
Boys Over Media

*Miho POV*

I let my gaze wander around the big office. It was really happening. We were really going to become Heartbeat, the new rising stars of Korea. It felt surreal. I forced myself to focus. Being the leader of this group meant I had to set an example and work hard. My eyes settled on the YG president as he spoke. "Ok so the last rule you must follow is NO in-house dating. Do we understand each other?" The girls and I nodded in agreement. No in-house dating? Was I really expected to follow that rule? Ridiculous! They couldn't possibly expect me to do that! Ah...calm down Miho. Remember, the leader must follow the rules. "Okay, just sign this contract and you will officially be YG Entertainment's new girl group Heartbeat." Each of us, one by one, signed the contract of agreement. After that, he stood up. "I will show you ladies to your new apartment where you will be living." We stood up and followed him out. I walked up to Kiyomi and spoke in a low voice. "Can you believe this is happening?!? It's crazy, hah well I am going to have a lot of trouble with that no dating rule." I stuck my tongue out at Sohee,Eveltn, and Jinju who gagged. It was always like me to be the flirty one. It was just me and I didn't bother to change it. I always had a cheerful personality, but I was serious when i needed to be. That was one of the reasons YG chose me as the leader for this group.

"Ah Miho, always the flirty one." Sohee smirked. "So? It's me." I said. We started bickering like sisters who knew each other for their whole lives. I could hear Kiyomi giggling a bit at us. It was weird how we were all so comfortable in each other's presence. It felt like we were all connected, as if we were a family. I glanced around at all of them and smiled. I guess that's what happens when you become a girl group and spend so much time with each other.

We exited the elevator we had entered, moments ago, to bump into a group of guys. I caught a glimpse of Kiyomi bumping into a guy with a Mohawk and almost falling backwards. I would have helped her, but my eyes were set on one guy. He had brownish, black hair that was spiked up and brown eyes that were completely breath taking. I found myself staring and forced myself to look away. I really hoped that he hadn't noticed. What's gotten into you Miho? When did I become so shy? Sohee and Jinju gave me weird looks, but I acted as if i hadn't noticed. The president stepped forward with a smile so big that it looked like it could reach his ears if he tried hard enough. "Ah girls, I would like you to meet BIGBANG. They are another group here. Let me introduce you." He gestured toward a guy on the far right with raven black hair. "This here is the eldest of the group, TOP." Then he pointed toward a boy who had brown hair swooped over his eyebrows slightly and a cheerful smile. I noticed he had his eyes on Sohee. "This is Daesung." Next he pointed toward a boy with a cute baby face and black short hair. "This is Seungri." Then he pointed to the guy that I was staring at. I finally mustered up the courage to look at him and noticed he was looking at me with a smug smile. "The leader Gdragon," Then he pointed to the fit guy with a Mohawk, "and this is Taeyang." I glanced at each guy, taking in their appearances. They all looked so different, but so cute. YG introduced us to each one of them. Then it was time to say nice to meet you, bow, and etc. I smiled, said hello, and bowed to each one of them. Then I got to Gdragon. Stay cool, Miho. Stay cool. He smiled at me. "Hello Miho. Nice to meet you." He leaned down to bow and I stupidly did the same thing, at the SAME time. We ended up bonking heads with each other. I could feel my cheeks flush immediately. I looked back up at him, horrified that i did something so dorky.

"Omigosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! I really am!" I blushed and started fixing his hair. "I am so sorry!" I couldn't stop apologizing. Geeze, shut up Miho! He simply looked at me and smiled. "It's okay Miho." He brushed a few strands of hair from my face and laughed lightly. I blushed and looked at the ground. Once we were done, and my brief moment of embarrasement was over, we said our goodbyes and walked away. I noticed that Kiyomi looked back to look at that guy, Taeyang, and quickly turned her head around again. She was blushing. I smirked. At least I wasn't the only one who was blushing. My smirk turned into a frown as we began walking down the hallway. No dating Miho. No dating.

*Gdragon's POV*

I looked back around to catch a glimpse of Miho walking around the corner with her other band mates. She was still blushing. I smiled victorisly and stepped into the elevator. I stood next to Taeyang. "Eh Taeyang did you see that? I totally made Miho blush. She is so cute." And she was. Her hazel eyes had a certain spark to them when she smiled and her auburn hair fell beneath her shoulders elegantly. Taeyang looked up at me and nodded. Then I caught off guard by Top hyung slapping me in the back of my head. "Jiyong stop being dumb. You can't date her anyways." I frowned. I knew he was right, but that still didn't change the fact that Miho was a girl I liked. Top was a total kill joy. Daesung jumped in smiling like a fool in love. "NO! Didn't you see Sohee? She is so the cutest." He smiled and fixed his shirt collar with pride. Then he said, "She totally laughed at one of my jokes." I smirked as we all shook our heads at him. "NOT even hyung, she was probably laughing at you." Seungri said and we all started laughing. Seungri, being the maknae, was always the one saying that kind of stuff. I looked Daesung who was frowning. He socked Seungri in the shoulder and said "Aish! Shut up." Seungri pouted and rubbed his shoulder. "Eh don't make me tell on you." I smiled and held back a laugh. Seungri would always run to me to tell on someone. It was his way of making fun of himself, being the maknae. He smiled. "Besides Evelyn is totally was hotter than those two combined. British girls are HOT." He smiled widely. I was somewhat offended by his comment. He basically just insulted Miho, which was not okay with me. Plus, a girl isn't hot, their either beautiful or cute. Hot is such a pimp kind of word. Ah geeze Jiyong, just stop thinking for a moment. Then we all turned to Taeyang. "So Taeyang, do you like anyone?...Like Kiyomi?" I smirked. Even though I was focused on Miho, I saw how Taeyang catched Kiyomi when she bumped into him. My smirk grew wider as Taeyang tensed and didn't speak. Daesung smiled and chimed in. "AWWW Our Yong Bae has a crush!" Hah this would be a fun elevator ride. Then I sighed inwardly. I wanted to see Miho again.


*Miho's POV*

We finally reached our apartment which was magnificent. It had a lot of space, three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a nice furnished living room. I guess this place was suppose to make up for the no dating rule. We all turned towards YG. He smiled and said "So girls this is where you will live. The studio practice rooms are two floors down and we want you down there at 8:00a.m. start practicing. We clear?" We each nodded. Once he was gone, it was time to relax. Jinju instantly went to her room to unpack. She was the more quiet one in the group. I wasn't as close with her as I was with the rest of the girls. Evelyn and I flopped on the couch to watch tv, while Sohee went to the kitchen to cook dinner. Kiyomi was just standing there with an unsure expression. As I waited for her to do something, my thoughts drifted off to Gdragon. I kept replaying how both of our heads bonked together. I bit my lip at the thought. Why did I have to look like such a dork? My thoughts were interupted as Kiyomi sat next to Evelyn and I.

Evelyn and I glanced at each other, nodded, then turned towards Kiyomi with eager eyes. "You HAVE to tell us what was up with you and Taeyang. You were as red as a tomato!" I said giving her one of my best smiles. She shook her head and waved a hand at me. "Nothing." Evelyn coughed a bit then said, "That didn't look like 'nothing'. That looked like something to me. British people never lie." Kiyomi laughed and so did I. "Yeah right you are totally over exhagerating." Kiyomi said. Evelyn shrugged. "Just saying." Suddenly Kiyomi turned toward me. "Well, what about you! You were totally into Gdragon!" I was caught off guard and all I could do was smile and play with my hair. I knew it was wrong to even have a bit of feelings for him, but it was so hard not to. Kiyomi laughed in victory. "Ahhhh! You so do! You can't fight it." She was probably right, I couldn't. Then I flicked her in the nose. "No I don't." Evelyn jumped in. "SUREEEE you don't." I was about to defend myself when Sohee called from the kitchen, "Dinner!"


After dinner we each departed to our rooms to get some sleep for the next day. Since there were only three bedrooms some of us had to share. Kiyomi and I shared one. Evelyn and Sohee in the other. Then Jinju insisted that she get the third bedroom to herself. I took a quick shower after Kiyomi and dressed into a pair of shorts and a purple,lace, tank top. I slumped into the bed next to Kiyomi's bed and closed my eyes. It seemed like I just layed there for the longest time. I couldn't sleep. I sat up and looked over at Kiyomi's bed. "Yah. Kiyomi." No response. I sighed, got out of bed, and put on my purple slippers. Then, as quietly as I could, I sneaked out of the apartment and started walking down the hallway to the elevator. Once I got there I pushed the floor number for the studio two floors down. It only took a few minutes until the elevator doors opened again. I stepped out of them and walked into the studio. Something was odd though. There was music.

"You're my heart heart heart heart heart breaker." That voice was familiar too.

That's when I saw Gdragon. He was in his pajamas and he was dancing/singing. I stood there wide-eyed and frozen. Then he saw me. C'mon Miho, don't look like a fool. I half smiled at him and he smiled back. "You're really good." I found myself saying. I facepalmed mentally, was that the only thing I could say? He grinned and said, "Thanks...I come down here if I can't sleep." My posture relaxed a bit and I smiled. "That's exactly what I was doing." He laughed and sat down with his back against the wall. I stood there, unsure what to do. Then he patted the ground next to him, gesturing for me to sit down. I walked over and sat next to him. It was weird how close we were sitting, our legs brushing against each other. I blushed and avoided eye contact with him. This day was so eventful. I became the leader of the new upcoming group Heartbeat. I met Bigbang. I bonked heads with Gdragon. We went to our apartment, settled in, and now here I am in the studio. At 1:00am and I'm sitting next to the guy that I might or might not like. I looked at him and thought "Is this going to be good or bad."

Well there's the second chapter. Hope you liked it. :) Please comment and subscribe. It would mean a lot if you did. Thanks! :)

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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh continue...how did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^