The Adventures of Kiyomi Hara

Boys Over Media

*Kiyomi Pov*

I was wondering around Seoul for what seemed like hours. I was just thinking. I didn't really know what to do to kill time. No matter what though I just wanted to get this birthday over as quickly as possible. Maybe God will bless me with ending this day soon. I sighed as a cold breeze blew by me. I didn't know why I could just have a normal family. A family with a father, a mother, and me. That would make me so happy, but I knew I couldn't have that. I never would. I was stuck in this world of my own that was just me and this day I dreaded every year. I sometimes wanted a different life with that perfect life, but I don't know. . I know my life is going to be flipped upside down whenever Heartbeat grows to more fame. Whenever we debut. I won't be able to do things like this. Walk around so freely. Everything will change my life the most. I wasn't sure whether things would be better or worse, but I guess that's what made me want to do this more.i just wanted something different in my life. This life was my chance for a new beginning. A way to stay away from my past. But Every year I found this day as my day of mourning my old life that I would be leaving in 4 weeks. I walked into a random cafe and ordered my favorite drink; vanilla bean. I stood in the corner as I waited patiently for my drink. Though as I glanced around I could see two big looking thugs staring at me I gulped down my saliva as I felt my sweat trickle down my back. I quickly walked out of the small cafe as I grabbed my order. yeah turns out I walked out into a dim lighted alley. Really? Today on my birthday? Oh now this makes more sense. See bad things usually happen to me on my birthday. Whether if it was from the way I aproached this horrid day or if it was cause I just had bad luck on this day. I always ended up having bad things happen to me. Such as this. From the corner of my eye I saw the two thugs walking towards me. They walked next to me closely. Practically forming a Kiyomi sandwhich. They began speaking in vile tones and grabbing me in areas I would rather not contempplate on. But I fought back. I wasn't going to go down without a fight. I could feel them actually beginning to fall back off of me. So as soon as I felt them at their weakest I began to run away. I sprinted so hard I felt as though my lungs would burst sooner or later. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I just kept looking back to see if they were following me. So then suddenly I bumped into someone. I fell backwards and landed hard on my . Ouchhhhhh. "Ummffff." I looked up to see a teenage boy staring down at me panicky. "Are you alright???" I nodded trying to calm him down. "Yeah I'm fine." He let out a breath of relief as he helped me up. "Omo! I'm so sorry mam. I didn't see you there." I shook ,y head at his ridiculousness. This kid is being way too modest. "No it was my fault I shouldn't be running around in a city like this. Thank you for helping me up though." He smiled at me and nodded. "Of course my name is Lee Taemin. May I ask you what is yours?" I observed him a bit more. he must of been walking home from school since he was wearing his uniform and holding his school bag in his hand. I smiled in response to the polite boy. "My name is Kiyomi Hara by the way how old are you Taemin." He blushed a bit. "I'm 18. I am actually going to graduate." I smiled at him again. "Congratulations, I wish you the best." He bowed *90 degrees* wow this kid is way too polite. Why can't kids his age be more like him? I kept speaking. "It was really nice meeting you. You actually made my birthday better. ." Hold up did I just tell him today was my birthday? I barely even know him. I haven't really ever told anyone about my birthday except for Seungri, but I was forced to tell him so I didn't really count that. I never willingly told anyone. He was the first. "Oh! Well happy birthday Kiyomi. Treat every birthday like your last you never know when they may end. . I hope to see you again in the future"  And with that he hurried off. That kid is interesting. I frowned as I thought about his words. Perhaps he was right. I mean about 10 minutes ago I almost got and killed. What if i hadn't gotten away. I would never be able to see Taeyang smiling at me warmly. Never see Miho smirk at me in a way that only she could. I would never be treated again so greatly by Sohee like if she were my mother. I would never again hear Evi's sarcastic remarks that always made me smile. I would never see Jinju get better. I would miss out on so much. Maybe this birthday can be different. Maybe I could make it different. . for the better.

*Taeyang Pov*

I was standing alone. I looked at one of the crew members. "Do you think she will like it?" He smiled back at me. "Who wouldn't like this present?" I shrugged. I hope she liked it cause I wanted Kiyomi to feel like she could tell me anything. I wanted her to be able to tell me things like when her birthday is. "Just wondering. . Did we sell out?" He smirked at me. "Of course we did. Everyone wants to see this." I nodded as I stared at my sweat dripping to the floor. i had been working hard for a long time since I had so much to do in just this one day. I looked back at him. "Do you think it will turn out well?" He now didn't seem as confident. "Well in the end it all realy depends on you. . " I nodded stiffly as I crossed my arms and walked off. Either way the show must go on.

*Kiyomi Pov*

I jiggled the door knob as i heard the bolts shift into different positions and move around till finally it clicked. I walked into the apartment to find that it was dark. I frowned. What the hell? then suddenly people began walking out of the kitchen. Well more like Big Bang and Hearbeat began walking out of the kitchen. They were singing to me. At first I couldn't react at all since I was so shocked, but as I could feel myself come back to my sense I felt a smile creep on to my lips. It was too sweet. But I turned to Seungri as I exclaimed different things. But then Miho shoved the cake in my face to blow out the candles. But then the door opened again and in walked YG. He smiled at me and explained how he could not miss my birthday. I smiled to myself as I felt a deep happiness that he came. He was practically like the father I never had. Later we opened presents and I loved all of them even though I got a confusing one from Taeyang though he said he would explain on it later. They then turned out the lights and began singing to me again. I felt tears fall out of my eyes as I realized I had nothing to wish for. Every birthday I always wished for to have a normal family. A family that would always be there for me. And now I knew I had that here. Everyone all of them they were the family I never got to have. As I blew out the candles I thanked God for my friends, this birthday, and most of all my life.

*next day*

Taeyang was holding on to my hand as he led me on to a dark stage with only two spotlights. One spotlight was on a pure white piano and then another was on a lonesome looking chair in the middle of the stage. He led me quietly to the chair, but he looked back at me and smiled shyly. He whispered in my ear as he sat me sat down. "Happy birthday.." He then let go of my hand and walked over to the white piano. He sat down lightly and looked up at me. But only once he smiled again, then he focussed back on to the piano. He began playing the familiar melody I remembered too well. It was the song he played for me the first day Heartbeat had practice. The song Wedding Dress. The song seemed better than the last time I heard it as he began singing to the soft melody with his strong voice. Giving a complete contrast of his vocal ranges. But then right after the chorus the song suddenly became a remix and another beat began to play. It was a lot more smooth. He looked up from the piano and smiled at me flirtatiously. Hah that's new. I smiled and could feel myself blush as he walked up to me. he leaned over and whispered in my ear as he did before. "Dance with me." Then suddenly as he got to the center of the stage the whole stage lit up. And there were back up dancers surrounding. They began dancing towards me as he soothingly sang the chorus. ~Girl, I need a girl. Baby I need you, girl you need me too.~Once he reached me again with the dancers he grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me out of my seat. He began showing me the moves and then I would repeat soon we were doing the movements together in perfect harmony towards the complete darkness. Then out of nowhere I heard. "Oppa!! ~Saranghae~!" The whole stadium then lit up and I could see there were fan girls/boys everywhere watching us dance and Taeyang sing. HOLY CRAP this is like a concert. . I looked at Taeyang instantly he just smiled at me and mouthed "Keep going." So I followed orders and kept dancing. it almost seemed like it was all a blur and I could only see him as he sang those last few words to me as he brushed my cheek with his palm ever so lightly. ~Girl, I need a girl~ Then the lights went out and it was over. He leaned towards me invading the imaginary space between us and whispered in my ear. "Happy birthday Kiyomi." This is going to cause trouble. I already know it, but for right now I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. I siled and grabbed hs hand.

*4 weeks later*

"You guys ready?" I looked at the other girl's beaming faces and already knew our answers. We all yelled happily Yes. He smiled at us with pride something I thought we would never get figuring what hardships we went through to get here. But it's here, and I was ready. We were all ready. He clasped his hands together loudly. "Tomorrow we're going to Lotte World!"

Thanks for reading! And thank you to all of the wonderful subscribers! We love you!! And no silent readers please:D Subscribers make us happy:) so yeah hahah. Teaser next few chapters are going to have DRAMA.

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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^