
This Pain

he promised me he won't leave me. he promised. the lines keep on running in Hae Won's mind. surely Jiyong wont chase her away. 

truthfully, Hae Won is not sure anymore. She checked in to the suite next to JiYong's  but its already 12pm and he has not came back yet. yes, she has been sitting on the couch silently waiting for any sounds of footstep along the corridor. everytime she hears one she jumped up and looked at the peep hole only to see someone else. 

Knowing Jiyong he will come back late. He loves to work. Thats just him. Ahjumma gave her Jiyong's working address. Maybe she should go there. Taking up the phone, she dialled up the receptionist and asked for a cab. ok, Jiyong's work place it is. 


Jiyong didn't feel right, everything he did was not right. 

He's feeling nervous, skitterish. 

He needs a break but he can't allow himself that pleasure. break means free time, means he's going to stay alone somewhere feeling sorry for himself. 

he rubs his hair feeling messed up, inside and out. 

maybe something bad happened to Hae Won. 

She seemed healthy enough. how he knows? well he has a detective following her now and then. He openes his email and looked at the last report about her , 4 days ago. A few pictures of Hae Won in a salon, she had trimmed her hair and did what woman did with their hair.  

She did not meet with Minki for the pass months but how would he know anyway, they work in the same hospital, his ego spoke.  and whats with her fashion lately. all loose clothes. 


He wrote a short email to the detective to update whats on with Hae Won. 

Someone knocked his office and Jiyong looked up. It was john, the junior producer 'jiyong, come to the recording studio, they are looking for you' 

Jiyong pressed the send button and stood up 'sure thing' 


Her heart hamerring Hae Won went to the receptionist and asked for Jiyong 'Im here to meet Mr.Jiyong' 

The blue eye girl looked up with a smile 'do you have an appointment with him?'

'not really, could you tell him, Its Mrs.Kwon, he knows me, Im his wife' Hae Won played with her fingers nervously. 

'I will now call his office, you may sit first Mrs.Kwon' the girl took the phone and started dialling. 

Hae Won managed a nod and sat on one of the black leather couches. 

she could hear the receptionist talking 'James, Is Jiyong there, someone is searching for him. Mrs.Kwon'

'hmmmm, yes yes, I do believe she is his wife' the receptionist continued. 

'tell him now please, I'll wait' she continued. 

Hae WOn heartbeats were accelerating. what is she going to say to Jiyong?

she misses him dearly. 


Soo Hee was in search for Jiyong, where could he be, its nearly lunch break. she'll drag him with her. today. 

She saw james walking along the corridor 

'james, why are you in a rush' she smiled nicely. 

'I need to tell jiyong, her wife is downstairs waiting for him' 

blood surged up her cheeks. his wife? Hae Won? that cheap , she thought. how dare she comes here and ruining her plans. 

she gain her composure and touched James shoulder 'ah, I knew, I told Jiyong, Jiyong told to send her away, he is very busy now'

James hesitated and Sun Hee moved closer to him, her bosy slithing like a snake until james became distracted. 

'seriously James, he told me, you dont trust me?' Sun Hee pouted. 

James nods 'o..ok, I'll go and tell the receptionist now' James walk back to his place. 

Sun Hee watches James back as he dissapear around the corner. 

she chuckled lightly 'so you think you can get Jiyong, sorry' she walked back to search for jiyong


Hae Won waited patiently for any news from the receptionist. 

'ehem...yes..you sure? ok' the receptionist finally said. 

Hae Won stood up and went to her. Hae WOn was smilling but her smile slightly drop when she saw the receptionist 's face. like she was going to tell a bad news. 

'I'm sorry Mrs.Kwon, Mr.Jiyong is currently very busy, he cant meet you'

'ahhhhh' Hae Won felt her heart dropped. 'eeerr..did he ask me to wait?' Hae Won bravely ask. 

The receptionist look sad 'errr..not really, do you want me to ask?' she took the phone. 

'ohh..its ok, I'll just wait him in the hotel, thank you' Hae Won fought a smile and walked out of the building. 

It suddenly rained heavily. great!. 

waiting for a cab, Hae Won looked straight at the road. don't cry don't cry. 

how could he do that, how could he chase her away? she placed her fingers on her treambling lips. don't cry.

the heavy rain was not helping at all. ji, you promised me you won't leave me, you told me you love me, a tear finally dropped. 

why are you being mean to me?

a guy infront of her took a cab and next is her turn 

faster please,she needs to take the earliest flight back. its too much for her to handle. she could hear her heart breaking, her eyes cloudy. 

ji, you liar! she heartbrokenly thought. 

a familiar voice came 'wait, i'll get the car and you wait here' 


'ok ji' a familiar voice came

Hae Won hid behind a pillar and peeked. it was him. Jiyong had an umbrella over him as he jog to his car. 

Hae Won looked at the woman in mini skirt waiting for him, she was talking on the phone 'im off to lunch with jiyong, i'll call you later' her voice is so familiar? 

he heart was stommped when everything falls into places.  his ex? the woman in the changing room? the one who said jiyong would leave Hae Won and came back to her arms. 

Hae Won retreated behind the pillar so that jiyong couldn't see her. 

Its all a breeze. 

her lips shoke, her blood all rushed out. she felt lost. her knees were woobly. 

ji, you promised you would never leave me. 

I love you and look what you did? ji, how could you. tears fall rapidly. 

Jiyong's car stopped infront of the girl and she went inside. 

Hae Won looked at him through the hazy rain, he's like before, handsome like ever. 

Hae Won wiped her fast flowing tears and tried to contain her sobs as Jiyong's bently drove away. 

A taxi came and Hae Won dashed inside. 

How could her heart stand this much. 

maybe because its not the only heart she has, she puts her palm on her bump

be strong baby, we're going back. 




tq to all the subscribers, commenters and readers :) tq very much for ur support. will update asap <3 *kisses*

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Heymama #1
Just found this..its goood!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 33: Done
Chapter 33: Great fan fic!
The story so sweet. Love d happy ending.. Childish gd is so cute.. Love it!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 33: Omg~ love it soooo much!! Jiyong is soooo cute n sweet!!! I think it shouldn't be 9 years of waiting. 4-5 years is more than enough.. It's a bit out of imagination with someone 29 years old with those actions.. 24 still acceptable to be acting cute and pouting along., haha.. But anyway, it's a very very cute and sweet story!!!! Love it!!
nhichole18 #6
Awww! This story is so cute~ ^^
jiyong was so sweet ^^
thank you for sharing! I really liked reading it :)
im sorry but i love this tory that i actually reading this whole story again!<br />
kekeke~ the cutest story ever!!!<br />
please do some sequel ^___^
Aigoo~ so cute ! I love love love love this fic~! <3
Great ending!! Loved it!!