Starting of my life with Ukiss

I'm not your average girl. I'm Ukiss's sister, friend and family.


(NOTE : Please assume that Ukiss debuted as a 9 member band and their debut album is BranNewKiss)

Elaine's POV :

Eli : We have been talking so long, let's go check out our dorm now!!!

The members of Ukiss started to go hyper. Note to self : Boys who go hyper are awfully weird.

They led me out of NH MEDIA and we walked across the street and a huge apartment appeared before me. 

"Woah!" I exclaimed. The 9 boys turned to look at me and I turned a little red. The dorm was huge~! Well, I guess it had to be huge because 10 people will be living in it. The Ukiss boys brought me around the dorm and there was a games room(WII, Playstations, X-box 360...), there was an electronic devices room(MP3, Ipods, Lap-tops, Tablets...), there was a room for dance practice, another for vocal practice and finally, BEDROOMS. There were 6 rooms in all, including a room for guests. That means, the 10 of us will be sharing 5 rooms. I shared with Pigeon Eli, of course, Kiseop shared with AJ, Xander shared with Kevin, Kibum shared with Soohyun and Dongho shared with Hoon.

Once I reached my room, I chased the boys out. Its kinda awkward if boys see a girl un-packing, well, girl stuff. Anyway, after I un-packed and put my clothes into the wardrobe, I went out to find Ukiss again.

I walked around the dorm (and trying not to get lost), finding them but to no avail. I realised that they left a note on the main door, saying, "ELAINE! WE HAVE A SCHEDULE AT THE TELEVISION CENTRE TO PROMOTE OUR DEBUT! MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME (IT IS ALREADY YOUR HOME) AND TRY TO LEARN MORE ABOUT KPOP OK?" from Ukiss~

Why did they have to write the whole note in capital letters?!?! Aish, boys... I decided to 'learn' more about Korean Music. I have no idea, AT ALL, what bands/ what songs that are Kpop. In America, we only knew Justin Bieber, which I, do not like, and well, not really Kpop stars.

I my laptop and googled 'korean music'. It popped up some stuff about trot music, korean wave etc. I instantly shut it down as my brain couldn't get anything and I went to the television to watch some shows. And there, I actually saw pigeon and the rest of the Ukiss boys on television. So that's why they abandoned me...

Ukiss : Annyeonghaseyo! We are the rookie band UKISS, who have yet to debut! Wait for us for another 15 days for our official comeback! Stay tuned and signing off, this is Ukiss!

LOL, I thought to myself. They looked too smiley and pigeon was just like a derp (Stupid face with a too wide smile) Seriously, I have never thought of the guys I'm gonna stay with, in the future, as pop idols with crazy fan-girls. I have never heard their new debut song, or anything, in fact of their future activities. I felt dumb XP. I lied on the couch and slowly drifted off to dreamland~~~

Kevin's POV :

By the time Ukiss reached back to the dorm, it was already 8pm. We were starving and tired. I saw Elaine sleeping on the couch. My heart beat faster and faster. Gosh, what's up with me? And I guess the other members were too tired to notice her, even Eli.

Soohyun said, tiredly : Let's all go to sleepppp... Get some food tomorrow...

I wanted to say Elaine is also living with us, how can we let her starve? She's not like us who starved so many times already! Aish, everyone went back up to their rooms. I went to Elaine's side and woke her up gently. She continued sleeping anyway... I made some sandwiches and placed it on the table and wrote a post-it : Elaine, the Ukiss members are already sleeping =.= So, I made you some sandwiches in case you are hungry when you wake up. Night, Kevin.

Elaine's POV :

What's that thing pushing me? Urgh, I wanna sleep~~~

I woke up at around 12 midnight from the couch. There were sandwiches on the table, thinking they were from Eli. I was shocked that my brother actually remembered about me. Wait... seeing the post-it note, ITS NOT THAT PIGEON. It was Kevin~ So sweet of him! Oh no, I'm not having thoughts about him right? When I ate the sandwiches, they had a sweet lingering taste in my mouth. Is that...?

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This story is fun !! XD
Update soon~!
awww such a cute chapter! XD finally after so long!!! UPDATE SOON!! ^_^
Hey remember me??? Update this story too coz it's really good!!! :) but I'm still reading your other stories ok? Just update this!
parisqjy #5
Oooooo!!!who is the extra one ?!interrupted!! Is it ......Eli?
Is it ELI?
@HlloKittyNinjaVonika HAHAHA I updated;)<br />
@JessieAngLalala I updated so read please:)<br />
omg krystal, you are so gonna get it from me when i see you ><" UPDATE SOON!