
Buddies To Boyfriend: Boyfriend To Lovers

Beware the word '' will pop up. LOLOLOL. xDD 



Amber woke up to loud knocking as she yawned. She looked by her side to see Kris sleeping soundly right next to her. She stood up slowly and headed downstairs to see what was all the ruckus about. 

"KRIS! GET OUT HERE! YOU STOOD ME UP FOR YOUR STUPID WIFE!" Amber heard Crystal shouted, banging on the door that looked like it was going to break any second. 

Amber poked her head out of the door and gave Crystal a -what the heck are you doing out here at 6AM?- look. Crystal grimaced as she prepared her loud scream. 


"you should stop screaming. It's bad for the babies." Amber shushed her with a finger. 

"Babies? You only have one!" Crystal pointed out. 

"Nope, three." Amber corrected her. 

The look on Crystal's face was priceless. I really don't have a chance anymore.. Amber giggled at seeing Crystals shocked expression that had disappointment hidden behind it all. 

"Today's Kris' free day so do you think you can leave?" Amber insisted in a sweet tone. She pushed Crystal off the porch so Crystal had no choice, but to leave them alone. Crystal stomped towards her car and slammed the door while she was at it. She gave off a terrifying glare, but it had no effect of Amber as she responded with a smirk. Crystal peeled out of the drive way and headed out with the gates closing right behind her. 

Amber let out an exasperating sigh, opening the door and heading back inside towards her warm and comforting bed. She laid down and wrapped the blanket over here while Kris slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. 

"Amber.." Kris called out softly. 

"Mmm?" Amber replied a bit guilty for waking Kris up. 

"Who was out there yelling?" Kris asked, rubbing Ambers stomach. The baby responded with a kick as Kris let out a low deep chuckle that sent vibrations on Ambers shoulder. Amber giggled a little since it tickled. 

"Crystal did." Amber replied, trying to stiffle a yawn but it came out otherwise. 

She could feel Kris nod as he slowly got out of bed. Amber watched him head to the bathroom and she's got to say a few things. She was still not used to seeing Kris' abs every morning. Along with him in boxers.. it was just too shocking for Amber to process altogether. 

Kris came right out and noticed Amber was fast asleep. He chuckled and headed over to her, fully clothed from head to toe. 

"Yah..yeobo." Kris called out softly, shaking her for her to wake up. 

"Yeah?" Amber managed to croak out yet she still had her eyes closed. 

"Let's go out on a walk. The doctor said you needed to walk more. It's best for the baby." Kris suggested. 

"F-Fine." Amber stammered, but she didn't mean to. She was trying to surpress a yawn. 

"Go get ready, I'll be downstairs making breakfast." Kris whispered into her ear before walking out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen. 

"Gosh.. I hate being pregnant. Let it be over already." Amber whined like a little kid. 

Amber got up and put on a oversized sweater along with black jean shorts. She also grabbed her converse since they were going out on a walk. As she headed downstairs, she smelled something burning. 

"K-Kris?" Amber called out, opening the door to the kitchen. 

She saw Kris managing eggs, bacon, and kimchi fried rice all at once. Amber laughed silently, so he wouldn't notice her coming in. She took a seat and waited for him to turn around startled. Which he did and almost had a heart attack at a young age. 

"Gosh, you're a freaking ninja for a lady that's pregnant." Kris said, panting from a heart attack. 

"Mianhae. Haha, you look like a hardworking husband." Amber commented as Kris set down the many varieties of breakfast foods. 

Kris put on a shocked expression.. a diva-like expression came along with it too. He put a hand to his chest, mouth agape. 

"Are you trying to say that I'm not a hardworking husband!?" Kris responded with loads of attitude. 

"Oh puh-lease Mr. Wu. You are hardworking it's just you looked like it when you were cooking." Amber explained while giving him the hand. 

"Mrs. Wu, I feel unloved nowadays." Kris said, hugging himself while taking a seat. 

"Oh, really? Aigoo, my baby isn't getting loved by his Mother anymore! Come here aegi-yah!" Amber fake worried as she made her voice like an Ahjummas. "Tch. Get out of here you conceited jerk." Amber waved her hand in the air, showing him that she wasn't afraid to hit him. 

"Woah, feisty. This dragon doesn't need a spanking from a Llama." Kris held his hands up in surrender. 

"Oh gosh, I love these kind of conversations." Amber said, eating her food while laughing. 

"I love them as much as you." Kris replied with a piece of bacon hanging out of his mouth. For a second he didn't look serious saying it, but he was absolutely serious. He loved teasing and joking around with his buddy—err, wife. 



"Where did you want to go?" Kris asked, intertwining his fingers with Amber's small hand. 

Amber looked down at their hands and smiled. She swung them out of pure joy. 

"Hmm, I'm not sure. How about we get some ddukbokki?" Amber asked, anticipating a yes. 


"YEAHHHH— Wait, what?!" Amber cheered, but suddenly getting a knock down. 

"WAEE?! KRIS PLEASE!" Amber pleaded, tugging on his arm. 

"You are not eating any street food. No matter how good it tastes!" Kris told her, draping his arm around her shoulder and squishing her against his side. 

"Oof. Gosh, Kris. Kill me in your embrace will ya?" Amber said with a upset expression on her face. 

Kris caught it and it was absolutely adorable to him. He ruffled her hair with his eyes turning into slits because of how happy he was to be spending time with her. Amber returned the smile with her faint eye smile. She wrapped her arm around his waist as they strolled around the park for another 5 minutes. 

It was 8:30AM and they had nothing to do. 

Nada. Zilch. Nothing. 

"How about we go to the mall?" Kris suggested. 

"I'm not in the mood for buying things though." Amber moped and pouted. 

"That's kind of odd coming out of a womens mouth." Kris replied, chuckling.

"Because the common stereotype is that girls love shopping!" Amber flailed her arms, putting on a face of disgust. "Kris, I'm not the average women." Amber stated. 

"I know that. That's why I married you~" Kris singsonged, skipping around her in a circle. 

"You're gonna get dizzy and fall to the—" Amber was about to say 'ground' but Kris had already fell down to the ground in a OTL pose. Amber laughed and tried helping him up, but she ended up falling down to her knees, laughing too much. Kris laughed along with her. 

"You told me so.." Kris replied, helping her up and brushing off the dirt that was left on her hands.

Amber admired how nice and sweet he was. The reason she fell in love with her buddy.. with also the exception that he was REALLY good looking on that day he came back to Korea which was years ago!

"Bubble Tea Wonders." Kris read aloud. 

"Ohh, it's a new shop! Let's go!" Amber dragged him towards the shop, ordering their favorite bubble tea. 

Turns out.. Sehun was behind the counter. He popped out of nowhere and scared the crap out of Kris and Amber. 

"Y-YAH! What are you doing here?" Amber asked, surprised. 

"I'm the owner." Sehun replied, wiping his hands with a damp dish towel. "May I take your order?" Sehun said before clearing his throat. 

"T-Tapioca Bubble tea and a Green Tea Bubble tea." Amber said, still a bit surprised at Sehun's sudden appearance. 

"Coming right up." Sehun smiled at them with his pearly whites showing. Kris and Amber exchanged glances and both tilted their heads in a confusing way. They were so confused. 

"Hey, Sehun-ah." Amber called out. 

Sehun turned around from the machine and glanced at Amber for a second. 

"When did you have the idea to make a bubble tea shop?" Amber asked out of curiousity. 

"A week ago. It's not that hard to open up a shop Amber." Sehun laughed to her question yet he still answered it. 

"True.. true." Amber replied. She nudged Kris and Kris gave her a -what?- look and he totally got it afterwards when Sehun came by to hand them their bubble tea. 

"That'll be $6." Sehun said. 

"YES IT'S CHEAP." Kris cheered, handing a ten dollar bill to Sehun. 

"You're a freaking millionaire. Shut up." Sehun said while laughing and taking his money. He gave back the change and what surprised Krisber the most was that Luhan came from the back, wearing a panda costume. 

"Yo, what's with the getup?" Kris asked, laughing uncontrollably along with Amber. 

"Tao couldn't make it today was his only day for a Gucci shopping spree." Luhan rolled his eyes and slipped on the panda hat. 

"Oh my gosh, you look so cute. I could just tackle you to the ground!" Amber said while still laughing. 

"Ha-ha. I heard you're having triplets and you better name one of them Luhan okay?" Luhan lifted up a threatening finger but it ended up being really cute. Sehun actually burst into laughter too. Kris and Sehun were slapping the counter, unable to stop their laughter. Luhan rolled his eyes and headed outside to advertise. 

"Wouldn't it make more sense if he was a deer?" Amber asked after everything had settled down. 

"Those were out of stock." Sehun replied. 

Amber raised an eyebrow and just nodded, brushing off the question. Kris put his arm around her waist and sipped onto his bubble tea. 

"We gotta go Sehun! We'll invite you to the baby shower." Kris winked to Sehun which Sehun had lifted a hand to pretend that he was going to hit his hyung. 

Kris blew a raspberry at Sehun before exiting the shop. Childish.. Amber said in her head, moving her head back and forth in Kris' behavior. 

"See ya Panda-shii." Kris teased Luhan who was being mobbed by fangirls. 

"Bye! See you at Krystal and Kai's wedding!" Luhan waved bye to them despite the hard time of facing overcrazed fangirls. 

Author's Note: 

Sorry, I ended the chapter right there... My train of thought just went down the drain. I have no idea what to write anymore.. I'm losing it! D: 

not exo related, but funny. 

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llama1023 #1
Chapter 4: Lol that Crystal girl is shameless
llama1023 #2
Chapter 2: Ugh this is so cuteeee
llama1023 #3
Chapter 1: Yes yes yes yes
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 26: OMG!!! The best story I've ever read... I really love the ending and the gif spam ^^

great job authornim :D
Chapter 21: oemjiiiir djsuxh finally there's no heartbroken chanyeol here :^^^^^^))))
Chapter 26: love this story
spygenl #8
Chapter 26: lol. the most interesting ending of a ff story....
Chapter 26: YEAAAYYYYY FINALLY XD eh I can't imagine if krisber getting old LOL btw, nice story! :3
NYAHAHAHAHAHA old hags, Krisber would've been like 40-something by the time the kids were that age.