Radio Show

Boys Over Media

*Evi Pov*

I ran to Sohee's side clutching on to her arm as the nurses ushered us out. I could feel Sohee shaking in fear. I have never seen Sohee so broken, it almost made me want to just let go and fall into her arms. But as I looked at Miho's blank expression, Kiyomi's tear filled eyes, and Sohee's shaking figure I knew that they had to worry about themselves. Not me. As soon as we walked out of the hall together the BigBang boys ran to us with worry filled eyes.

Seungri grasped on to my hand looking me in the eyes obviously seeing through the ploy I was playing on everyone. "Evi are you ok?" I stiffly nodded only allowing myself to clutch on to his hand more. His hand and his voice was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

He allowed me to grip on to his hand for life. Each guy went to each girl and comforted them. But it seemed as though anything they did was a fail. In the end of it all us girls stayed silent fighting an uknown war inside our minds.

What do we do now?

How do we handle the radio show?

What would we do to win back Jinju's heart?

Will Heartbeat survive?

To all those questions I had no clue and all I could do was sigh letting the pain of this whole situation envelop my mind until it felt like a dark cloud was hovering over every hopeful part of my brain. As the boys began to lead us out of the hospital and into a dark alley where a black van was waiting for us I found myself thinking second doubts about this whole crazy dream.

Perhaps this dream was too big and never meant to be... My dad always told me that fame and fortune was never meant for me. He said I belonged behind an office table working on the computer. Living the ordinary life that no one wanted. Perhaps this would be too much for us. I kept my eyes on the floor of the van as we drove away and back to YG..... Back to the place where this all began and perhaps where it may all end.


*Later on*

We all sat on the couch staring glumily at the floor. I could feel the tension in the room as the radio show was only 11 hours away. A sigh escaped from Sohee's chest and she began to speak. "Maybe we should talk about what we are going to say tomorrow." Miho nodded in a daze and Kiyomi only leaned her head on to her clenched fists. I folded my arms in my lap awkwardly. I knew no one would reply to her so I spoke for the others. "Well first of all we have to make sure that we lessen the bad look Jinju fainting had." Kiyomi decided to escape from her pitiful cave and spoke up also with a slightly broken voice. "Neh, maybe we could just say that Jinju grew ill and so she fainted walking off. So for that she won't be able to be a part of Heartbeat anymore."

Sohee and I nodded. Sohee spoke a small bit of hope growing on her face. "Neh just say that also making sure to bring up though that we would continue Heartbeat in honor of Jinju which we should do. Because we all know how much she wanted this." Hope grew in my chest.

Miho finally spoke with a deep grimace of disgust on her face. "Aniyo we can't... We should just end this we all knew this wouldn't last anyways." With that she crossed her arms and looked away. I could see a silent tear roll down her cheek. My hope died a bit.

Though suddenly Kiyomi stood and walked over to Miho embracing her into a tight hug. Instantly Sohee stood also following Kiyomi's movements folding her small figure around them. I knew there was only one thing to do, follow my unnies example. I stood and walked over wrapping my arms around them. I could hear the quiet sobs from all of us and the shakes from our crumbiling bodies. As it seemed all hope was gone, we found a sense of light in each other as we knew even if this would be a hard journey that perhaps wouldn't end well. Or end amazing. We knew we would do it together.


*The next day*

We sat into our seats at the Sang Sang radio show. I could hear the screeching noise of the others' chairs sliding on the floor I swallowed the thick saliva in my thraot. Well here it goes. The host's nasely voice echoed in my ears as she spoke. "Good achim early birds! We will be listening to your favorite music to wake you up, and we also have some guests today! Let's let them introduce themselves." With that we all bowed in our seats and did our heart symbol with our hands as we spoke in unison. "Annyeonghaseyo we are Heartbeat!" The host clapped wildily. Aigoo how is someone hyper in the morning?

"Awww you girls are so cute! So let's start off the interview with number one question going around in the industry right now. What happened to Jinju?" I could hear Miho cough slightly as she spoke into the microphone speaking with as much confidence she had to display. "Ah well our dongsaeng Jinju fell ill, but she didn't tell us since we were going to debut. So when we were walking off the stage Jinju collapsed. We rushed her to the hospital, but in the end the doctors and our manager said that because of her illness she cannot be a part of Heartbeat anymore. But we know how much she wanted this so we will continue Heartbeat in honor of her."

The host nodded. "Hmmmh I see. Well haven't you heard of the rumors going around that Jinju had anorexia?" We all nodded and Kiyomi spoke from her corner. "Neh we heard that rumor, but it is not true and we would like to end it here. With these words. Jinju did not have anorexia and for her sake we would like people to stop spreading that rumor."

The host nodded once again, but she didn't back off she just kept firing the questions. "Oh well how do we know you are not lying?" Sohee spoke this time. "You don't know I guess, but in the end we are just happy Jinju is getting cared for and that Heartbeat can continue on for her." The host smiled. "Ahh such sweet words from all of you, but macknae Evi I haven't heard a word from you. Do you have anything to say perhaps?" All the girls' heads snapped towards me, and I knew that worry was surging through their bodies at that moment because I was terrified.

But I tried to keep my composure and I spoke with my last words. Hoping they were good enough. "Neh, I'm sad that Jinju cannot continue this journey with us. But I know that we can continue on for her and leave great songs, performances, and memories for all our fans. And Heartbeat kaja!~"

All the girls smiled and even the host finally backed off. I let out a sigh of relief leaning back in my chair. Whew.... That was too close.


*Jinju Pov*

"Neh, I'm sad that Jinju cannot continue this journey with us. But I know that we can continue on for her and leave great songs, performances, and memories for all our fans. And Heartbeat kaja!~"

I grabbed the radio connected to the wall and pulled it out of it's socket flinging it across the room watching as it made the cracking sound against the wall. The crack sounded exactly like the one inside of me. I snapped and all I could do was glare at the wall where an ugly scar was left behind.

I clutched on to my sheets in anger as a smirk grew on my face. "Heartbeat will never get big as long as I still breathe."



Here is our new chapter:) we hope you liked it and by the way there is no radio show called Sang Sang Radio Show we just made that up:P Well anyways please comment or subscribe they are loved!<3



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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^