Big Day

Boys Over Media

*Evi Pov*

I woke up the next morning earlier than the others. I sat up in bed bored as ever knowing I would meet my death if I tried waking up Miho. I didn't really want to bother Sohee or Kiyomi, and then Jinju I really didn't want to disturb her after everything she's been through. Luckily today was like our day off though. I smiled bigly. Aha! I know exactly what I shall do!cheeky I sneeked out of the room quietly trying to make sure no one heard me. I tip toed to the freezer and opened it letting it's icy cold breeze hit me. Then I met eyes with what I had been looking for. ICECREAM! I jumped up and down quietly gleefully. Oh this day is going to start out great! Islid my hands in the freezer carefully trying not to shift anything out of place. Though right when I took it out I heard a loud knock on the door. I was shocked so badly that this occured. "Ahh!" I screamed in a high pitch tone and then I somehow slipped backwards and fell on my . The icecream slid away from me. I quickly afraid I awoke the girls grabbed the icecream and stashed it away. I walked begrudgingly to the door rubbing my now soar . I unlocked the door and opened it to see a concerned looking Taeyang. "Are you alright I heard a scream and crash." I moved out of the doorway for him to come in as I spoke in a sarcastic  tone. "Yeah the scream came from a frightened Evi and the crash was my meeting the floor very painfully." He scratched the back of his head nervously and smiled smally. "Yeah sorry bout that, but I have to tell you something. Is Kiyomi here?" I motioned for him to wait for a bit. I walked over to Kiymi and Miho's room I peeked my head through quietly and saw Miho knocked out and Kiyomi's bed neatly made. I frowned, but shrugged. Eh she has always been an early riser. I walked back to Taeyang and shook my head. He smiled greatly then began speaking louder. "Ok wellll today is Kiyomi's birthday! And Big Bang were planning on giving her a surprise birthday, needing Heratbeat's assistance of course. You guys in?" I smiled and folded my arms in front of him trying to act with a slight attitude. "Ahem~ what kind of british sister would I be to not help throw her a surprise party!? Bloody hell! Get your head on straight man!" I punched him in the shoulder which kind of hurt my small fist. Man what's up with that guy and muscles? He smiled. "Yeah I kind of figured you guys would want in." After that I went to go wake up the other girls. And with that we began our brilliant plan. BRILLIANT I tell you!

*Seungri Pov* 

I ended my conversation with hyung. Hmmmh I wish I could have gone with hyung it would have been nice to see Evi again. . . I haven't seen her since last night and for me that was way too long. At this point I really wasn't thinking about the rules very much anymore. I smiled to yself as I remembered how easily her hand had slipped into mine last night. How perfectly she fit in my arms when I hugged her. I would never forget last night. . Sudden;y I felt someone hit me in the back of my head. "Aish!" I rubbed the back of my head as I turned around to see a laughing Top. Oh so now he decides to show emotion? I was going to punch him, but I changed my mind as he looked back up with the scariest look. I swear he sometimes made me very afraid. "What was that for hyung?" He smirked trying to swoon the imaginary fan girls surrounding us. I swear that guy has done too many dramas. "Consider it pay back for this morning face." I gaped at him and exclaimed. "My face resembles nothing like a !" He laughed loudly. "Really then why is it that you can't get a date with Evelyn?" I crossed my arms and looked way casually. "I have no clue of what you are talking about." He shook his head back to his serious attitude. "Whatever." He steped into the black sleek car cooly. As usual. I frowned to myself. Maybe he's right... What if Evi hasn't you know made a MOVE because I'm not really good looking? I almost instantly shook my head. Pshhhhhh yeah right. Come one all the girls think I'm so cute. Even my noonas like mecheeky I follwed my hyung into the car and when I sat I turned to see a stiff (as usual) Top and a blank looking Daesung(not a very usual thing). Come on we all have to be happy for at least one day definitely for Kiyomi's birthday. Hmmmhh seems like I gotta cheer these guys up. Seungri to the rescue!!! I started with a normal conversation. "Sooooo hyungs what do you think we should get Kiyomi for her birthday??" They stared blankly at m, but then a smiled grew on Daesung's face. Ahhhh I can always rely on hyung. "Well girls like teddy bears so what if we got her like a huge one I'm sure she would love it." I nodded my head growing hop for the boys. "Yeah that sounds good." Jiyong hyung are you cool with us getting Kiyomi a huge teddy bear for her brithday?" His reply was a cross between a grunt and a yes. I nodded hmmh good enough I guess. Then a voice came from behind me. "Hey guys I'm getting Kiyomi a present myself." All heads turned towards him and Jiyong smiled. I pouted and looked away that donkey he didn't smile for me. Jiyong hyung spoke. "Hmmmmmh any particular reason why you are getting Kiyomi a present from just you?" Now to fully see imagine a buff guy out of nowhere blushing almost now resembling a big teddy bear. Hmmmh maybe we can just give Kiyomi him for our present she probably would like that. No matter how much i wanted to just pout and look out the window to get Jiyong hyung's attention I couldn't help, but jump into the conversation. It just comes naturally to me ok don't judge. "Yeah hyung what's up with that?" I spoke up. He tried speaking like if he wasn't getting redder by the second. "No reason really I just thought it would be nice to do so." He smiled again. Daesung jumped in excidetly. "Awwwww what are you getting her??" He blushed harder (oh my god I swear he's going to explode sooner or later.) "Well it's......" (A/N:Sorry readers what Taeyang is getting Kiyomi is a surprse:P ButI promise you will find out in Kiyomi's chapter!) I practically jumped out of my seat as I heard what he said, "Are you freaking serious?! How are you going to do that and organize all of that?" He smiled and shrugged nonchalantly. "I have my ways my little Seungri." I shook my head in disbelief. "You are crazy hyung. . And I am not small." He just leaned forward and messed my hair a bit. I swear the more I hang with this guy the more different he gets. I swear next thing you know he will decide to go back to his corn rows. . I swear I couldn't bear it when he had those. (A/N: I have nothing agianst when he had corn rows it just popped into my head to type so don't judge please:D) The car then began to drive off and everyone kept quetstioning about his present to Kiyomi. I seriously have no clue of how he is going to pull it off. If he does then all his praying and carrying his bible around must really come in handy for things like this.

*Evi Pov*

We were crowded in the kitchen fussing around in the dark when suddenly the door started jiggling. Oh my god! She's here! The first person I ended up turning to was a very excited Seungri which I found cute as he looked like a 6 year old enjoying himself. Wow that guy he always finds ways to make my day in different ways I can't explain. He then noticed me staring at him like a doofus. He smiled charmingly at me probably trying to make me swoon. In the end to cover up my stupid self's staring I stuck my tongue out him like a 10 year old. Hmmmh I guess we are both in the mood to act lik children. I turned to the door to see Kiyomi stare at all of us pretty much looking like she peed in her pants from how shocked she was. Hah I don't blame her if I was expecting to celebrate my birthday by myself I would have been shocked too to come home and find my friends throwing me a surprise birthday. But in the end she ended up smiling as Miho shoved the cake in her face to blow out the candles. But then the door opened. . . I found my heart beating faster that I became frightened. Holy crap who is it?? I hope it's not a creeper those people are just plain out scary. I found myself at that moment grasping on to Seungri's hand. I looked up at him (due to my shortness). He was staring at the door almost prepared to maybe protect me? I didn't really care either way though, it was just heart warming to see him with that apearance on his face. But I didn't really need it I can beat up any creeper. But still it was sweetcheeky. Then walked in YG. I smiled as he said he wouldn't miss Kiyomi's birthday party. And that was where our amazing and emotional party started. To tell you the truth I can't go into much detail about it because the whole time after Seungri did that protective gesture I just stared at him. Not really caring whether I looked like a doofus.

*4 weeks later*

"You guys ready?" I looked at everyone around me to see them all confident and happy. And so was I. We all answered yes together with excitement. Well it's fnally here. . YG smiled at us proudly with the smile only a proud father could give to his daughters. I felt my insides jumping around as YG spoke his next words. "Tomorrow we're going to Lotte World!" 

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flowergirls #1
Thank you! :)
BleachMyStrawberry #2
love this story so far, keep up the great work ^^
flowergirls #3
Hi readers , it's kinda late , but I can't sleep. T.T so I've decided to tell you guys that the next chap will be up as soon as possible. Sorry bout that. In the mean time , check out our new stories , and see what you think. Aaahh ~ now I'm sleepy. Goodnight ^-^<br />
flowergirls #4
hi readers i just wanted to say that theres going to be another kiyomi chapter to make up for my last one. So yeah:) thats all i wanted to say:P
flowergirls #5
want to tell ya, but that would spoil the suprise:( sorry you have to read more to find out.....
lovis89 #6
oh did her brother died...
flowergirls #7
will try my best thank you for cmmenting!:)
riiiiu2 #8
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
flowergirls #9
thank you:)
ChoomTOP #10
subscribed :D i like the story so far cant wait for more ^^