New Girl???

I'm not your average girl. I'm Ukiss's sister, friend and family.


Krystal's POV:

So, I sense something suspicious about Yong Junhyung, one of the guys from B2ST. The rapper, to be more exact.

I know all about him. I checked all the classmates of Elaine Kim. She's the sister of Eli Kim. After what their parents did, I'm never going to forgive them. I will slowly torture all of them. The reason why I came back, looking for Kevin, was this. He was STUPID enough to be a pop idol, appear on television and COINCIDENTALLY, I saw Elison Kim Kyoung Jae next to him on television. It seriously made my life soooo much easier. I was supposedly to come to Seoul, find Kevin, get him to help me to find Eli and his sister. Well well, they are all friends actually!

Ahhh, life is so much easier now~~~


Anyway, this Junhyung, why was he acting like that? Does he... by any chance, have feelings towards Elaine? I'll just follow them closely...


Elaine's POV:

After chatting for awhile and have all the other students looking at us, enviously, wishing they were the ones instead of me, Hara, Dongho, Junhyung and I walked into the school. Everyone made way for us ^.^ kekeke~

We walked into the class and Taemin quickly ran towards us, escaping from all the fan-girls. "Phew... those girls were asking me if they could get free tickets to SHINee World Tour... Aish~ OOOH~ Hara-noona!!! YOU'RE BACK!" Taemin said.

"Yes, Minnie!!! LOL, you're over-reacting to the max -.-"



We took our places, Junhyung and I, Hara sat alone at the back. I felt bad because it seems I took Hara's place in the class but she didn't mind. Junhyung just sat quietly and did not say a word. What's with him?!!?


Suddenly, Miss Kwon introduced a new student to us, "EVERYONE! It seems we have another new student! She's Krystal! Please welcome her. Krystal, would you like to sit next to Hara at the back?"

Krystal nodded sweetly and walked to the back. She seems vaguely familiar but oh well, I can't remember. Did I mention, I have a VERY short-termed memory?

I nudged Junhyung and whispered, "Are you paying attention in class? There's a new girl!!!"

"Yes, I am."

"Aish, what's up with you?"


"Okay then."

URGH, why is he so cold? He seems to be in deep thought...




"Yah! Yong Junhyung!" I screamed, of course in a whisper.


"Talk to me!!!"


"Cos' I say so..."

"Fine, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Why are you so silent just now?"

"I don't know."



"Junhyung and Elaine, before I send you to detention again, KEEP QUIET!" Miss Kwon said.


"Ooopssss..." I whispered.

Junhyung glanced at me and suddenly, smirked.

"WHAT???" I said softly.

"Nothing. Just that, the previous time I caused you to be in detention, now it's your turn~"


I looked away and listened to Miss Kwon blabber gibberish.


Hara's POV:

Seems that Junhyung and Elaine are quite close... EH??? What am I thinking? >.< Hhmm, the new girl looks quite lonely... FRIENDLY HARA MODE - !

"Hi!!! Your name is Krystal right?"

"Yeahhh... Yours is Hara?" She said timidly.

"Yep;) You don't have to be so shy!!! We are really friendly~ kekeke."

"Thanks ^^"


Krystal's POV:

What a dumb girl. Being friendly to me... I must say, I can act quite well~!

When the damned teacher's class ended, it was lunch break and Goo Hara grabbed my hand. She dragged me towards Junhyung and said, "Junhyunggieee, can Krystal go with us?"

He nodded and then said, "Yeah, of course. Erm... Elaine too right?"

"OF COURSE! With Dongho and the rest of B2ST! Oh, not to forget SHINee!!!" Hara said.

WOW, what a nice girl. It seems her boyfriend was going to be snatched right from her hands and she doesn't mind. I mean can't she sense there's something wrong with Yong Junhyung and Elaine Kim?!?!?


Elaine's POV:

Seriously, Krystal seems to be familiar. Like I've seen her somewhere before. Aish, forget it, I can't remember :(

We walked towards the dining hall and it seems like the whole school is envious of us. B2ST, SHINee, Shin Dongho and Goo Hara, K-pop idols are actually dining with this two nobodys. What's more, Krystal was very pretty. Aishhhh, I wanted to run away but I guess when Doojoon saw my face, he put his hand over my shoulders. I wanted to spazz as... well... you all know, I'm a B2ST fan-girl XD Yoon leader daebak!!! \m/


Krystal introduced herself to us, saying, "Hi everyone. My name is Krystal, I just transferred here from Busan. Hope you all treat me well~"

All the guys were apparently mesmerised by her smile. These boys;)

She was indeed very pretty, I have to say!


Krystal's POV:

Stupid boys. Only a smile from me and they are like this...

Prepare for your lives to be hell everyone!



A/N: Okay... Krystal seems to be freaking myself out... HAHAHA~ Enjoy!!! ^^

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This story is fun !! XD
Update soon~!
awww such a cute chapter! XD finally after so long!!! UPDATE SOON!! ^_^
Hey remember me??? Update this story too coz it's really good!!! :) but I'm still reading your other stories ok? Just update this!
parisqjy #5
Oooooo!!!who is the extra one ?!interrupted!! Is it ......Eli?
Is it ELI?
@HlloKittyNinjaVonika HAHAHA I updated;)<br />
@JessieAngLalala I updated so read please:)<br />
omg krystal, you are so gonna get it from me when i see you ><" UPDATE SOON!