A New Decision

Boys Over Media


Daesung's pov


My heart dropped . Okay, what just happened?  Is Jinju ... starving herself? I looked at the girls over to my left , from the corner of my eyes. They all had blank , horrified expressions. Sohee looked at YG with a '' what did you say'' look. Jinju looked down at her feet , and up at YG with a frown. Our boss could tell that he made the atmosphere very uncomfortable.Jinju ,however ,didn't even try to convince YG to let her stay ; she just bursted out the exit like there was no one in the room. We all looked at her movements , that were followed by Miho. Evelyn and Sohee called out to their leader, but they recieved no reply. YG then leaned back in his seat , fixing his LA hat that was on his head. He rubbed his face with exhaustion. Bigbang and Heartbeat all ran up to his desk asking him to reconsider his hasty decision. Kiyomi first begged to YG ,'' Please . We need Jinju in Heartbeat. ''  Yg leaned forward to us and tapped his desk with his index finger. I looked at his fingertip tapping the surface of his desk over and over again . Tap... tap...tap...  '' I'm sorry girls , but we can't have Jinju in that condition. Especially , at her age.It's ... not good for her .... even us.'' He hesitated as he murmered the word ,'' us.'' GD looked at YG in amazment . His eyes were filled with shame , and anger. '' Wait !'' he stated directly to YG ,'' Are you saying that Jinju is out , all because of publicity? ! How... how can you do that ?!''  We all turned our attention to G Dragon , who we never saw that upset before, especially to our president. The girls had their eyes widened from our leader's response .  I turned to YG , now my hands together, trying to be calm . Young Bae , stood there quietly , even though his eyes showed anger. Seungri looked at Evelyn , and TOP had his hands in his pockets, standing tall , and stiff. All our eyes then turned to the president , waiting for his answer . He sighed and rubbed his neck ,'' Look... I know it seems wrong of me to do this , but Jinju is only hurting herself right now. She NEEDS help ... and that help includes her losing her spot in the music group. And... and it's not good for us to lose our good reputation , the media will be all over us , if they found out Jinju is anerexic ... it's not going to be pretty. And I don't want to pay a fine , or go to court for not taking care of my singers.'' He said it with no guts holding back. He looked at GD with bloodshot eyes. GD turned away as he said ''court''. I could feel his depression flowing off him. How he got in trouble . how he had a tough time in 2009 , all because of a stupid rumor. And how the media effected the scandal , causing more drama. Even though heartbeat didn't know what YG was talking about , we , Bigbang knew exactly what he meant. 

 GD then gave YG a more sentimental look. He knew that having another singer in trouble would be grievious to the company. Taeyang then stood up from his '' I don't want to argue '' concept , '' Still , we can't fire her like that . It's not a huge illness or anything. She's not seriously ill . she can fix her health in a matter of weeks.'' I looked over to Sohee and saw her flinch at Taeyang's statement. Looking at her like that made me wonder what's wrong , but all I could do now is stand still , and keep quiet.I returned to the conversation , now with Sohee talking seriously , '' We can't have her leave.... please let her stay. She can eat more , and get better. '' Then Evelyn jumps in ,'' Besides , we have our first apperance at  Lotte world  in a few weeks. Please YG , we worked so hard on this... you can't cut her .'' He gave a small smile at them and cleared his throat ,'' Girls... I've done it before. It doesn't have to do with how hard you worked .What matters is the endurance you have doing it.....'' The girls looked down at their feet . I couldn't help , but give a small grin ; how YG wants to keep Jinju in the band, but his reason behind his decision , is all for us. How every step to reach that stardom , depends on the endurance you have . If Jinju kept getting herself sick , then Heartbeat would have a hard time to reach that spot. Evelyn looked up at YG , who was now , rubbing his eyes.She looked like she was guilty of something , and bit her lip. As we stood there in the silence , TOP hyung broke it ,'' C'mon YG . They haven't even had their debut yet, it's only 5 weeks. Let them fix their mistakes ; Jinju can go to the doctor , for regular check ups , and her health can be up in no time. It's not like they're auditioning to be in a band. They ARE in the band. You can't lose another singer to another company, remember.'' We all stared at TOP. He sounded so serious , so cold , so ... SMOOTH. Like those 007 movies , where the main character goes ,'' The name's Bond.... James Bond.'' His voice , so deep ,and persuasive . The TOP we knew was gone for a moment, and was controlled by a serious , scary asian man, telling his daughter that she can't start dating at 13 . On the outside , I was quiet , but on the inside I felt like laughing my off.

 YG gave TOP a gentle look. He smiled at all of us , and groaned ,'' MAN ... you kids don't know the music industry yet.  '' He sighed and brushed his finger on the tip of his nose. As he stopped , his eyes lifted up to Heartbeat , who were anxiously waiting. Bigbang turned to them ; I could imediately tell , how worried they were  . on what would be the outcome of their group's fate. As i looked at them , I saw Kiyomi glaring , Evelyn , biting her nails , and Sohee makes fists. Wow ... these girls can get scary!

   As YG gave some thought to it , he smiled , and nodded, '' Fine... Jinju can stay.''


 Sohee's pov 


 we seperated then into groups to look for Miho. We all , felt a hugeweight lift off our sholders , as YG said that he'll keep Jinju in the band. Standing there for that long , made our legs droopy.In my group , I was teamed up with Daesung , and Kiyomi. We got off the elevator on the third floor, which is the floor , where we watch and edit the music videos. I slowly walked through the halls , with  Kiyomi at the back. As I turned the corner , Daesung oppa came up to me . His right arm , gently rubbed my left arm. I turned my head to him , to come across his caring smile. He quietly whispered , so Kiyomi couldn't hear, '' Sohee ya , don't worry . Miho is probably just needing space.'' I smiled lightly , and patted  his sholder , and continued our search.

  The three of us looked in each room. I opened the third door , to see that it's the editing room. I the switch , to make the room brigther. As I switch the light on , and the sound clicked , I realized that nothing is in the room. I dropped my head , and sighed loudly , and exited to the hallway. Kiyomi , and Daesung oppa , were already there waiting for me. They shook their heads in failure , as well. 

  We continued our search , when Daesung oppa  recieved a text message . He pulled out his phone from his dark blue jeans , and flipped it open. I watched his lips read the message without any sound. As he replied back , carefully , his phone had a little doreamon chain hanging , gliding back and forth. As he finished , he looked up at Kiyomi and me ,'' They found her ! She was on the roof.'' I looked at Kyiomi and she looked at me. We both sighed in relief , and walked to the elevator , to meet the others in the lobby.

 We met up with the others , and I knew that the mood was wierd. Everyone was quiet and standing still. Evelyn had an obvious look that she's unhappy . To be honest , I am too. The whole problem , just drained my energy .We started to head back to our apartment , with the guys and both our groups were quiet. I felt unesay to be like this . I'm mostly happy , and show my smile , even if I'm unhappy , or depressed . But this time I just couldn't. As I returned from my thoughts , Daesung oppa came up to me and started to talk to me. He tried hard to lift up my smile , by telling my hilarious jokes. I couldn't help , but give a small smile. As I did , his spirit lifted up.

 We said our farewells , and entered the apartment. We find Jinju sitting on the couch ; her arms around a pillow. Her eyes were swollen from crying. She looked up at us and scoffed ,'' So you guys know.'' We all stood there , and slowly took off our shoes. All of us walked towards her . Evelyn stood there , while Kiyomi sat next to her , and I kneeled on the floor. Jinju looked at us ; her eyes bloodshot. She wiped her eyes and  sniffled. '' I'm so STUPID .... WHY DID I DO THAT? '' She shoved her head into the pillow , wrapped around in her arms , and started to cry.Kiyomi patted her back , and sighed ,'' Don't worry Jinju .... YG said you can stay in the group.'' Jinju looked up in disbelief and I put my hand on her knee ,'' You just need to get healthier , and learn from you mistake. YG says he'll talk with us in the morning . ''She sniffled , and hugged us all. We , as the unnies , hugged her back. I felt my heart ache , how our maknae , had suffered , while the rest of us didn't even know, while we spotted the signs. 

  We all went to bed , after having a long talk , and waiting up for Miho , who supposedly was still on the rooftop. When she entered the the living room , Miho had mascara running down her cheeks slowly. When we told her about YG's decision , she nodded quietly , now full of relief. 

 As I covered myself with my sheets , I couldn't help , but hope that our group would have a wonderful journey ahead . I looked up at the dark ceiling , and sighed  . I turned my head to see Evelyn , totally out of it. I looked up at the ceiling once more , and wished for the best , of what's going to happen the next day. GOD, HELP US ...... 


A/N: So we had a change of heart and decided to keep Jinju in the group. Thanks for reading! Please review and subscribe!



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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh continue...how did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^