PLAN B and the meeting with SHINY?

I'm not your average girl. I'm Ukiss's sister, friend and family.


Elaine's POV :


I officially think Plan B will be the most FAILED plan.

Plan B = Me stalking Kevin.

AISH... I don't like stalking people actually...

How this plan will be like :

Kevin will be going for his vocal training class today. He will be taking Manager Hyung's car... HOW DO I SNEAK INTO THE CAR WITH HIM?!!?! There's only 1 way.


Kevin's POV :


Getting myself ready for the training class... Aigoo, this class seriously waste my time. And I should not be so moody. Everyone, especially Elaine, are worried for me :( But they can't blame me! It was her. That... If they ever find me, I'll be dead/killed/murdered/tortured. OKAY NO BAD THOUGHTS KEVIN.


How on earth did they find me here in Seoul?


I shall not be so moody from now on. Just forget about the past and the incident of seeing her...

I don't want the rest to worry about me... I better apologise to Elaine for being so cold. Aish, I will wait for the training class to end first.


Elaine's POV :


The only way is to sneak into THE BOOT OF THE CAR... AIGOO :(

When Manager Oppa came to pick Kevin up, he was still getting ready upstairs. I decided my mission of stalking Kevin should not be so miserable and be stuck in the boot so I went to Manager Oppa and said, "Manager-ahhh, can I talk to you for a second?"


Manager Oppa said, "Okay. A second has passed already XP"


"AISH! Manager oppa!" I slapped him on the arm.


He yelled PAIN!!! but I didn't care anyway. I told him about Kevin being moody and all that and my detective plans with Kiseop and guess what? Manager Oppa will help me creep into the back-seat of the car and not the boot! I LOVE YOU MANAGER EVEN IF YOUR JOKES ARE HORRIBLY LAME <3


Manager's POV :


What is up with kids these days? So complicated :( Anyway, I don't want Kevin's emotions to affect U-kiss for sure... Am I dragging myself into a big mess by helping Elaine? Aigoo...


Elaine's POV :


When Kevin finally got ready to go for his training class, I was lying on the backseat of the car, trying my very best not to make any sound. Kevin looks erm, happier than usual. Don't tell me he is happier cos' I won't be there at his training class... AISH ELAINE KIM STOP BEING SO NEGATIVE!


When we reached, Kevin went straight to his training class and Manager Oppa let me creep outside the room! Muahaha... KEVIN YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Ok... I sound creepy. The teacher told him to sing some random song (I couldn't hear the title cos' the door was closed =.=)


Kevin's POV :


"Sing On Rainy Days by Beast for me and we shall start on our vocal training after I evaluate you." The vocal teacher said.


Whoooshh. I <3 ON RAINY DAYS!!! It's one of the nicest ballads EVER!


The music started and I began...


Sesangi Eodeowojigo...


Ije Geuchiraneun Geol Aljiman...


I didn't do the rapping parts of course. I finished and the teacher clapped his hands, "Such angelic vocals. Okay, let's start our training now."


Elaine's POV :


WOAH, that is the nicest song ever... Or... Kevin sings it until it is the nicest song ever. I have never heard any of the U-kiss members sing and wait... aren't they debuting in less than a week's time?!!?!? I didn't even listen to their debut song yet! Aish.


Kevin sings so beautifully... OKAY THAT SOUNDS AWKWARD. Anyway, I'm supposed to be on my MISSION but it's probably failing cos' Kevin's stuck in class and can't do anything else.


I walked out of the building and hailed for a taxi. (LOL MR TAXI TAXI TAXI TAXI~~~)


Suddenly, a group of girls yelled, "IT'S SHINee!!!!!!!!"


What? What's shiny? I looked around, nothing metallic -like or...

A taxi appeared in front of me and when I was about to get on...


OMG did someone just bang into me?




Some guy who seriously had huge nostrils said.


I replied, "Er... NO. I don't even know who you 5 guys are."


"Eh?!?! SHINee! You don't know us?"


"Nope. And I don't see how you all can be shiny:P"


"We are a band. A K-Pop band!"


"WHAT?!?! Oh... Well, I don't know K-pop, so..."


"Yeah, hey, can we chat on the taxi? THE FANS ARE COMING." Another guy who looks like... wait, he doesn't have any expressions...


"Fine, fine... So rude :(" I said.

"Kekeke sorry. He's always like that!" said one of them who look so happy.


They got on the taxi with me and off we went to U-kiss's dorm.



Another Update! Hope you all like it~ <3 OH AND SHINee APPEARED! lols:)

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This story is fun !! XD
Update soon~!
awww such a cute chapter! XD finally after so long!!! UPDATE SOON!! ^_^
Hey remember me??? Update this story too coz it's really good!!! :) but I'm still reading your other stories ok? Just update this!
parisqjy #5
Oooooo!!!who is the extra one ?!interrupted!! Is it ......Eli?
Is it ELI?
@HlloKittyNinjaVonika HAHAHA I updated;)<br />
@JessieAngLalala I updated so read please:)<br />
omg krystal, you are so gonna get it from me when i see you ><" UPDATE SOON!