Oppa not Sunbae

Boys Over Media

Sohee Pov

I woke up to my phone going off with that annoying voice saying, "Wake up sleepy head.... wake up sleepy head... wake up sleepy head.." Ahhh, Korean phones. I  flipped my phone open and pressed the button for dismissed nonchalantly. Since I didn't bring my alarm clock from American (stupid) I had to use my phone as an alarm 24/7. I sat up begrudgingly and stretched out my arms. I could feel my muscles tighten as I yawned quite loudly. I turned to my side, to still see Evelyn fast asleep, with open and snoring lightly. What got her so knocked out? I then literally jumped out of bed and fixed my sheets. My toes were frozen on the hard wood floor, as I walked over to the door. It squekked as I opened it. I peeked my head out to the living room, to see no one was up.. or they already left. I quietly tip toed to the bathroom, which was right next to the kitchen. Inside, I grabbed my purple toothbrush and squeezed some paste out from the tube. The sink ran cool water, as I brushed. The apartment was so quiet that the only sounds heard were comming from my brushing. Next, I washed my face with my cleanser. I rubbed the soap all over my face, with that sweet grape extract scent comming from it. When I finally finished cleansing myself. I then tip toed back to my room.

The door squeeked as I shut it. Evelyn flinched by the sound, but then returned to sleeping. As I walked over to my closet, Evelyn was mumbiling in her sleep with a British accentcheeky, "No... no mother... I don't... don't want tea.... I want cookies.... CCCOOOKKIIEESS!" I almost bursted out laughing when she yelled cookies. I laughed without a sound, and sighed happily. AHHH Evi.... you made my day. I pulled out some sweats that had "Aeropostale" on the side. I looked down and smiled.... clothes from America. To be honest, I'm not really comfortable in Korean clothing. I love the fashion, but I'm just so used to the fabric that I wore when I was back in L.A., but I'll learn to love it. I then pulled out a navy blue t-shirt. I retied my high ponytail, put on my grey sweater, and my red high top converse. I looked out my window, as I fixed my sweater. I saw the coffee shop across the street, and it's open. Hhhmm.... coffee sounds good. I walked over to my bag, and pulled out a red wallet. The red wallet that my grandmother gave me for luck, and wealth. I shoved it in the pocket of my sweater, and walked out to the living room again. As I opened the front door I made sure that I wouldn't disutrb anyone's slumber.

"Five lattes please." I said to the nice boy behind the counter. He smiled at me and told me my total price. I turned to look at the monitor, to be SO SHOCKED! OH MY GOD! 5000 won for five lattes! Man, korea can do buisness. I pulled myself together and pulled out money from my wallet. It turned out to be all my money inside. Huh, so much for wealth. I walked to the other side of the room and waited for my order. As I waited I looked at my phone; it's 6:30. I put my phone back to see people walking in and out with a small cup of coffee. They all seemed like buisness men and woman starting work off with a little boost. When my order was finally called, I grabbed the holder and walked outside to the table. I wiped off the morning dew from the edges of the table, as I sat down. I started to drink my coffee with the sun starting to shine in the clear morning sky. Its warmth, heated my body outside, while the coffee heated my inside.

Halfway done with my refreshment, a voice was called to me, "Sohee ya!" I looked up to see this mysterious person. I looked straight ahead to see a boy with brownish hair, and a coffee in his hand. A smile grew upon my face as I recognized this person. I stood up and waved. "Daeseung sunbae! Sunbae!" Daeseung waved back and walked to my table. I couldn't help, but have that stupid mixed emotions again. CURSES! Daeseung finally reached my table and smiled. "WHat are you doing here so early, Sohee?" He asked nicely. "I was gonna ask you the same thing, sunbae. "I said. We both sat down and started to have our little talks. I drank my coffee, which was now cold. "Soo~ Sohee ya? Tell me about your group." I swallowed the coffee that was in my mouth. "Hhmm?" I asked confused. I couldn't catch what he said.  I thought he said. "Tell me about your room." or, "Tell me about doom." I know.. don't ask. "Your group." He repeated himself. I laughed, "OOOH... the group. Hah, well.... Miho is our leader, and main rapper, Kiyomi is our best dancer. The rest of us do vocals." He sat there listening to every word I said. He didn't leave any detail out, like he was taking the words and gulping them to his brain. (If that makes any sense.....) I smiled as he nodded his head, like some kind of therapist listening to one of his patients. "So~ sunbae tell me about your group." Daeseung smiled with his eyes, "Sohee ya... you don't have to call me sunbae. Just call me oppa." I stared at him. REALLY?! OPPA?! Are we already that close for me to call my senior "oppa"? Daeseung waited patiently for my answer, he had that, "oh I made you uncomfortable," look all over his face. "You don't have to." He finally was able to say. I shook my head in disagreement, "OH! No, I'm fine. Really oppa." I said smiling. He looked relieved and smiled too. Truth is I am glad to call him oppa. Then we'd both be comfortable, I don't have to worry about, "knowing my place," in the music industry. We can just be.. ourselves. As I was about to  ask him about himself, Daeseung oppa just snaps his fingers. "AISH! I forgot about practice, I have it right now! AAHH! If I'm late YG is going to kill me! Hope GD is still dead asleep." He threw away his coffee, and looked at the time. It was 7:15. Daeseung walked over to me with upset eyes, "Sorry Sohee ya, I have practice. We have to catch up later, okay?" I nodded my head with that innocent smile, and he ran to the building. I got up myself then and held the coffee holder, and walked to the apartment. Hope the group won't notice that their coffee is cold.blush 

I entered the apartment, to see Evelyn and Jinju already dressed. They sat at the table talking. They turned their heads towards me, and smiled. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN GIRL?" Evelyn said joking. I laughed and sat their holder down. "Where do ya think?" I said joking back. They looked at me suspiciously, then at the coffee. Each of them shook it off, shrugged and started to drink their morning refreshment. I sat down, looking at them, taking a sip. I crossed my fingers, "Don't be cold.... don't be cold.... don't be cold." I said to myself. Evelyn took a sip and flinched. AISH! I froze in my seat, as she bit her lip and looked at the cup, turning it. "Sohee.... is it decaf?" I was bewildered for a second and came back to reality. "UHHHHH... no.?" She looked at me with suspicious eyes, and started drinking again. "Oh... hmm is it me then? It's.. the coffee's cold." Jinju agreed in an instant. "Unnie, what were you doing at the cafe? The coffee's cold." I laughed a little and lied. "Cold? What do you mean cold?" they looked at me with weird eyes, "OH!" Yelled Evelyn interupting. "I saw Seungri at the shoe shop, this morning. "We both turned to her in amazement. "REALLY?" I said, changing the subject off of me. "What happened?" Asked Jinju. Evelyn gave a small grin, like she was having a moment. "I'll tell YOU GUYS the details.... LATER." I laughed and pushed her shoulder. Just then we heard the doors close behind us. I turned my head to see Miho, coming out, not ready yet. I noticed Evelyn, giving a small grin , crooked smile. Okay... Was that me or did something happen last night? Miho walked up to the table, and we passed her a coffee. She drank it, and sat down next to Jinju. The four of us were talking, just waiting for the clock to strike close to 8:00. As I wanted to be all funny and joke asround, someone was missing. Where's Kiyomi?

Daeseung Pov 

I witnessed with the other guys their moment together. 0.0 What just happened? They had been dancing and then BAM! Serious moment and tension filled the room when Taeyang saved Kiyomi (again hahaha) from falling back. The other members noticed the feeling also. Heartbeat then walked in with YG. We just stared at YG (who noticed nothing) to Kiyomi and Taeyang. They seperated quickly and walked to their groups. I laughed again at how Kiyomi thought she had practice early. Hah! How cute, I remember when I did that.

We decided to watch the girls practice, and just sat on the floor. Sohee wore the same clothes I saw her in this morning. They all bowed to us as they entered. Sohee had that bright smile as she greeted us. Ahh~ that smile. My heart thumped a little harder in my chest, as that smile lifted. They were stretching at their second break, but Jinju and Evelyn had gone to the bathroom. Chul had left the room suddenly, so we all waited for him to return. Then a new dance instructor walked in. We all stood to greet him. "Hey hyung!" Big Bang all said together, Heartbeat bowed again and formally greeted him. He smiled and put down his bag. "Alright. Well I'm Kong Ho Yup, and I'm your new dance instructor for this week. Chul's sick, and had to go home. The girls listened to their new mentor and smiled. They all seemed glad to meet Ho Yup hyung. Just then Jinju barges in, sort of upset about something, and followed was Evelyn with a stricken face. Everyone stared at them. Ho Yup hyung cleared hi throat at their tardiness, but furthermore how rude the way Jinju entered. They both bowed and sat down next to their members. I... I mean WE could all see that something had just happened. Miho had a serious grin, looking over at Jinju. Oh~ how leader like! And the rest glared at Jinju also. Moments later, Ho Yup hyung, instructed that the girls learn their dance moves to their new song.

Sohee's chapter will be continued in the next chapter..... Yes there is more:) But that's why we all love Sohee so much, she has so much to say and has so much on her mind that she deserves two chapterscheeky



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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh continue...how did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^