Beg to Differ

Boys Over Media

Evelyn Pov

I looked at my new freshly painted nails and smiled. Wow asians are so good at nails. I should have come to Korea a long time ago. I have been missing out so much! Great stores, magnificent buildings, and now look at me I am living the dream. I am becoming a part of Koreas upcoming girl group Heartbeat. I looked up as YG our manager went over the last of his endless rules. "Ok so the last rule you must follow is NO in-house dating. Do we understand each other?" We all nodded, but as I took a glance at the others I could see from Miho disbelief, from Sohee I saw contentness yet a slight twist of indecision, from Kiyomi she looked like that would be no problem for her-honestly I don't think it would be she is so shy, at the same time though so am I when it comes to boys and sometimes new friends-, and from Jinju she didn't look like she was really even paying attention she just looked distant. But thats nothing suprising from her.

YG handed us a contract we each had to sign in agreement. "Ok just sign this contract and you will officially be YG Entertainment's new girl group Heartbeat." I smiled brightly as I signed my name in pretty caligraphy. After we each signed(I was the only to sign in english) YG stood up from behind his desk. "I will show you ladies to your new apartment where you will be living." We stood up and followed him out of his office. I saw Miho walk over to Kiyomi and whisper something in her ear. I didn;t hear everything, but Sohee Jinju and I definitely heard her say how it was going to be hard for her not to date in-house people. We each gagged at what she said cause it was just so Miho. I swear the girl can't last a day without flirting with someone, but in some ways I respect her for having so much confidence with guys..... I wish I had that ability. We entered into an elevator which quickly went to our designated floor. As the doors were opening I saw that Kiyomi didn't even bother paying attention to if anyone was going into the elevator so she instantly ran into a random guy with a mohawk. We followed after Kiyomi to see a group of guys standing in front of us. I saw each one specifically, but I couldn't get my eyes off of the one with the cute bags under his eyes and the small smile. I slightly gasoed and looked down as I realized he was smiling at me. I payed my attention back to Kiyomi who obviously was being swooned by the guy with the mohawk. I gave her a questioning look, but she shrugged me off. YG stepped foward and smiled brightly. "Ahhhh girls I would like you to meet BIGBANG. They are another group here. Let me introduce you." He pointed at the tallest and most intimidating one first at the end. "THis is the eldest TOP." Then he pointed at a over excited boy with brown hair(who in my opinion was staring at Sohee, just to put it out there.) "This is Daesung." Then he pointed at the boy I couldn't stop staring at, it was like if he was drawing me in, in a way that I couldn't help but stare at him like a complete fool. "This is Seungri." Then he pointed to a slender guy with drak brown spiked hair(I already could tell that Miho was going to be attracted to him.) "The leader Gdragon." Then he pointed to the buff looking guy with a mohawk. Hah Kiyomi you better watch out for him because even though you are trying not to pay attention to him he is staring at youwink "And this is Taeyang." Ahhhhhhh no matter how much I didn't want to I looked at Seungri again and he was pretty much smoldering me with a completely adorable face that only babies could have. Why does he have to be so cute?!? I can't have him anyways. Bloody hell Evelyn snap out of it! Control yourself. I turned away from him, but I could feel my face heating up so I decided to direct my attention at the ground as YG introduce each of us to them. Afterwards we bowed to each of the guys to be poilte. I was dreading going to Seungri so whenever I got to him I found I couldn't speak. He smiled and shook my hand then bowed. "It's nice to meet you Evelyn. Are you asian?" I couldn't speak at all or else it would come out super quiet so I shook my head. He smiled and put his hand under his chin and frowned in concetration. "French?" I shook my head once again. He smiled again with his perfect white teeth. "British?" I nodded and looked up at him then once again looked back down. Before he could say anything else I continued on down the line of boys.

Once it was over and we were going to leave. I glanced at Seungri to see him smiling at me again. I could feel tiny beads of sweat dripping down the middle of my back. I quickly walked away with the others only to see Miho blushing, Kiyomi meeting eyes with Taeyang, Sohee giggiling to herself, and Jinju nothing really. As we turned the corner let out my breath and relaxed my muscles. No matter how glad I was that it was over I wanted to see his smile once more.

Seungri Pov

We walked into our apartments after dance practice. My hyungs went to their rooms instantly tired from practice. Well except for Jiyong he's never tired. Eh weirdo hah he's my leader though. I laid on the couch thinking about Evelyn. I kept thinking back to when I first met her. When her smile was still fresh in my mind. She was so pretty and hot her eyes smoking. No matter though how I would call her all these things like how I have before with other girls this time it just feels different. Like the words coming from me just felt different. Like they had different and new meaning when it was about Evelyn. I couldn't explain it, but everything about Evelyn felt different. EVERYTHING. Suddenly Taeyang hying walked into the room to slouch into the chair next to the chair. He didn't say hi or anything to me too tired from practice; like always he tried his best through out the whole practice. Dancing was his thing. I sat up and looked at him. I crossed my hands over my lap casually. "Hyung I was wondering. I know this is really random, but do you like Kiyomi?" I just had to know that I wasn't the only one feeling things I wasn't supposed to be. I wanted to know that someone felt the same way I did. He frowned and looked down at his hands probably trying to decide whether or not to tell me the truth or not. But then he spoke. "So far ever since I first laid my eyes on her she's all I can think about." I smiled to myself. "I know what you mean. I feel the same way about Evelyn. It's weird I say she's hot and all, but it feels weird coming out when it's about her. It feels different. Even though I have said that about millions of other girls before her." Taeyang smirked at me in a knowing way. "I believe that you have fallen for her." I frowned though. "Is that good?" His expression dropped. "It's not good for you or me to feel the way we do."

Evelyn Pov

We had settled into our new and luxurious apartment which I loved deeply. I first crashed on to the couch with my buddy Miho. We had been sitting there watching tv for a little while when Kiyomi sat down next to us. Miho and I glanced at each other and smiled. Miho spoke. "You HAVE to tell us what was up with you and Taeyang. You were as red as a tomato!" She blushed and tried to shake it off making it seem like nothing special. Ahhh asians always so bashful. Hah I still love her though cause I was the same way. "Nothing" She said. I coughed a little and jumped into the conversation. "That didn't look like 'nothing' to me. British people never lie." She laughed with Miho at my lie. She spoke. "You are totally over exaggerating." She then casually turned the attention on to Miho. I swear I taught her everything she knows. After a little while of bickering between us Sohee interupted us. "Dinner!"

Afterwards I had been sleeping in my room peacefully when suddenly I heard shuffiling outside in the living room. I frowned and groggily sat up. I reached over for my plastic bat from back home. Which I don't think would have done much damage to a thief. But I still quietly creeped into the living room to see Miho leaving. I frowned and followed her out. I made sure that she didn't notcie me following her, but I made sure not to lose her. She went two floors down to the music studio. I had been tempted to walk in and confront her, but I was too nervouos on what she would say whenever she figured out I had been following her. So I settled for looking through the small window on the door. As I looked through I saw her sitting on the floor next to....... Gdragon. What was going on? She was smiling and talking to him and they were sitting really close to each other. I could obviously see her leg brushing his. Was this a good beginning? I beg to differ.

Well that's the end of that chapter. Hope you liked it:) Comment and subscribe please! 


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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^