughter had died down, everything was a blurr and Myungsoo was the only one clear in her sight. Is this the feeling you get when someone confess to you? She wonders.

“You okay?” He asked as he tilted his head and Hee Rin snap back into reality. Is she dreaming? Probably not. Is she going crazy then? Nope, totally not cause she’s 100% sure that she’s still sane.

“I..I didn’t expect you to say that” She comments and realizes just now that she’s been holding her breath all along.

“I don’t want to sound desperate but I do really like you Park Hee Rin. I hope you can consider that” He says as he put his hand on top of hers that was resting on her lap and her cheeks turned into pink. *Oh gosh* she thought and mentally slapped herself for becoming stiff all of a sudden.

“I.. Myungs—I mean Prince—“

“L. Just L” He says and Hee Rin her lips nervously.

“L.. I don’t know what to say really” She shyly answered and Myungsoo smiles. “Don’t tell me this is the first time that someone confesses to you?” He mockingly asks and Hee Rin looks away.

Myungsoo’s smile faded away when he saw her reaction. *no way* he thought. This is her first time? He would think and a pang of guilt hits him suddenly. Would it be worth it to hurt a girl who is just pure innocent? He asks to himself. *I have no choice*

“I will try my best to make you my girl” He smiles and Hee Rin blushed. Though Myungsoo saw how she can easily be tricked, he can’t help but to feel a bit sorry to her. But he can’t just back away with his plans. This is the only way. And if this plan leads him to trick someone like Hee Rin, then he’ll do it. For the sake of his own good.



“Min Ae?” Myungsoo breathed when he opens the door of his unit. He owns a unit at the luxury hotel at the city. He usually sleeps there when he has no time to drive all the way from his office to their house- the palace that is.

“You’re here” He smiled and pulls her for a hug. They fought few days ago when Min Ae found out about what’s Myungsoo’s plan. She doesn’t want to continue his stupid plan. I mean, whose girl would ever let her boyfriend date someone even if it’s just fake?!

But Myungsoo tries to explain to her that he’s doing this for the both of them. “I’m sorry. But I promise you that after all this, when Dad turns over the company to me, we will live happily like what we pictured it to be.” He says while caressing her hair. Min Ae sighs.

“You don’t have to do this Myungsoo. What if you suddenly fall for that girl in the process?!” She frustratingly asked as she pulled back from the hug.

“No. That will never happen.” He says as he holds her shoulders, looking straight in her eyes. “Just trust me with this. I will never fail” He says firmly and Min Ae gritted her teeth and sighed, defeated.

“You better be” She said before walking away harshly. 

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)