When time pass by

Not Another Fairytale


“L!” Hee Rin shouted as she run towards his car. Myungsoo stopped on his tracks just as when he was about to enter his car and spun around to see his wife running towards him, her hair was in a messy bun and was still wearing an apron, he sighs. He knew what she’s up to again.

“You forgot your lunch!” She yelps. She outstretches her arms as she handed him the bento box while panting heavily from running. Myungsoo inhales deeply and gets the bento box from her hand; he was so tired of doing this everyday.

It’s already been two months since they got married and this is what Hee Rin always does every morning. It was like her routine now. Myungsoo wants to tell her that he doesn’t want to eat the food she prepares but he was kind of scared to say it and watch her cry. So everyday Hee Rin will wake up early and poured her heart out as she prepare a perfect meal for her husband, but she didn’t know that her hard work was just thrown away every single day.

As time also passes by, Hee Rin notices that Myungsoo was beginning to distance himself from her. There were times when Myungsoo wouldn’t talk to her the whole day but she always tell herself that maybe he just had a bad day. And he barely smiles now. Sometimes Hee Rin tries to talk to him and find out if something was bothering her husband but he would just slip away whenever Hee Rin was to open up. But still, she still tried to understand.

Myungsoo doesn’t want to hurt Hee Rin even more. He realizes that he needs to keep his distance from her so that they won’t get that attach to each other… So that Hee Rin will be the one to fall out of love with him if ever they continue to keep their distance. But there were times when his day wasn’t so good and when he opens the door of their house, Hee Rin will just beamed at him and would smile that cheerful smile of hers and he couldn’t help but to softened at the sight. Although she’s not the one who owns his heart, he sometimes admits that she makes him happy in a way that he can’t explain it anymore.

He was kind of relieved too that both of them were busy with their schedules… In that way, they will maintain their good distance from each other and will not notice how limited their time is. The only time they can see each other is when they eat breakfast and dinner. You can also consider Sundays but they barely talk to each other on Sundays since Hee Rin was always beside the Queen and Myungsoo was always bonding with his brother and King.


After Myungsoo left the house, Hee Rin quickly prepare herself to go to the palace. It’s Friday today and they’ll be going for the charity program. It was one of her favorite task: to serve other people.

“Oh Thank God you’re already here. Come on, we’re going to be late” Ms. Kwon claps her hand and they proceeded to the car and soon, they zoomed off.

It seems like a good day today and the sun was brightly shining up in the sky and birds were forming ‘v’ shape as they fly up the sky. Hee Rin gazes outside the window with a smile on her face and thought for a while if Myungsoo arrived at his office safely.

When they arrived at the orphanage, Hee Rin quickly run towards the kids and gave them her big power hug. They got super close for the past months that they’ve been together and it was one of the reasons why Hee Rin sometimes forgot her problems.


All Hee Rin did today was to play with the kids and teach them how to read. Ms. Kwon was always there to assist her though.

When the clock ticks ‘5 o’clock’ in the afternoon, Hee Rin went to the kitchen where the cooks was preparing a dinner for the kids. “May I help?” She asks with a smile and one of the cooks nodded at her and threw an apron to her.

She was told to cut some carrots and potatoes. She was humming a song and was slightly listening to the conversations of the cooks and couldn’t help but to laugh with them. Everyone in the orphanage loves Hee Rin. She was a very kind woman for them and very helpful. She is also one of the reasons why their weeks turns out very bright, because she doesn’t fail to make everyone happy. She’s the perfect princess for them.

“You should tie your hair while preparing food” Someone says from behind and Hee Rin knew that that voice was talking specifically to her. She gasped when she spun around and found Woohyun staring right back at her with his arms crossed against his chest. He was smiling. And Hee Rin realizes that he was the reason that the kitchen has suddenly turned quiet.

“Your highness” She squeaks and Woohyun laughs at her. She looks so shock.

“Hey, am I that scary that you give me that expression?” He asks, pretending to be hurt. Hee Rin bashfully grins.

“Anyway, I’m here to help you guys” He announced as he glanced at everyone in the kitchen, they gave him a warm smile.

Woohyun sometimes drops by at the orphanage whenever he has spare time. It was his obligation too as a prince anyway… Like Hee Rin, everyone at the orphanage treats Woohyun very special too. He was very nice and very responsible man. Even the kids (girls) at the orphanage want to marry him when they grow up.

Hee Rin also got a bit close to him since she always saw him in the palace and sometimes makes little conversation with each other whenever they pass by. They became good friends. It was not hard since they realize that they have the same preferences at times. It feels good to have a friend.

“Hey kiddo, need some help there?” He playfully asks and Hee Rin glares at him while the other snickers at them.

Hee Rin told him to continue cutting carrots and potatoes for her while she proceeded to mix some flour with other ingredients together. “You know, you really have to tie your hair” Woohyun remarks as he struggles to cut the carrots. Hee Rin clucks her tongue and showed him her messy hands.

“So irresponsible” he rolls his eyes and sets down the knife and carrots, he wipes his hands on the apron that he was wearing and walks behind Hee Rin.

He reaches to gather her hair together and Hee Rin jerks back, shocked. “Hey”

“Come on, I’ll tie it up for you” He grins and Hee Rin pursed her lips and lets him tie her hair.

“ta-dah! I did it perfectly” He beams and the other cooks laughed at his enthusiasm. “Do you want to be a hairstylist in the future, your highness?” One of the maids teasingly asks and Woohyun laughs with them…

“How’d you know how to tie girl’s hair?” Hee Rin asks, snickering as Woohyun went back on cutting carrots. He chuckles.

“My assistant taught me how since I was planning to do that with my future girlfriend” He grins and Hee Rin shook her head playfully. He was corny at times.



Hee Rin was now sitting on the couch as she waited for her husband to come home. It was already 11 in the evening and her head was already nodding, she was sleepy. The maids would come to her once in a while and would tell her to just go in her room and they’ll just tell Myungsoo that she was tired today and couldn’t wait for him anymore. But she doesn’t want to and firmly state to the maids that she will wait for him… She promised that she will eat with him tonight.

As time went by that it was now 1 in the morning, Hee Rin already found fast asleep on the couch while hugging her phone. Myungsoo didn’t call to inform her if he’s going home. She opens her eyes as her phone vibrated and she quickly sat up as she read it… It was just Ms. Kwon, telling her schedule later, she frowns. *Where is L?* She scowled and her eyes felt heavy again.

Yawning, Hee Rin finally decided to go upstairs to sleep. She told herself that maybe Myungsoo has lots to do in his work and decided to take overtime. That was his reason also when he didn’t come home last time… Hee Rin wants to bombard him with questions but she learned not to ask too many questions to the prince… It was one of the rules that Ms. Kwon strictly told her.

Until it was already 3 am when Hee Rin wakes up again. She can’t sleep properly knowing that her husband hasn’t come home yet. She slipped off the bed when she felt dry; she decided to drink some water.


When she closes the door of her room, she gasp loudly when she spun around to see Min Ae walking out of Myungsoo’s room. She seemed shock also when she took sight of Hee Rin. “Min Ae?” Hee Rin croaks as her mind flooded with negative thoughts. What was she doing in Myungsoo’s room?! Why is she here at this hour?!

“Hee Rin..” Min Ae mutters.

Min Ae was a good friend for Hee Rin. She considers her as her own sister even though sometimes she feels like Min Ae was just faking her smile towards her. Min Ae also visits their house once in a while but it wasn’t often too. Sometimes she talks to Hee Rin but most of the time she looks for Myungsoo whenever she’s there. It was nothing for Hee Rin, she tells herself that Min Ae was Myungsoo’s best friend that’s why she’s always there to visit him… But tonight, she can’t help but to feel uneasy when she saw Min Ae.

“I drove Myungsoo here since he was too drunk to drive on his own” Min Ae reasoned as they sat across from each other at the dining table. Hee Rin nodded.

“Here. Drink some coffee” She offers and Min Ae warily takes it from her.

“You see Min Ae… I don’t understand Myungsoo at times and I know that you know him more than I do since you’ve been best friends for years..” Hee Rin starts as she traces the lip of her mug with her forefinger. “And I would really appreciate it if you tell me what’s bothering him” She sadly gazed at Min Ae and the latter her lips nervously.

“Oh… Well, I don’t know either. But I’m pretty sure that it’s just his work that’s giving him a hard time” She says and Hee Rin looks down. Somehow, she felt like Min Ae was lying… But she just shrugs the feeling off and smiled at her instead.

“I see” She breaths and took a sip of coffee. “I hope you can tell me if ever he opens up something with you” She look at her straight in the eyes. “I trust you” She mutters with a crooked smile and Min Ae looks away.

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)