Birthday Party

Boys Over Media


 *Sohee's pov*

  I open my eyes to see that it's 7: 18 A.M. I sigh , remembering last night's little fiasco. Then , I sat up and brushed my hair back in a messy bun. As I finished putting my hair up , the door creaks open . I tilt my head to take a look to see who it is , and out popped Evi's head; her red hair flowing over her sholder. I smile and say ,'' Good achim. '' She walks in and closes the door behind her , still wearing her pjs. Hmm , I guess she just got up too. She ends up sitting on the corner of my bed full of wide smiles. I sit criss-crossed , and wait for her to talk. I scratch my head , as she begins to speak ,'' Good morning to you too. Anyways , YG called us ,he said he'll talk to us tomorrow , I think . OH! And you wouldn't believe this!''  I shrug , '' What? Tell me.'' she bit her lip , as if she was about to reveal a BIG secret of some sort.  I lean back against the wall , and crack my neck , sighing in comfort. As I felt the need to fall asleep again , Evi literally yells in my face ,'' IT'S KIYOMI'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!'' I bolt up from her voice , making me wide awake.Great way to wake a girl up. After taking her words in my mind , I jump out of bed , shocked by this news. It's Kiyomi's birthday? Evelyn stands up , and puts her hands on her hips ,like she's posing for a picture. '' It's her birthday today?! H-how did you find out?!'' She looks at me with her green eyes happily to see my reaction to this ,'' Well... I didn't. Apparently , Kiyomi went out early this morning, and told Seungri about it . It was suppose to be a secret , but the BIG MOUTH of YG couldn't keep it to himself.'' She giggled as she told me the part about Seungri. '' So~ , Bigbang knows , and they're throwing a suprise party . Us in on it, of course. '' I couldn't believe what my dongseng ( younger sibling) was telling me. But , why would Kiyomi keep her birthday a secret , from us ? As I was about to ask her why she wanted it to be a secret , even though she told us as trainees that she doesn't want her birthday to be known ;we hear a knock and the door opens .Taeyang's head popped through. He cleared his throat as he saw us,'' Um.. am I disturbing something?'' We both answer,'' No .'' He then comes in all the way , and smiles ,'' Great. Well , come on out , the others are waiting.Don't worry about your clothes , it's only me here.'' We both laugh a little and exit the room with him. Hmm, It's like he read my mind though , about changing my clothes .

 We arrive in the kitchen, where the other members are already there. Miho , and Jinju looked a little better than last night . They both leaned against the counter, where the stove is. Kiyomi is no where in sight. I stood next to Evi , who's sitting on the counter , across from Jinju. Taeyang looked back to make sure no was is here , except us. He leaned in and whispered,'' Okay. Today is kiyomi's b-day and we want to throw her a suprise party. You guys in?'' Miho , suddenly smiled , showing her creative side now; even though the smile didn't reach her eyes, '' Shoosh yeah.''  Taeyang nodded nicely , and laid down the plan ,'' Alright, we need two of you to go buy a cake, any kind you pick , but make sure Kiyomi will like it , and it's eatable.'' Then Evi inturrupted politely,'' Ooohh , make sure not to get a cake with any oranges on it. Remember , I'm allergic  to it.'' I playfully push her sholder , and Taeyang returned to the plan. '' since Bigbang has a photo shoot at 10:00 , we'll be back at 3:00, and since it's your guys' day off , try to get the party decorations started. '' We all nod at his orders; then he gets a call from one of s. His ringtone was Bigbang's song '' Lies ''. He walks out as he answered his phone. We all leaned over to listen to his conversation , for the fun of it. '' Hello?... Yeah Seungri ya ? ... Oh no , I'm here at Heartbeat's apartment.... Yeah we're leaving at ten.... that's after we come back... but we have the girls to get it started....okay we're doing the interview tomorrow? ... Fine, but I warn you . Don't say anything that's a secret , or even lies ... Bye.'' He hangs up , and walks over to us . '' Sorry , our maknae was being a little crazy . So , back to the plan , Bigbang will help with decorations and such , but the rest of you guys have to get it started. Now, um I have to go ... oh! Make sure Kiyomi doesn't know until tonight.'' We all say our good byes , and decided to get working. 

 I pull out my phone and text Kiyomi . After a few minutes , I got a reply . 

  hey , srry since it's our day off I decided to go 4 a walk . I'll c u back at the apartment around 8. k? c u later : )

 I replied back , and decided to work with Evi on decorations ; Miho , and Jinju will look for a cake. We got all dressed , and left the building. We all  seperated at the front. Evi , and I both walked to find a party supply store.We both enter , and started to look for decorations for the party. But ,wait ! What am I going to buy her?!


 *Daesung's pov*

 We arrive at the shoot. We all bow ,and greet everyone here. We then all went up to the photographer , and I bow 90 degrees ( weird explanation . sorry) . We look up at the man taking our picture , and I see that he's very tall but thin. He has shoulder length curly hair , tied back , and wore red plaid over his white shirt , and a pair of ripped jeans , and black rectangular glasses. I couldn't help , but be reminded of the acting director from the drama , '' Secret Garden ''. He smiled at us and said ,'' Hey! Bigbang ! God nice to meet ya . I'm Sang woo. '' GD smiled , and became professional ,'' Hello , I'm GD . That's TOP , Taeyang , Seungri , and Daesung.'' As he finished Sang woo called the stylists ,'' Alright guys , go get dressed , and lets take some pictures.'' We all bowed again , as we walked away. We enter a big dressing room , filled with clothes . Then Bigbang was separated into different sections of the dressing room. I was partnered up with a girl named ,Min young. she was about my age. She wasn't thin , or too skinny. She wasn't fat either. She was just a regular , healthy person. She has short light brown hair , and had a nice smile. Ah~ I'd like a girl who has a nice smile ... like Sohee. Exactly like Sohee. '' Um.. Daesung shi ?'' I returned to my senses , to see Min young hold an outfit. '' Oh. Sorry , there . I'll get dressed now.'' I grab the outfit , and head to the changing room. 

 '' Pose guys ! Pose ! That's good GD. You look like a flying buddha'' said Sang woo. We have been posing , and flashing cameras for the past hour .My vision became blurry from the bright light , shining in my face. Make up , and stylists coming from here and there , but hey that's the dream , and life. We took a break , and the guys started to talk . we talked about how the party's going to be. '' Ah~ Young bae is gonna make a move!'' said GD. Taeyang scoffed , humorously . TOP then said ,'' He's gonna be like ' Oh! Kiyomi ... can I... can I hug you ?' '' We all laugh at TOP's '' girl voice'' ,and started to talk about Heartbeat.  Then it got me thinking about Sohee. How she's so nice , and so cool to hang around with. Thinking about her got my heart racing. Hmm... I wonder what she's up to ?

*Sohee's pov*

'' These are the perfect gift!'' I yelled , holding a pair of purple converse. Evi smiles , '' Now we can all be wearing converse, like maniacs !'' I punched her arm , and we started to goof off. I'm so glad that we got these. Man ! Hope Kiyomi likes these.

 '' Everyone .. sshhh!'' hissed Seungri. The apartment lights were off , and we hid in the kitchen. Kiyomi walked in , and she stopped. '' Guys?'' she asked in the total darkness. Miho grabbed the cake , and GD lit the candles. Then we all walked out of the kitchen and started to sing. I walked beside Miho , and could see Kiyomi's expression. TOTAL SHOCK. She covered like those asian woman do , and started to smile.  Then we the light after singing. '' Oh my God ! WHAT IS THIS?! SEUNGRI ! ! '' We saw her eyes aiming for Bigbang's maknae , as Miho shoved the cake up her face. '' C'mon , blow. '' said Taeyang, '' Blow.'' As she huffed her breathe , the door opens. We all turn to see who could be coming in. We all looked at the the mysterious man. It was YG! '' What are you doing here?!'' shouted TOP. He smiled at all of us , and put his arm around Kiyomi ,'' How could I forget our Kiyomi's birthday ?!'' She suddenly became shy , and bowed to YG ,'' Thank you.''

  We all sat down in the middle of the living room , with a small table in middle of our crowd. '' C'mon guys , let's sing the song !'' said YG ,'' Let's PARTY~!'' We grabbed our presents , and got plates for everyone. Kiyomi ,then made a toast with her shot of cider ,'' Alright ... alright , thank you everyone for this party, although this WAS a SECRET. But I'm just glad that ... I - I can celebrate with all of you... my family.'' We all smiled at her wonderful toast. Next , were the presents. Taeyang was first. He shyly gave her a neatly wrapped box. They both shared glances and smiled at each other . More like flirting though! She opened it and saw a music sheet . She looked at him in wonder. '' I'll show you tomorrow.'' he said to her. Next , was me. I handed her the gift , and crossed my fingers. When she unwrapped it, she shot up ,'' Oh my God ! Converse ! Thanks Sohee , Evi !'' She hugged us , and then unwrapped everyone else's gifts.

 Finally , to end the party , we started to sing her the song. We turned off the lights. I sat next to Daesung , in the far corner of the group. As we began to sing, I  could almost see tears in her eyes. How lonely she must have been , to keep her birthday a secret. How boring , to just have this day pass. Thanks so much Seungri ! As small drops of tears fall from her eyes, I feel so happy , yet sad. I sniffle , as I sing along.  Daesung oppa hears me , and then... slowly grabs my hand. He squeezes it tight. I turn my head towards him , and all I could see is his smile. How warm he feels. The way he touches my hand , like I'm a fragile doll. His fingers intertwining with mine. I continue to sing with Daesung oppa along by my side. The two groups just singing , with the perfect harmony ,'' Happy birthday~ to you ~ .... happy birthday ~ to you ~ ... happy birthday to Kiyomi~ .... happy ~ ... birthday ~ .. to ~ .. you ~'' And as we finish ,  Kiyomi blows , and the lights burn out.


* 4 weeks later*

 '' You guys ready?'' YG asked . We all stared at him with confidence ,'' Yes . We are .'' We all answered. He smiled at us , like the way he did when we first met Bigbang . That smile that we never gotten from him ... and now we finally did. He looked at us with no regret. I knew he was proud of us. He clapsed his hands together, '' Tomorrow , we're going to Lotte World !''

A/N: Well that was the chapter. Please subscribe and comment. Thanks for reading! 

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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^