Tell Me Goodbye

Boys Over Media

*Miho's POV*


"Hey Miho." Gdragon greeted me when I walked over to him during our first break. I couldn't help but smile at him. "Hey-" I wasn't really sure what to call him anymore. He had told me his real name was Jiyong, but at the same time, he was also my sunbae. I knew the look on my face gave my confusion away and he said "Jiyong oppa."


"Jiyong oppa?" I repeated trying the name out. Were we really close enough for me to call him oppa? I mean we did talk a lot last night, but oppa? Really?! I smiled to myself.


C’mon, know you like the name.


"Jiyong oppa." He repeated again, nodding his head. He flashed that smile that made my face flush a bright red. "Okay, oppa." I said smiling. I grabbed my water out of my bag and started drinking it.


"So, Miho. I was actually wondering if you would help me with something." He said leaning against the wall. I could feel my heart beating quickly in excitement. Kwon Jiyong wanted MY help. AMAZING! I smiled, "Sure what is it?" I was hoping he couldn't hear how loudly my heart was beating. This feeling was familiar though. It was the same way I felt when he and I were in the dance studio last night. My heart felt like it would explode from being so close to him.


"Well, you told me last night that you were a good singer. Then I heard from someone that you were also a good rapper. And I was wondering if you might want to help me write a song for BigBang." He said. My jaw dropped, as did my water bottle. Thankfully, it was closed. I just stood there gaping at him. He wanted me to help him write a song. This couldn't be happening.


He smirked at my surprise and took it as a yes. "I'll see you tonight then. Same time as last night. Same place." Then Chul called for us to practice and Gdragon walked back over to his band mates, not even giving me a chance to reply.


I walked back on to the floor. My heart was beating quickly as I replayed what just happened over and over again in my mind. I, suddenly, snapped myself out of it. I found myself hating what this was doing to me. I had never let a guy get to me so easily. I would flirt, but I always kept my walls up and when things would start getting too close, I would break up with the guy. Was it different this time? Would Jiyong be different?


My thoughts were then interrupted by Chul. "Ok girls let's start from the top and then we will add on." He pressed play to the chorus of the song. I started dancing and tried to keep my mind off of Jiyong. I knew where this would end if I continued thinking about him like this. I danced and sang with the song at the same time. Most of the band mates would just lip sync, but I liked to sing with the song. It helped me put my all into it. I tried my hardest not to look at the mirror, because I knew who I would see, but I couldn’t help it. I looked into the mirror’s reflection and saw Gdragon watching me with warm eyes. I met eyes with him and I couldn’t help, but smile. I couldn’t deny the fact that he made me feel good, but I knew it would jeopardize our careers if we became anything more than friends.


Don’t expect anything from him Miho…


Chul shut off the music since it only had part of the song with lyrics. He was smiling proudly at us. “That was really good girls, but Jinju you have to be less stiff in your movements. Just observe your unnies more and improve.” I saw her nodded her head from the corner of my eye. Her face looked paler than usual and she looked troubled. I could feel my protective side kicking in and I was concerned. I made a mental note to talk to her about it later.


We were going over the new dance movements when Chul ran out of the room out of nowhere. We all frowned and just thought he had to go to the bathroom. It’s never good to hold it in you know. We began stretching and Jinju excused herself to the bathroom, as did Evelyn. I glanced at Sohee and smiled. We both wanted to know what happened with Kiyomi and this was our chance to find out. Sohee and I scooted closer to her. “What happened earlier?” I whispered. She smiled and I caught her blush. I frowned when she tried to avoid the question by stretching. “TELL US!” Sohee and I exclaimed quietly. She sighed and sat up again. “It was nothing. Cool it, we were just having a dance off because…” She paused for a moment and a look of realization washed over her face. “YOUUUUU…. I can’t believe you!” She whispered loudly pointing at Sohee. Her look was intimidating, but it was nothing compared to what mine could be. I stayed quiet and let them argue for a little while, when I caught a look in Kiyomi’s eye when she started talking about the dance battle. I knew that look. “You like him!” I smiled brightly and shook her shoulder. I didn’t realize that I said it louder than I should have. I gave Kiyomi an apologizing look, but was relieved when the guys didn’t hear.


Suddenly, someone walked into the studio. We stood up at the same time the BigBang guys did. They bowed and exclaimed, “Hey hyung!” I looked at the guy in surprise, but kept quiet. We all bowed to him as he spoke. He was Kong Ho Yup. He was going to be our dance instructor for the week since Chul got sick suddenly and had to leave. I looked down at the ground, hoping he wouldn’t recognize me. I knew who he was and I didn’t want him to say anything.


During his introduction, Jinju walked in not even bothering to be polite or show respect. I glared at her. He didn’t deserve that and plus she was making us look bad. I saw Evelyn follow quietly with a concerned look. I wanted to ask what’s wrong, but it would have to wait.


We continued practicing and I caught the look of recognition in Ho Yup’s eyes. I bit my lip and we finished practicing. The BigBang guys left immediately, because of their busy schedule and we bid our goodbyes to them. Before, Kong Ho Yup left though he pulled me aside so no one would hear.


“Kim Mee-Yon? Is that you?” He took me by the shoulders and looked me straight in the eye.


“Yes. Please don’t say anything to them.” I nodded toward my group. “They don’t know about my past. My real past.”





We were playing around in the studio and joking around with each other. Ho Yup had left and kept his promise not to say anything about me or that we know each other. I was glad that the rest of the group didn’t seem curious about my talk with him and if they did, I was glad they didn’t ask. My past was a dark one and I didn’t want them to know anything about it. I looked over at Jinju, as did the others. She was looking really sick. We all walked over to her and Sohee knelt by her side. Kiyomi knelt by her side and felt Jinju’s forehead. “OH MY GOD! You’re burning up!” I then took this as my cue to kneel down and feel her forehead. She was burning. “Dude! You have a fever. Jinju ya, skip school today just go home and rest.” She just shook her head at me. Not a smart thing to do when I’m concerned. I grabbed Jinju and pulled her up, bringing my face inches from hers. “YOU’RE GOING TO THE APARTMENT. NO EXCUSES. HEALTH IS FIRST. Sohee ya can you take her back and make some soup?” Sohee just nodded. She and Jinju walked out after that. I calmed down a bit. When it came to my friends’ well being, I would get really protective. I wouldn’t let anyone get hurt on my watch. It just wasn’t going to happen.


YG had called us to his office for a meeting with BigBang. We walked in and I was happy to see Gdragon there, along with the other guys. YG began the meeting. He explained the March Mash was coming up and about how BigBang had a lot of work for a Music Core performance and their new video. Then he started speaking about us. We were going to sing BigBang’s old song WITH U! My jaw dropped for the second time today. I was so happy. We would actually be making our premiere! I thanked God and the guys started congratulating us. I smiled at Gdragon, but avoided a hug with him. I had made up my mind earlier that I wouldn’t let myself fall for him. It was too risky. Friends would be all we could be. I wanted to fall for him, but I couldn’t let myself do that. It would end horribly. Those thoughts fell though when he started talking. His voice made me melt. He began telling us that they would teach us the song and all tomorrow, but that just wasn’t going to work for me. We would learn it now. I kept telling myself I was doing this for the group, but deep (WAY DEEP) inside I just couldn’t leave Gdragon yet. “Oh no…you guys are going to show us the song now…plleeaassee.” I looked at him cutely. I knew by the look in his eyes that he fell for it. He agreed and that’s what led to me being in a group with Gdragon and Top.


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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^