
This Pain

When jiyong woke up that morning,the broken glasses on his bedroom floor made him remember what happened last night. 

He remember the woman downstairs and let go a deep sigh. The woman that has haunted his life for so long is finally in flesh. What does she actually want? 

In the shower Ji Yong was reminded how she acted last night. She's still the same, scared of him.maybe because he never treated her right ever since they were married. 

When he met her before their wedding all he felt was anger because infront of him was a scared girl with swollen eyes and blotted nose trapped in a decision his father stated in his will. Ji yong who was caught in between his agony of losing his dad and the guilt of dragging a 19 year old girl into a marriage sends him into a cold parade.  

When they were children they met a few times. Played hide and seek a few times so the fact that Hae Won did not remember him only hurt his ego. 

At 20 years old he was building his carreer with Big Bang and they were finalising their album. Hae Won come in a very wrong moment. Dealing with a plagiarism issue and a crying wife at home was not easy. He was so young that when Hae Won told him her plans to work and travel send him into a spiral of angry hasty decisions.  

He felt unwanted so naturally before she leaves him, he sends her away. 

somehow for him that salvaged his last form of pride.

She left after a week but during that week ji Yong felt only worst as he saw the sweetest girl in her, a naive innocent soul that wanted to be love, a spirited girl that couldn't wait to take over the world. How many time did she tried to talk to him but he pretended to not listen and just walk away ignoring her dissapointed face. He was in the brink of holding her back. telling her not to go but he had no right. She made him remember the girl he fell in love when he was 12. her.

He couldn't send her on the day she got back to Dublin because he was at court. Winning the battle he came back to an empty house filled with regret. 

He thought she'll come back in a year or two but a year turns into two then three then four. All he knew was he came to a decision to forget about her but every woman he debauched only highthen his thoughts of her. she was a she-devil in his life.

Putting on his clothes he walked down the stairs only to fine ahjuma in the kitchen making breakfast.  

'she's in the guest room' ahjuma said without asking, a smile in her voice. 

opening the door, Hae Won was in his t-shirt and pants. 

'ahjuma gave it to me' Hae Won explain. Why does she need to looked like she is so scared of him.  

'ehm' he nods and continued ''ahjuma is making breakfast' he walks to the kitchen as Hae Won followed him from behind. He didn't miss the half dry hair, the long white legs, the bare shoulder due to the style the shirt had. ahjuma have her own tricks under her sleeve. 


sitting opposite him Hae Won was silently thinking, making up sentences, repeating it again and again in her mind making sure it will sound right. 

Gathering her last courage her eyes moved from her toast to Ji Yong who was busy eating his breakfast, toast, bacon and half cooked egg. Living with him that week 9 years ago, she learnt that little fact. Ji Yong like his eggs half cook. so some things stay the same. 

'Ji yong' she called out. 

He stopped eating. His fork halfway in the air. Placing the fork back on his plate he looked at her. 'yes?' 

Under the table Hae Won was wringing her fingers 'you remember yesterday I told you I need to discuss with you about something?' 

Ji Yong nods and his sight never left her. Hae Won hate the confidence he had as God knows she lack them. 

'I need to be at work in 30 minutes, what is it?' he said slowly, his word controlled. 

'I came to ask for a divorce' Hae Won said, patiently waiting for Ji Yong's responds. 

'owh' Ji Yong said countinue eating. 

Hae Won was confused, did he listened to what she said 'I know is quite late, I just thought that it needs to be settled, you can freely build your own family, ofcourse I'm not asking anything' 

He was still silent and Hae Won waited 

'you're getting married?' his voice very controlled

'owh no' she shook her head her eyes wide, pink cheeks 'I'm not'

He lifted his face and took a sip of his glass of orange juice. leaning on his chair he stared at her 'you're moving back to Seoul for good?' 

Hae Won jerks her head nervously.

'you're working here?' he asked again

'yes, in a month time or so'

Ji Yong looked at his watch as if he was going to leave. Hae Won can't let that happen. she needs to settle this. she can't stay here again. 

'Ji Yong, I promise I won't tell anyone, It will be just between us, I'm sorry I came back so late to settle this' she said despearately. 

He sigh and rubbed his hair 'you're not getting it' his voice final

'what?' Hae Won can't believe her ears. 

'you're not getting the divorce, you'll stay as my wife' 

'but' Hae Won stood up the sound of the chair moving filled the empty dinning room 'but..we can't stay as husband and wife' 

'why?' he asked

'we don't even live together' it was obvious she was fighting the urge to yell. 

'then we'll live together' Ji Yong shrugged.

'just give me a divorce Ji Yong' her voice begging. 

Ji Yong stood and came to her. Hae Won stood there and waited, her breathing deep

Infront of her, Ji Yong stood a few inches taller. 

'you were gone for 9 years wife, its time you become a real one, you're not getting a divorce, you'll stay here and act like how you should 9 years old, we fix this marriage' he said slowly every word send a wave of deathly shiver to her heart. 

'I don't want' she said slowly, avoiding his eyes. 

He scoffed 'It dosen't matter to me, I'm not divorcing you' 

She looked at his eyes 'but why?' she whispered distraught 

'because you are my wife' Ji Yong finally moved away. 

'Where are you staying?' he asked 

'Ji yong I don't want' Hae Won said stubbornly. 

'Lets go get your stuffs and settle you down in this house' he ignored her grabbing his key on the dinning table. 

'you can't make me stay, I'll run away' Hae Won said afraid. 

'you're not going to do that' Ji Yong looked at her 

'how would you know?' Hae Won words challenge Ji Yong's patient. 

'because you ran once' his words hurtful.

It send Hae Won into a distant silence. he is punishing her. 

'you'll stay in the car later, you're not going out with those clothes' Ji Yong said looking at her attire. 

Hae Won just stayed silent, feeling guilty. 

why does he want her to stay?



phew, so we heard thier own views, Hae Won and Ji Yong :)

some writers love to keep it a mystery but I don't know why I would like to make it clear about their past first. I hope I'm not lessening your interest.hehehehe

basicly I need to focus how they are going to make this marriage work now <3 

let's wish them luck :)

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Heymama #1
Just found this..its goood!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 33: Done
Chapter 33: Great fan fic!
The story so sweet. Love d happy ending.. Childish gd is so cute.. Love it!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 33: Omg~ love it soooo much!! Jiyong is soooo cute n sweet!!! I think it shouldn't be 9 years of waiting. 4-5 years is more than enough.. It's a bit out of imagination with someone 29 years old with those actions.. 24 still acceptable to be acting cute and pouting along., haha.. But anyway, it's a very very cute and sweet story!!!! Love it!!
nhichole18 #6
Awww! This story is so cute~ ^^
jiyong was so sweet ^^
thank you for sharing! I really liked reading it :)
im sorry but i love this tory that i actually reading this whole story again!<br />
kekeke~ the cutest story ever!!!<br />
please do some sequel ^___^
Aigoo~ so cute ! I love love love love this fic~! <3
Great ending!! Loved it!!