1ST DATE~ or outing, or trip, or...?

I'm not your average girl. I'm Ukiss's sister, friend and family.




Elaine's POV :

Omo, what is that humongous thing on me?!?!! I woke up, trying to push a heavy rock away from me. Apparently when I poked it, it yelled. I was freaked out and when I opened my eyes, it was Pigeon Eli on me =.=


"YAAA! Why are you sleeping on me!?!" I screamed at Eli.


He mumbled something like let me sleeppp~~~


I frowned and climbed over him to go to the toilet. On the way there, I met Kiseop. Kiseop seemed like he had sudden spasm. He said loudly, "Oh my gosh, who is this girl? SHE IS SO PRETTY :O"


I gave him the -.- face and he suddenly remembered that I was Elaine and said, "Sorry, I forgotten:( OH, THAT MEANS WE HAD FORGOTTEN BOUT' YOUR DINNER YESTERDAY! , WE FORGOT!!! OH MY WE FORGOT..."


I shook my head and said, "Kevin prepared it for me already XD AND KISEOP STOP YELLING D:"


He apologised again and screamed, "DAMN I NEEDA PEE. BYE!!!"


I face-palmed him and went to the other toilet SINCE Kiseop had to pee. And guess what? It was ALSO occupied by *I assumed* AJ as the voice inside was practicing pick-up lines for a girl. I heard 'Yo, wanna go for a ride with me?' and 'Your eyes are the shining light for me'... Yucks, so mushy...


I decided to go to the living room as I didn't feel like going to the other toilets in case I invaded Ukiss's privacy. Maknae Dongho was snoring on the couch (How did he get there?) and Soohyun was already up making breakfast.


I said, "Hey Soohyun-ssi!"


Soohyun looked up from making pancakes and said, "OMG! ELAINE-SSI!!! I forgot you were here! Okay, today for breakfast will be pancakes with milk and OH WAIT, I think I had forgotten about your dinner last night... @_@ You need something to eat now? Sorry, we are just too used to starving -.-"


I explained again that Kevin had already prepared for me and Soohyun sighed a sigh of relief:) I went back to my room as I was afraid the other members will start freaking out that they forgotten about my dinner. and saw that Eli was STILL sleeping. Gosh, has pigeon became a pig???


Anyway, when breakfast was finally ready and all Ukiss members were awake and ready, Alexander said to me, "Elaine, today we have no schedules! Do you want us to tour you around Korea? I mean, you haven't been here for so many years and for these 2 days, you were stuck in the dorm."


I nodded my head, I guess, too enthusiastically as they all started laughing. Suddenly, a middle-aged man barged into the dorm.


"GUYS. Oh, and is that Eli's sister?  Annyeonghaseyo, I am Ukiss's manager hyung! Anyway, GUYS. This is a last minute decision, Aj, Eli, Dongho and Xander, you 4 have to attend a rapping course. Soohyun, Hoon, Kiseop and Kibum, you 4 have to attend a singing course. Kevin will have an individual singing course tomorrow as the class is limited to 4 people ok?"


The Ukiss boys argued and said they had to bring me around Korea.


Manager oppa said, "Sorry guys, and Elaine, but we really gotta prepare you for your debut! Well, at least Kevin can stay with Elaine right?"


Kevin nodded, "I can bring her around alone~ since my course is tomorrow :)"


I dunno if this is luck or what. Kevin Woo is going to bring me around Seoul! My heart fluttered and my face turned red apparently. Kevin smiled at me and reassured me that we were going to have an awesome day.


When the rest of Ukiss were about to leave, they shrugged their shoulders sadly and said they will make it up for me another day. I smiled and said, "It's ok, oppas~ We can hang out another day? What's more, I have Kevin oppa right?"


After they left, Kevin said, "Yay! Elaine, go get ready and we'll leave the dorm straight after that!"


I nodded and smiled. I went to the toilet to change and wash up. I wore a simple dress and chose a pair of cute flats to go with it.


Kevin was... as always, handsome~ He looked shocked to see me dressed up and said, "Wow... Pretty..."


I blushed and said, "Oppa! Let's go now!!! Where are we going?"



Hope you like this update... I hope it isn't too boring :(

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This story is fun !! XD
Update soon~!
awww such a cute chapter! XD finally after so long!!! UPDATE SOON!! ^_^
Hey remember me??? Update this story too coz it's really good!!! :) but I'm still reading your other stories ok? Just update this!
parisqjy #5
Oooooo!!!who is the extra one ?!interrupted!! Is it ......Eli?
Is it ELI?
@HlloKittyNinjaVonika HAHAHA I updated;)<br />
@JessieAngLalala I updated so read please:)<br />
omg krystal, you are so gonna get it from me when i see you ><" UPDATE SOON!