The Prefect Debut

Boys Over Media

*Kiyomi Pov*

I was getting ready dressing myself. I was wearing my hair down sraightened. The hair stylists had decided to dye all of my hair a brown color with some dark brown instead of just having red streaks. I had no clue as of why, but that's what they did. I had a baseball cap on that was multi colored and had a smiley face on it. I had on the converse I got for my birthday, some tight pants that had rips in them, and on top of that I had a baggy tank top that went all the way down to where my ribs were.

I turned to my stylist and bowed in gratitude. "Kamsahminda ajuhma." She nodded and rushed me out of the room. I had to do some practice on stage first. As I made my way to the stage I could see other idols were getting ready themselves for the show. I saw SNSD, Brown Eyed Girls, Gummy, Teddy, and etc. Wow today is the day. We are actually here. Now we have to prove ourselves worthy to be in this industry. I shook my head while I reached the stage. Come on shake the nerves away Kiyomi. You guys are going to do great.

We had finished practicing and we exited th stage. I was with Evi drinking some water when I spotted someone familiar. I practically choked on my water. Omo!!! It's Lee Taemin! What is he doing here?! I ran up to his side with Evi trailing behind me. He was standing with four other guys. I tapped him on the shoulder he turned around and frowned, but then smiled. Ahh good he still remembers me. He bowed to me. "Noona can you get me some water I'm parched."

I frowned and waved my hand in front of his face. "Yah you don't remeber me? I'm not a worker here." He frowned and cocked his head. But finally realization reached his eyes. "Ohhhhhh Kiyomi Hara! It's so nice to see you again! What are you doing here though?" I smiled and put my hands out as in, ta da! "I'm going to be debuting as Heartbeat the new girl group from YG." He gaped at me in shock. "Bwoa??? I didn't know... when I first met you.... Aniyo whatever here let me introduce you to my hyungs." He gestered to each guy first a guy with blonde highlights. "This is Jonghyun hyung." Then he pointed to a a guy with black hair and high cheek bones. "This is Key hyung." Then to a boy with light brown hair that was slightly messy and a sweet smile. "This is Onew hyung." And then lastly he gestured to a guy with shoulder length hair that was tall and had deep eyes. I gulped a bit by his intense stare towards me. "And this is Minho hyung."

I smiled and bowed to all of them. "Nice to meet you." Then I herd Sohee yell for Evi and I. I turned back to the guys and bowed again. "Umm mianhae I have to go. Fighting! I guess I'll just see you around." I walked away with Evi who was in a daze. I nudged her. "What's wrong?" She rubbed her eyes while groaning. "Too many names and people. We are never going to rememeber all these people." I patted her on the shoulder. "Nah we'll do fine. Don't worry so much! You don't want to get wrinkles at such a young age." She scoffed and lightly pushed me away from her laughing. "You're the one who would get wrinkles before me." I stuck my tongue out at her. "Whatever. Just don't worry. Everything will go perfect."


We were in the hospital waiting outside of Jinju's room. I was crouching on the ground clutching to my tank top. How could have we of missed it? Of course Jinju was still puking and not eating. It's not easy to just stop that. I sobbed lightly as I curled myself into a ball against the wall. I could hear the Big Bang boys come in, but at this point I could care less. I just wanted Jinju to be ok. I'm her unnie! I should have known! But now there is nothing we can do.... YG will never keep Jinju after this. I already could hear his words echoing in my mind. "This is the last chance. But if she slips up once more. She's out." I shook my head.

Stop thinking so negative Kiyomi. It will be fine. It will be fine. I kept repeating those words to myself. But in my heart I felt it clench each time I spoke that lie. It was not fine. The tabeloids were already trying to get all over us about this. Our careers might as well as be over. I already know Jinju's is.

I felt someone sit next to me. I looked through my hair to see Taeyang's body next to me. He was looking at me with pleading eyes. "Please look at me Kiyomi." I shook my head from under my perfectly straightened hair. I spoke in between sobs. "I'm- I..... I-" I halted my words as a sob escaped from my chest. Damn you stupid tears. He wrapped his arms around my body tightly. I could feel my tears crash down even harder as I let him embrace me in his strong hold. This is where I wanted to stay. I didn't want to leave and face the press, I didn't want to face the world. I just wanted to stay here with Taeyang. That's where I felt I belonged.

Suddenly YG walked out of Jinju's room at the same time Miho came out from a different hall with Gdragon. She looked sad, yet kind of relieved. YG spoke stiffly with only a few words. "Jinju is out."

No one said anything, no one rejected. Because we all knew what he said before. This was her last chance and she still did it. There was nothing more we could do. Because in the end we were just the singers, but he was the boss. We all nodded glummly. He just nodded and walked out with his last words. "You can have some final words with her, but you can't stay long. Heartbeat will be going on a radio show tomorrow morning to explain what occured so we can clear up this mess." We all nodded again. "Neh.." We all walked into the room to see Jinju lying on her bed with needles sticking into her arms. We could see the silent tears rolling down her face.

I sat down next to her bed. I grabbed a hold of her hand, but she pushed it away. She looked away from me and the others. I could fell my chest tighten in pain as she did so. It was as if I had been slapped in the face. I sighed and tried to grab a hold of it again. This time she didn't reject me. "Jinju yah. . . Why didn't you tell us?" She shook her head while the tears fell down harder. "I couldn't.... don't you understand that unnie! I don't have the perfect dance moves like you! I don't have the perfect S-line figure like Evi! I don't have the perfect voice like Sohee! I can't rap like Miho! You should be glad I'm gone!! Now I won't be in your guys way anymore of becoming big!" She turned over so her back was facing us. 

The air became very thick and heavy as it all set in. I felt bad instantly for ever putting pressure on her. Maybe it was a good thing though Jinju wouldn't be in this industry anymore. It seemes like it was too much for her. Sohee stepped forward. "Don't say that Jinju yah. You were just as much a part of this group as anyone else." She sat up and got in Sohee's face with tear filled eyes. "Stop lying!" Evi then grabbed a hold of Jinju's shoulders so she wouldn't lunge at Sohee. "Jinju it's ok. We are not lying." She then turned to Evi with dark sunken eyes. "Really, then why can't you look me in the eyes. See I'm right!" The Big Bang guys began to leave the room. Obviously noticing that this was turning into a more personal conversation. Top strangely lingered a bit, but soon left with the others.

Miho reached out to Jinju. "Yah don't yell at your unnies like that, We are not lying we just want to help you." We could hear Jinju's heartbeat on the monitor going faster by the passing second. She sat up more so then she was face to face with Miho. She had a dead look on her face. "You guys aren't my unnies anymore. We are strangers." Finally the nurses burst into the room rushing us out because of Jinju's quickening heartbeat.

How ironic right? All of us were brought together by one heartbeat we all had for music. And now we are being seperated by one single heartbeat that we all had for our friendship.


Sorry for the semi-long awaited chapter-_- Other than that though I hope you liked the chapter:) Please comment and subscribe! Thoughts and subscribers are loved:P


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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^