UKISS, as the 9 quirky boys, introduced to me

I'm not your average girl. I'm Ukiss's sister, friend and family.

Elaine POV :

Why on earth did I get myself in this mess? Well, that was back in Washington D.C, where I lived with Elison or Eli, my older brother, Elijah, my oldest brother and of course, our parents. We grew up in Seoul, South Korea but because of Dad's job, we moved to America. Having two brothers and no sisters was the worst thing. No sister to gossip about cute boys, handsome idols, make-up or gossip about random things. 

Elijah, being older than me by 10 years, was no help at all. He was the ideal older brother, giving you advice but not listening to your problems at all. Eli was the one there for me when I was sad, happy or angry. He beat up the people who bullied me and took care of me. I gossiped with him, not about cute guys of course, but stuff like 'Does Elijah have a girlfriend? If he has, I wonder what she sees in him...' 

That's why when Eli joined an entertainment to pursue his career and had to go back to South Korea, I cried non-stop. Day after day, night after night, I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't even live. That's when Eli, heart-broken, flew back to Washington to bring me with him. I was elated, but Elijah was the one miserable now, but who cares? *Its not because of us leaving that he is heart-broken, his girlfriend probably broke up with him, that's why he cried all day and night*

Eli brought me to this place 'NH MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT', he told me that he was supposed to work here in future and the CEO agreed to let me stay with him. The shocking thing is that he was going to be an idol and there will be 8 other guys in his band. I was, of course, not gonna stay with strangers. Eli said that for the days I was in America, he made friends with them and they were nice guys. 

I pouted but went to meet them anyway. They were very cute and handsome in their appearance. I was so shy that I turned red, because Eli didn't allow me made friends who were guys back in America. They were Kevin, Alexander, AJ, Kibum, Kiseop, Soohyun, Dongho and Hoon. They spoke Korean, obviously, and because of the days I spent in Korea when I was young, I could speak fluent Korean.

Alexander was this cutie who is from Hong Kong was weird at the same time, he wore weird things on himself but had this really bright smile. AJ spoke quite fluently in English and he was so handsome! Kibum made me laugh immediately when I shook his hands, he actually opened his nostrils really huge! Kiseop was so cute and pretty and his smile was so wide:) My heart almost melted when he said, 'Annyeong!' Soohyun had really awesome vocals and he was very charming. Dongho had the same age as me and since I was older than him by months, he screamed 'NOONA!' when he saw me~ Hoon had baby fats and he was so cute I felt like pinching his cheeks. Kevin, Kevin Woo Sung Hyun, the other guy from America. Kevin Woo, my heart probably stopped pumping when I first saw him. He was the prettiest, most handsome, cutest, most angelic and the one that captured my heart starightaway when I saw him. 

Moving away from that topic, the new band was called UKISS - Ubiquitous Korean International(Idol) Super Star. They were each individually chosen by auditions held around the globe to come together and debut as a band. Eli was chosen and thus, he had to come here. The past few days, they were practicing dance moves, vocals and making friends with each other.  I felt so happy that I was here with them, watch my dear brother become famous, girls drool over him (maybe not) and well, proud of these 9 guys too.

Eli's POV :

Finally, my dream of being an idol is gonna come true! I'm gonna miss the rest of the family :( Luckily, Elaine is here with me. Elaine is my dearest sister, friend and well, I can't live without her. She needs me to protect her too anyway. I hope she likes the 8 guys, the only wish I have is that she will get use to life here and I can debut as an idol~

8 others from Ukiss POV :

Elaine is so pretty~~~ We hope she is nice too! We are glad that at least there is one girl among us.

Kevin's POV :

What is with this girl that makes me feel...? I can't describe it, I have never been in love before. She looked at me so intently, does she feel the same way? She is Eli's sister, soon to be UKISS's good friend and sister... What should I do!?!?!


OKAY EVERYONE! Im not gonna write anymore, I have exams and I can't believe I gave up my studying for this~ KEKEKE please enjoy! I will update soon! Fighting!

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This story is fun !! XD
Update soon~!
awww such a cute chapter! XD finally after so long!!! UPDATE SOON!! ^_^
Hey remember me??? Update this story too coz it's really good!!! :) but I'm still reading your other stories ok? Just update this!
parisqjy #5
Oooooo!!!who is the extra one ?!interrupted!! Is it ......Eli?
Is it ELI?
@HlloKittyNinjaVonika HAHAHA I updated;)<br />
@JessieAngLalala I updated so read please:)<br />
omg krystal, you are so gonna get it from me when i see you ><" UPDATE SOON!