
This Pain

she just can't be back. 

'where is she?' jiyong asked still in disbelieve. 

'She waited since 8pm, now she's asleep on the sofa' Kim ajushi turn and nods slightly indicating that she was in the next living room. 

'its ok ajushi, go to sleep, I will meet her' Jiyong said slowly, the house suddenly too silent he could hear this heart beat. 

Kim ajushi was reluctant 'I asked her to sleep in the guest room but she refused' 

Jiyong nods 'its ok, go got rest ajushi' he walked to the living room. 


'hmmm..' he turn slightly to face ajushi

'remember she's your wife' ajushi's statement went deep. it meant a lot. 

'yes I remember, remember it too well' Jiyong's shoulders were now stiff as he walked to the spacious modern living room. His eyes searching for a familiar figure. There she was on a white sofa curled like a fetus. She looked tiny and helpless.

He felt like his heart nearly came out. could it be really her? The room was partially lit so it was dark. Jiyong slowly walked to her, taking small steps trying to make sure she's asleep and not awake. If he was expecting a 19 years old girl he was wrong. Infront of him was a 28 years old woman in a long white maxi dress and a silver cardigan ensuring her warmth. Her hair covered half of her face but he still can see her. 

She is 10 times beautiful than she was before. Her features ripen, her looks matured.His sight travel from her head to her toe, taking in her image. Jiyong clenched his fist then rubbed his face and hair in distress. Why now? What does she wants? 

Jiyong felt the urge to smash something. do something violent or cause some pain. He was angry. very angry. Walking away clenching his fist he breathe in and out slowly trying think logicly. 

'jiiii yong...' a light feminine voice was heard followed by a rustled  of clothings and the sound of a person getting up. 

She's awake. He turned slowly, trying to buy himself time. Now facing her he noted her scared eyes, her ruffled hair, her shivering lower lip. He looks at her as her fingers tremors slighty. so she's afraid?

Jiyong stayed silent. If she came so she do the talking. 

'ji yong' she said again, her voice giving her away. 

He just looked at her and waited. Wanting to she what she had to say after 9 years. 

'I..How are you?' her face getting nervous 

Jiyong felt his temperature rise, anger flowing in his blood 'you came her to ask me how I'm doing?, wow, that took you so long' his words were made intentionally to hurt her. 

Impressively she just stood and look at him. potraying a brave madonna in her. 'I came to discuss something but its late' her head looked down at her watch. her voice still scratchy from the sleep.

'yes, it is, you know the door out' 

'I..Its 3 am' her eyes big 

'and?' Jiyong stared down at her, his eyes full of anger he was amazed she didn't flinch. 

'I don't have a car, it will be out next week' she slowly explain, her voice her features still so soft like 9 years ago. 

Jiyong was too tired, he turned and took a few steps to walk away but she stopped him.What is it that she wants to discuss desperately.

'Ji, listen' 

'don't call me ji' he lashed. Only his parents call him Ji.

she fliched and took a step back.

*jiyong remember she is your wife. 

'I'm sorry..I...need to talk to you tomorrow, what time will you be back?' 

'I don't know, you know what Hae Won, you just can't come into my house and demand things to run your way, stay here tonight, sleep in the guest room in ground floor, we will talk tomorrow' his voice hard. 

Hae Won just nod silently. Ji Yong let go an annoyed groan and took large strides to his room. 


'damn her' He threw a pillow and it knocked a vase filling the house with crashing breaking glass sounds. 

After a shower Jiyong buried himself in his bed, assured that tonight will be a sleepless night. 

His face on the pillow he cursed himself when he felt a tear rolled down his cheeks.


Hae Won wiped her tears. When the breaking glass sounds were heard she could felt more tears streaming down her face. 

He's angry at her, that was obvious. 

muffling her sobs she curled on the sofa hoping tomorrow would be better. 



thank you to all comments and subscribtion *bows* 

jiyong is very angry yes T.T let's see how it goes :) 

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Heymama #1
Just found this..its goood!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 33: Done
Chapter 33: Great fan fic!
The story so sweet. Love d happy ending.. Childish gd is so cute.. Love it!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 33: Omg~ love it soooo much!! Jiyong is soooo cute n sweet!!! I think it shouldn't be 9 years of waiting. 4-5 years is more than enough.. It's a bit out of imagination with someone 29 years old with those actions.. 24 still acceptable to be acting cute and pouting along., haha.. But anyway, it's a very very cute and sweet story!!!! Love it!!
nhichole18 #6
Awww! This story is so cute~ ^^
jiyong was so sweet ^^
thank you for sharing! I really liked reading it :)
im sorry but i love this tory that i actually reading this whole story again!<br />
kekeke~ the cutest story ever!!!<br />
please do some sequel ^___^
Aigoo~ so cute ! I love love love love this fic~! <3
Great ending!! Loved it!!