Star Date!

I'm not your average girl. I'm Ukiss's sister, friend and family.


Elaine's POV:

After buying groceries for U-kiss's dinner, I walked back to the dorm, feeling puzzled with Junhyung's actions.


Kevin's POV:

I wonder why Manager Hyung wants to talk about the Star date programme so urgently? I walked back to the dorm and when I entered, the whole of Ukiss and Manager were discussing... probably about Star Date...


"I'M BACK!" I yelled.

"HYUNGGIE!!!" Dongho yelled back and ran towards me for a hug. Aww... I love our maknae!

"Kevin, come here!" Manager Hyung said.

I walked towards them and look at their faces. Hhhmm, they seem excited.


"Hey, what's going on?" I asked.

"Kev, you know for the Star Date programme thingy? Well, we are going to start it soon!!!" Eli said, with an excited pigeon face.

"Chincha?!?! So how's it going to be?"


Manager Hyung explained that first, U-kiss will be releasing a video on our official youtube channel. The video will explain about Star Date. So here will be the official details=

Star Date is a programme where U-kiss, a newly debut group, will be spending 2 weeks with 2 of their special fans.

The 2 fans will be hand-picked by U-kiss themselves through an audition. The audition will include the fans conversing in English, for the overseas U-kiss fans, or Kiss-Mes, and also in basic Korean. After that, they will perform a singing/rapping and dance piece for U-kiss. Afterwards, U-kiss will be choosing 2. If they find more talents, 4 fans might be selected.


Then after the selection process is done, the fans, regardless whether they are from Korea or anywhere else, will come to Seoul and thereafter, will spent 2 weeks with U-kiss. They will go on dates, live in their dorm and practically have 2 weeks of their life spent with U-kiss!


"So... where will Elaine be during all of this? She will still be with us right?" Kiseop asked.

That's true... That time when Elaine got into an accident was because of all this!


"YEAH OF COURSE!!!" Manager Hyung, me and the whole of U-kiss yelled.

Hahaha, great minds think alike!


Just then, the door opened. ELAINE!!! I MISSED MY GIRLFRIEND!!! Okay... it was like only 2 hours ago when I saw her, but !!!


Elaine's POV:

"HEY GUYS. I bought stuff for your dinner! Eh... why is everyone together?" I asked, trying to hide my emotions from the scene with Junhyung just now.

"MY SISTERRRR. You are back! We are discussing about Star Date..." Eli said, making a retarded face:)

"Oh... erm... about that..." I started.

"YOU. STAY. WITH. ME." Eli pointed at me.

"WAE?!?! I mean the camera crew will be here... and it will be shown on television and what will they say about me!!?" I asked.

"We'll just say you are Eli's sister. Duh..." AJ replied. Grrr. KIM JAESEOP:(

"But...but..." I argued.

"No buts missy! You stay here okay?" Kibum said.


Aish... Even though it will be awkward, I guess it's nice to know that U-kiss are caring about me. I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for them. As I was cutting the vegetables (I was planning to make bibimpap), I heard a whisper, "ELAINE!"


"Mwoh?" I turned around. It was Kevin.

"Jagiya... need help?" he gushed. Aigoo, when did he become so mushy?!!?

"I don't need help, and OMO, don't call me Jagiya!"

"Wae?" he pouted. OMG, he is so cute.


Then, he started helping me cut the vegetables and after that, bibimpap was prepared and U-kiss started to eat, with Manager.

"Elaine... when you get married, your husband will be so lucky to have this food!!!" Xander exclaimed.

Right then, Kevin and I took a glance at each other, blushing.


"What's up with you two?" Kiseop pointed out.

"No...nothing!" We said in unison.

I think our relationship will be exposed REALLY soon, with detective Kiseop on the move...

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This story is fun !! XD
Update soon~!
awww such a cute chapter! XD finally after so long!!! UPDATE SOON!! ^_^
Hey remember me??? Update this story too coz it's really good!!! :) but I'm still reading your other stories ok? Just update this!
parisqjy #5
Oooooo!!!who is the extra one ?!interrupted!! Is it ......Eli?
Is it ELI?
@HlloKittyNinjaVonika HAHAHA I updated;)<br />
@JessieAngLalala I updated so read please:)<br />
omg krystal, you are so gonna get it from me when i see you ><" UPDATE SOON!