
Not Another Fairytale


Hee Young jumped off the bus and hurriedly run towards the Han River where her sister instructed her to go. She was still wearing her school uniform since she was in a rush to even stop by their house and change her clothes.

Hee Young was on her way to go home when her sister called her. Though she’s not that getting along really well with Hee Rin, she still had to admit that she loves her sister more than anything and it hurts her to hear her crying. Hee Rin wasn’t saying a word when she calls but just cries hardly as if the world has ended for her. As a sister, Hee Young got worried and Hee Rin told her to meet her at the Han River.

Hee Young squinted her eyes as she saw a silhouette leaning against a pier support while looking into the distance while her dress sways in the wind, same with her hair. Hee Young sighed as she realized that it was her sister.

“Unnie…” She breathed as she stopped by Hee Rin’s side. Even though she can only see the side profile of her, she can still see clearly how her eyes look swollen and how her lips trembles.

Hee Rin looks at Hee Young and she throws her arms around her sister as if she would never let go. Hee Young stumbles back in surprise but patted her sister’s back for comfort. “Just cry it all out, it’s okay…” She mutters and Hee Rin cries even more.

The two stayed like that for a while as the wind passes, making the sound of the river hugs the both of them, trying to ease the pain.


Hee Young and Hee Rin sat side by side at the bench with hot latte in their hands. Hee Rin shivers as the cold breeze hit against her bare skin and Hee Young sighs before taking off her blazer, draping it over her sister’s shoulder. “Thanks” Hee Rin smiled and Hee Young gave her a nod.

“So what is your plan?” Hee Young asked while staring into the distance. Hee Rin had told her everything that happened and Hee Young was very furious after hearing everything, she wanted to go up to Myungsoo and punch her right on the face. How can someone hurt the kindest person Hee Young has ever known?!

“I don’t know” Hee Rin squeaks and Hee Young turned to look at her with her brows pinched together.

“What do you mean you don’t know?!” Hee Young barked. Hee Rin bites her lower lip and stared at the cup of latte in her hand. “So you’re going to just let this go again huh?!” Hee Young snapped and Hee Rin wiped the tear that trickled down her cheek again.

She took a deep breath. “I didn’t say that” She mumbles. “I don’t think I can face him again” She sobs and Hee Young exhaled exasperatedly.

“Then leave him and go back to our house!” Hee Young exclaimed.

“You know I can’t do that, Hee Young. I’m not ready to face mom and dad” She mutters painfully. “What will they say if they find out? What will people say when they find out?” She added while her lips trembling. "It's not as easy as what you think it is. Everyone's eyes are watching me and they will surely get suspicious when they find out that I'm going back to my family, it will make a big chaos"

Hee Young gawked at her sister in disbelief. “You’ve been hurt and you’re still thinking about that?!!!” She shrieks as she stood up abruptly. “Stop being like this, Unnie!!!” She sneered, panting heavily. “Wake up! Stop being so nice because no one will look back and say sorry when you get hurt!” She exclaimed.

Hee Rin clenches her fist as she shut her eyes tightly, remembering how everyone around her seems treating her nice yet all along they were just the ones who hurts her the most.  Everything feels like it’s going to hell. “Stop… Please” Hee Rin cries as she buried her face in her hands while shaking her head furiously. “It hurts…” She wails and Hee Young sighed as she sat back beside her sister.

“Then be strong, show them you’re not weak” Hee Young says as Hee Rin sobs.

Everything that happened starts playing in her mind over and over again, making the wound of her heart open again, as if not wanting for her to move on. They say that our heart is the strongest muscle in our body, but why does it break so easily? Why does it give us so much happiness then will tore us to pieces in just one snap?!

Hee Rin can’t get her mind settled and all that was bugging her makes her clench her broken heart so ever tightly, as if she doesn’t want it to tear into pieces. She remembers Myungsoo’s smile and how he would hold her so ever gently as if she’s the most precious thing he has. She remembers how he would whisper to her the three loving words everyone was longing to hear… How she wishes to hear it every single moment of her life.

She can smile when remembering those, but somehow, remembering those precious moments they shared together makes her cry. It was like the most beautiful yet painful thing she can experience. She loves Myungsoo more than anyone could imagine, but he was also the one that hurts her and gave her the most painful pain she had encounter in her life.

Maybe love can make everyone soften… But it can also make someone change into something that everyone was afraid to see. Because love can give us the joy, but it can also give us the biggest pain in our lives. And as she remember those, this madness inside her was building up and she doesn't think she can control it any longer.

She have had enough.

Hee Rin’s normally calm and pleasant demeanor slowly changed and her face contorted in an all – consuming anger as the hurtful words keep replaying in her mind that had torn her heart into fragments, that had dashed all her expectations of ‘happy ever after.’

“How can they do this to me?” she asked no one in particular through gritted teeth with her fist shaking and eyes burning. She was mad.



Myungsoo pace around the mansion worriedly while gripping on his phone. It was past midnight and still there were no signs of Hee Rin everywhere. They send some men to look for her everywhere and Myungsoo was trying to call her multiple times but she wouldn’t answer.

He knew she was obviously mad at him but at least let him know that she’s okay wherever she is right now. He was worried sick and couldn’t even get himself to sleep after what had happened earlier.

He was nervous that Hee Rin would do something bad to herself while she’s gone and he couldn’t afford to imagine horrible things happening to his girl. He accepted that she can’t forgive him right now but at least let him know that she’s safe.

He still wants to talk to her and apologize of everything that he has done. He admitted that he was a total jerk to her before but no one can explain how he loves her right now. He loves her more than anyone can imagine and he can’t live knowing that she wasn’t by his side anymore.

He can wait… He can wait until Hee Rin can forgive him. Though it was impossible, but he still hopes that someday, she will understand.

“Sir, we can’t find her anywhere” A man came running to Myungsoo and he clenches his jaw.

“Don’t stop till you find her” He says through greeted teeth and the man bows before running off. Myungsoo held his head and shouted in agony, making his voice echoed around the big mansion. He was frustrated. He knew he was being too selfish, but he doesn’t want Hee Rin to leave him. He can’t live without her.

He can accept all the blames that could throw at him, because he knew that everything that he has done was a total mistake.

But everyone can make mistake too. No one was perfect and everyone can fail because this world that we are in wasn’t as perfect as it is. We’re just human and we have flaws and guess what, it was okay. Because being human means you possess imperfections. And all of us humans deserve a second chance.



Hee Rin woke up as she heard voices that were arguing. She held her aching head as she sat up and she squinted at the bright surrounding. This wasn’t her room.

She furrowed her brows and looks around before her heart suddenly sank and everything turned dull. She tightly grips on the blanket that falls to her lap and bit her lower lip hard. It still hurts.

She remembers everything that happened last night and she regretted waking up again today with the sun brightly shining above as if the world was mocking her. Everyone was back in their normal lives while she just woke up in her nightmare with a broken heart. The wounds in her heart were still fresh and she wonders if it would ever heal again someday. She doubted it.

She slowly stood up and ended up wobbling her knees, she feels dizzy. Her head was pounding and the room was spinning that she had to hold onto something for support.

She and Hee Young ended up checking in the hotel last night to spend the night since Hee Rin doesn’t want to go home and they can’t go home to their parents since she can’t face them now.

She opened the door of the room and saw Hee Young rubbing her temple while standing in the middle of the living room and was facing someone that was sitting on the couch with face buried in his hands.

“Chanyeol?” Hee Rin croaks and the two looked at her direction before giving each other a quick glance.

“I’ll cook some breakfast” Hee Young excused herself and sighs before walking to the kitchen.

Chanyeol sighs and stood up as he made his way towards Hee Rin. “Hey” He smiled and patted her messy hair. “How’s your sleep?” He asked, trying to brighten up the mood but the sadness in his eyes was visible.

“Can I say that I’m okay?” Hee Rin mumbles and Chanyeol stared at her for a moment before pulling her into his arms, embracing her tightly.

“I’m sorry…” Chanyeol whispers, trying to bite back his cry. “I’m sorry that I can’t protect my little sister” He says and Hee Rin encircled her arms around his waist, letting her tears fall from her eyes once again.

“Don’t say sorry… It’s not your fault” She cries and Chanyeol pulls back, holding both her shoulders as he search for her eyes. “Tell me what you want me to do, huh?! You want me to kill him, huh?! Just tell me and I’ll do it” He says while narrowing his eyes at her, Hee Rin shook her head.

“Don’t say that. I can’t see my own brother in jail because of me” she cries and hugs him once more. “Who cares if I go to jail? No one can hurt my little sisters” He speaks with so much authority that Hee Rin feels braver than ever. As if her brother’s word makes her strong and a little weight has lifted off her shoulders.

“I can do this on my own” She mutters between sobs and Chanyeol pulls back as he stared at her. “This is between me and them. I don’t want any of you to get involve here” She says and Chanyeol tries to protest but Hee Rin doesn’t give him the chance to. “I’m an adult now. Let me protect myself and my family” she pleaded and Chanyeol shut his eyes tightly before sighing in defeat.

“Just don’t get hurt anymore” He spoke.

“I can’t promise you that… But I can promise that I will be stronger than before” She forced a smile and Chanyeol looks away.

*I have had enough* Hee Rin thought.

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)