Debut Stage Part 1

Boys Over Media

(A/N: Yes I know we haven't updated in a long time. Terribly sorry! We had a lot of difficulties surrounding this chapter. I am sorry if it's not good!)

*Gdragon's POV *

I listened while our managers completely went on a cursing streak, a small smirk playing on my lips. I already know I'm going to be able to change the song. My own personal manager, Nam Kook hyung, shook his head in shame.

"Why? Why? WHY? Jiyong ya?" He spoke to himself irritated.

We all sat there silently. Before I could say anything, Taeyang hyung cleared his throat and spoke up, "Jiyong probably has a good reason for it. Right...Jiyong?" Everyone turned their heads to me. I started biting on my finger nail, remembering how I asked Taeyang to help me write this song. She was the reason I wrote it. I stared back at them with my dark brown eyes, "Uh...Yeah..."

"Sometimes, I swear I just want to pour ice water down your shirt." Nam Kook hyung joked. We all laughed awkwardly in unison, just to pretend that the joke was funny, but really we were afraid he would actually do it. Then Daesung's manager, Hyun Gon hyung, started going through his jacket and pulled out a phone from his pocket.

"Well, YG is going to enjoy hearing this." He dialed the number with a smirk on his face. After telling YG what I planned to do, he pressed speaker phone.

"WHAT?! Jiyong wants to WHAT? P-Put that boy on the phone. Now." He handed the phone to me and I took it with a large smile. It''s drama like this that makes the world go 'round.

"Yeboseyo. Kwon Jiyong speaking." I could hear YG scoff. "Yeboseyo? Is that all you can say boy? Yah. How could you change the song, the night before the concert? Did you even stop and think what this will do? The director of the Mash will be upset about this. She's a picky woman Jiyong. You don't want to mess with directors like that." I ran a hand through my hair. Seriously, it's just a song. A song I want to sing. For her. 

"But YG, she's your friend from your singing days. Besides we haven't promoted this song at all. No MVs or concerts. Plus, you know I'm a stubborn guy and I do get what I want....most of the time." I muttered the last part. I could have anyone, but her. anyone but her.

There was total silence at the other end. Did he hang up? I looked at the phone, then at the rest of my band mates. We shrugged and waited patiently for our CEO's reply. "Hello?" I said after a few minutes of pure silence. There was no reply.

"Maybe he hung up on you." Seungri blurted out. Did he? Wow, didn't realize he would be that mad.

"I"M NOT changing the song." Came a grumpy voice from the phone. I bit my bottom lip, trying to come up with something to do. I need to sing this song. I looked over at Seungri, who was sitting next to me, and nudge his elbow with mine. I mouthed, "Aegyo." to him and pointed to the phone. Seungri nodded and smiled happily. I leaned over to the rest of the members, "Yah. Let's convince YG with some aegyo. C'mon." They all nodded in agreement. YG was still going on about how he couldn't change the song, when suddenly we bursted out screaming and pleading. "Please Hyung! PLEASE! Let us change the song! We'll work harder than ever before! We'll clean your office! WE"LL POLISH YOUR SHOES! CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE IT~!"

"Fine! Just shut up! We'll change the song! Aigoo...Kwon Jiyong, you punk."

*Miho's POV *

I was awoken by Sohee who was shaking me, "WAKE UP! IT"S MARCH MASH!" She yelled excitedly. I sat up, half awake and half asleep. I still had that avocado mask all over my face. "What?" I said groggily throwing a pillow at her and laying back down. 

"IT"S MARCH MASH Miho! Wake up!" I heard the voices of Evelyn, Sohee, Jinju, and Kiyomi. I groaned inwardly and got up. 

"Fine. Fine. Fine. I'm up." I smiled my famous grin and got up. Well, todays the day. The day we debut as Heartbeat.

We entered Lotte World at 6:30 am. We were all wearing regular sweats, and t-shirts, since it was just practice. As we entered through the concrete bridge, we see a sign that says:

"Lotte World rides closed from 12:30-3:45." 

I plugged in my earphones that were connected to my iphone, listening to Gdragon's song Heartbreaker. I sighed inwardly. We hadn't talked at all since that day after Kiyomi's birthday. I messed everything up, just because I'm scared right? Scared my career will go down the drain. Scared that I won't get the happy ending every girl wants. Shut up Miho. This is Heartbeat's day. Smile and have fun.

 Kiyomi fixed her sunglasses on her face, the ones I bought for her. Jinju tied her hair up, while Evelyn and Sohee linked their arms together. We all breathed in and out carefully, getting rid of the nerves as we go backstage. Well all entered to see YG with BigBang. I bit my lip and put on my pair of sunglasses, so my expression would be guarded. Jiyong...

Well all bowed and smiled brightly. YG then walked up with a woman. "Girls, this the March Mash director, as well as my friend from my days. Her name's Choi Jung Suh. Ms. Choi, these are the new faces of YG Entertainment. Heartbeat." We all bowed with respect. She nodded her head in delight, "Good...good. I like you girls. Now go to the dressing rooms and get ready for practice."

Really? This is what I'm wearing? I put on the pair of jeans, that was accessorized with a spiked belt. After that, I pulled on a shirt that showed my lower stomach and a leather jacket. Then finally, the 2011 sunglasses. Wonderfulness. Then a some girl came in and told me to sit down in the chair in front of the mirror. I did as told and she pulled my hair up into a high pony-tail. Ouch, why so much pain for beauty? 

After we were all ready, we walked out to the stage and started practicing.  We all rushed through everything like we had no time at all. Standing on the stage with the stage manager, we were getting directions on how we were coming up onto the stage. It appeared that we were coming up from the trap doors under the stage. Me in the upstage and center. Jinju on the left center. Sohee on the right. Then Kiyomi and Evelyn in front of them. As the song starts, I walk up front while the others take a few steps back. I felt my phone vibrate and flipped it open. It was from GD wishing us good luck tonight. I read it, biting my lip the whole time, then sighed. Looking back, I saw Sohee give me a weird look, but I simply smiled at her and mouthed, "We'll be great."

*Gdragon's POV *

 We arrived at Lotte World for March Mash, with me succeeding in changing our song choice. There were a bunch of people in like, and fans holding up posters. "Oppa I love you!" "Ah it's BIgBang!" We heard multiple remarks from screaming fangirls. Most of them were high schoolers who decided to ditch school that day or just leave early. We entered through the back to see a bunch of other idols like SNSD, SHINee, Super Junior, CNblue, 2AM, and 2PM. We all greet each other one by one. Man it's been a while. 

As we were getting dressed Daesung hyung turned to me, "Hey. Are you and Miho talking?" He said looking at me curiously. I looked back at him. "I-uh-Why?" I said trying to hide the pain in my voice. "Well, I just noticed you guys haven't been talking much ever since the day after Kiyomi's birthday. Actually, you guys haven't talked at all. What's going on?" I was about to tell him, but we were interrupted.

"BigBang! You guys are up!"

*Miho's POV *

 I watched in astonishment while BigBang was performing. The lyrics went straight to my heart as I watched Gdragon sing. 

Letting you go…(here’s somebody…)
Letting you go…(here’s somebody…)
Yo I got this, yeah
still thinking about this thing alot
you got me shaken up
(Please tell me there’s a way)
And it got my head just spinnin’ round round round round
(Please tell me there’s a way)
Don’t wanna take a fall
It’s best to break it up
It’s gonna be better for you, move on
(Please tell me there’s a way)
Uh huh we break it break it
Or thought we make it make it
And now we cover it up

I was watching them from the side when someone came up to me, telling me that Heartbeat needs to do an interview. I called the others, "Yah. We have an interview to do." They followed me over to a mural that we ended up sitting in front of. Well, here goes our first interview. 

"Welcome! This is Section TV! I'm Park Seul Gi, and I'm here with the new faces of 2011! Heartbeat!" Wow she's so loud. She seemed short, and wore rectangular red glasses. She was also wearing pigtails. 

"Yes, yes. Welcome to the March Mash. Please introduce yourselves."

Here we go....

"My name is Kim Miho, the funky leader of Heartbeat and rapper, singer. at the age of 21. Born in Korea."

"My name is Im Sohee, the vocalist of the group. Born in Los Angeles, California, USA. I'm 21"

"What's up, my name is Hara Kiyomi, the rapper,vocalist, and dancer. Born in Kagoshima Japan. I'm also 21."

"Hello. I'm Evelyn Eileen Wurthington. Known as Evi. I'm one of the vocalists. Born in England. I am 20."

"Hey, my name is Jung Jinju, the macknae and one of the vocalists. Born here in Seoul and I'm 19."

"Please explain your group. What's it mostly about? The name is so interesting."

"Well, we are a k-pop group and we just want to reach to the top like any other group in the music business. Ah~ Our name 'HeartBeat' is just saying that as long as our hearts are beating the music we give to people will always be there and leave an amazing memory to the fans who listen to it. We'll work hard to never be forgotten."

"Aaahh! That's deep! Well, what do you think will the performance be like today?"

"I think it'll be a good first performance...We're still new and we've haven't trained for a long time, but I think we are all ready for what we have to do in this music world."

"Exactly.. we've been through a lot as we were training, and we have a lot to offer yet so much to learn through our sunbaes."

"Whoa! Just perfect! And I've heard that Evi here can't speak perfect korean yet? Is that true?"

"Uh...Neh. I'm not that perfect, but I'm learning."

"Haha, that's perfect then. Well, we'll be doing our interview more tomorrow, and it seems that you have your first debut. Go knock them dead! And I'll see you first tomorrow afternoon to finish our interview. Now that's it for today everyone, we'll see how these beautiful, talented girls will do their first performance, and continue with our little interview tomorrow. PARK SEUL GI OUT!"

"Thank you."

"See you."



I looked over at Jinju after the interview. She didn't look to well. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Neh," She nodded, "Just nervous."

A/N: Part 2 is comming up. 

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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^