Unsaid Feelings

Boys Over Media

Evelyn Pov

I woke up in the morning to an annoying beeeeeeeeeep. I flipped on to my side and turned off my clock. Eh stupid alarm clocks. Couldn't inventors make alarm clocks less annoying. I mean god I practically feel asleep a couple of hours ago, due to Miho....... I had instantly slipped away when I noticed I had been watching Miho and Gdragon for at least half an hour. I stayed up a practically all night for her to come back. But when I caught her coming back in it was soooooo worth it. You should have seen the look on her face. It was like catching a little kid stealing from the cookie jar. Or in this case catching a teenage girl sneaking back into the house late at night from a date with her off limits boyfriend. Well I wasn't sure if they were dating I mean we just barely met the boys. But already...... I don't really want to contemplate on what was going to happen next.

I looked back at the clock to see it was not late. It was actually pretty early. I turned to my left to look at Sohee to see if she was up yet. Her bed was already neatly made and no Sohee. I frowned, but decided to get ready. I took a quick shower and dried my hair. I slipped on some jeans, a black tank top, and a grey hoodie. I slipped on some random pair of white vans. I tied my hair up in a high pony tail, attempting at containing my wild red hair. I walked out to see the apartment living room empty. The building seemed so empty, which I wasn't very comfortable with. I decided that since practice was at 8:00 I still had time to go out so I left with my black bag slinged over my shoulder.

I had been walking around Seoul for at least 15 minutes when my eyes settled upon the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. SHOE STORE!!!!!!!! I practically ran in catching my breath and containing myself as I walked in trying not to catch so much attention. Though the first thing I saw when I walked in was a BIG group of girls surrounding a shoe fitting area. I frowned and decided to see what they were looking at. But as I got closer girls got more fussy. I could feel girls pushing me back and yelling at me. "Go find your own space!", "He's mine!", "Oppa! Oppa! I love you!" I scoffed and walked away. Wow they must be fan girls. I feel bad for the famous people who are always bothered by people or fans that don't understand the word "space". I browsed for a little bit, but finally decided to give in and buy a pair of converse. I swear so far Sohee and Miho have converted Jinju and I to wearing converse. Next is Kiyomiwink. You better look out Kiyomi. As I thought about it I found my mind wander off to Seungri. I wonder what he's doing right now? Maybe eating breakfast, or watching tv, or perhaps he is still sleeping? I felt like slapping myself. Snap out of it Evi! You are here to become successful and live the dream not fall in love.... Hold up did I just say love? Suddenly my mind snapped back to reality as I heard someone talk to me. "Miss its going to cost 3000 won." I opened my bag to get some money when I realized. DAMN! I still haven't changed my pounds into won yet. Wow I feel embarrassed. I looked up with probably a red face. I was about to tell the nice asian lady that I couldn't buy it anymore when suddenly a hand with money popped into my vision. Then I heard an all too familiar voice. "I've got it covered." I began to turn around to see who was paying for my shoes even though I already knew who it was. I met eyes with a smiling Seungri. He nodded at something behind me. I turned around to see the asian lady handing my bag to me. "Oh thank you." I took the bag and turned back to Seungri and spoke to him also. "Um thank you for paying for my shoes." He smiled a shinning sweet and adorable smile. "No problem. Anything for you." I felt my face heat up quickly. Thats when suddenly I heard screaming. I grimaced and looked behind Seungri's grave face to see a crowd of girls staring at Seungri and I. Well more like they were staring at Seungri. Then suddenly Seungri grabbed my hand and pulled me to him all in one quick movement. He spoke to me in a low voice. "We are going to run..... Now!" He then burst out into running out of the store bringing me along with him. Wow what an interesting day this turned out to be.

We had been running from the crazy fan girls for at least 15 minutes when we finally lost them in a park near by YG. We stopped to rest on a bench to catch our breath. I clutched on to my chest taking deep breaths. I could see though that Seungri was completely fine. I frowned. "Why aren't you tired at all?" He smiled and turned towards me. "I go through this all the time Evelyn." I scratched my head to kill my time. "Oh that makes sense. By the way you can call me Evi. It's something my friends call me." He smiled full of joy and happiness. Which was too adorable. I giggled a bit. "Why are you so happy?" He shrugged and looked at me with shinning eyes. Why is it that he has the ability to do this to me? Make my heart flop around in my chest, and make my blood boil. And by make my blood boil I don't mean it in a bad way. "Well you just called my your friend. It makes me happy that you consider me a friend." Even though it was nice that he said that, I could feel my heart drop as he said he was happy I consider him a friend. I was guessing it showed on my face too cause he frowned and asked. "Whats wrong?" I shook my head. "Nothing, I should probably get back to YG." I stood up and began to walk away when I felt him clutch on to my hand which made my insides burst like the Fourth of July. I turned back towards him. He looked like he really wanted to say something, but then something made him stop and instead he said. "At least let me walk you back."

Seungri Pov

I grasped on to her hand quickly not wanting her to leave me. She turned back with questioning eyes that seemed to be analyzing every part of me and everything I did. I was going to tell her that even though I said I was happy she considered me a friend, I really wasn't. I wanted to be more to her. But then Taeyang and I's conversation popped back into my head. And I knew that for the sake of my friends and the band. I couldn't say what I wanted to say. I then covered up my feelings and said. "At least let me walk you back." I could see that her face dropped as I said that. I could tell she knew I wanted to tell her something else, but I knew that no matter how much I wanted to reveal my feelings to her. I couldn't.

Evelyn Pov

Seungri had dropped me off at the apartment just saying goodbye and showing me that cute smile of his one last time before walking away with sad eyes. It was now a hour and half later and the girls and I were heading to the studio to begin practice. Kiyomi hadn't showed up, but we were all hopeful that she was there already. We met YG along the way so he was leading us to the practice studio. As we walked in I saw Taeyang and Kiyomi standing close to each other. Obviously something just happened and we all had walked in on something, but YG didn't catch it. I could see that though from all of the other BIGBANG members faces what just happened was worth snooping on. Then my eyes landed on Seungri. He had been looking at me too. But his eyes were slightly sad still from earlier. Man I wish he would have just told me what he was going to. Then at least my heart wouldn't be hurting so much right now. 

 We began practice learning the dance steps to our debut song. Which I was hoping would get my mind off of Seungri, but sadly the BIGBANG guys decided that they were going to watch our practice which made me even more self conscience on every move I made. We were taking a break so I decided to go to the bathroom. I walked in to see Jinju looking at herself in the mirror. As she was looking at herself I was studying her. She looked oddly a little skinnier than what she used to be. I could kind of see.... Then she turned around glaring at me. "Aish! Why are you staring at me?!" I backed up a bit with my hands up. "I didn't mean any harm. Sorry." She then unconsciously pressed her fingers to her forehead. I stepped forward a bit. "Are you ok Jinju?" She stepped back away from me. "Yes just leave me alone!" She then speed walked out of the bathroom a bit clumsily. I frowned and looked down at the bathroom floor. For some reason though it smelt really bad in the bathroom. Almost like puke?

Ok well that's the end of this chapter:) Hope you liked it! Comment and subscribe please:)    

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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh continue...how did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^