
This Pain

damn, what is he going to do now???  

Hae Won stirred and placed her face closer to his side. 

*oh no don't stir Ji Yong thought. 

He chuckled softly as the situation is quite funny in its own ways.

she stirred again restless in her sleep. Ji Yong closed his eyes in agony *can't his lovely wife stay put. 

Hae Won whimpered. her eyes closed but flickering and her lips pursed to the front. maybe she is having a bad dream?.  

Ji Yong rubbed her back slowly making soft soothing sounds.  

'its ok love, I'm here' he whispered slowly but then stopped *now I sound like a girl Ji Yong shook his head. 

Hae Won's hand which was on his stomach turned in a fist and she was positively frowning in distress. 

Ji Yong moved her slowly to her place, pushing her hair from her face. 

'its ok love' he whispered on her temple.  

Hae Won stirred and opened her eyes slowly, looking at him. 

Ji Yong was suprised and got back to his pillow, embarassed that his act of affection was caught in action. 

'ji...' her voice shook. Ji Yong ly to see a layer of tears were forming at the corners of her eyes. 

'bad dreammmmm' her voice low like a child.

Ji Yong turned to her and wiped her tears 'sleep back, its fine'

he was only going to look at her but her eyes were mezmerising, innocent, scared. He didn't plan to kiss her but he did. starting from her eyes down to her lips. 

Initially she did pulled back a bit but then maybe she was too sleepy to think Ji Yong thought. 

Pulling her closer Ji Yong took in her scent. one stormy night it became. 


Hae Won woke up only to find herself in the arms of a shirtless Ji Yong, her face on his bare chest. 

Positively pink with embarassment Hae Won slipped her self away very slowly dreading if she woke him up. finding herself without any clothing only made her heart jumped out grabbing Ji Yong's shirt on the floor she puts them on and rushed into the bathroom.  

She didn't look at Ji Yong not even once. She don't dare.

so much of buying modest pajamas* Hae Won angrily thought. 

'oh no' she whispered looking at herself infront of the mirror.  

thoughts of last night only set her cheeks on fire. Just because she had a nightmare about getting eaten by sharks she gave away her virg..owh wait he is her husband. oh yes, she forgotten =.=  

but then she was half consious. ok she was concious but she was sleepy when it started. Hae Won stood under the shower. it was bound to happen ofcourse. If they ever want to make this marriage work but she never thought it would be last night. did she make a fool out of herself. oh no she can't even remember well. 


Hae Won was busy in the kitchen making porridge for breakfast as Ahjumma hovers around helping her. 

'Hae Won are you ok?' Ahjumma asked concerned with her distant look 

Hae Won who was deep in her thoughts on how to face Ji Yong today was caught off guard and she found her self stammering slightly 'oh..ahh. ok..ahjuma' 

'is it about Ji Yong' ahjuma softly asked 

Hae Won blushed and focus at her porridge 'owh no ahjuma, we didn't do anything' great, why did she said that she thought

Ahjumaa giggled  'Hae Won, is everything ok?' 

Hae Won jerk her head nodding a few times. 

Ahjumma who understood her reation smiled and countinued arranging the cutleries. 

stop it hae won, stop it, get a grip, Hae Won breathe in slowly trying to normalize her breathing. she is so pathetic she thought. 

Transferring the porridge in a big bowl Hae Won heard Ji Yong's voice. 

'Ahjumma, is Hae Won downstairs?' he shouted from upstairs. 

'yes she's here' 

Hae Won stopped breathing, panicked for a while. 

Steps were heard, fast running steps actually. 

Ji Yong appread at the kitchen's door 'Morning!' he said, his face plastered with a smile as if he won a million dollar lottery. 

Hae Won looked down at the porridge pretending to be concern with the chicken in it. She noticed he took his bath, now in a body hugging white shirt and brown khahis pants 

'eat?' she asked her voice sounded like someone chocked her. 

'ok' Ji Yong walked pass her to wash his hands but stopped for a while next to her and whispered in her ears 'but I rather eat you' 

Luckily ahjumma was out in the dinning hall. 

Hae Won let go a gasps ,her eyes large. 

Ji Yong just giggled like a child.




hahaha, ji yong happy. lol XD 

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Heymama #1
Just found this..its goood!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 33: Done
Chapter 33: Great fan fic!
The story so sweet. Love d happy ending.. Childish gd is so cute.. Love it!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 33: Omg~ love it soooo much!! Jiyong is soooo cute n sweet!!! I think it shouldn't be 9 years of waiting. 4-5 years is more than enough.. It's a bit out of imagination with someone 29 years old with those actions.. 24 still acceptable to be acting cute and pouting along., haha.. But anyway, it's a very very cute and sweet story!!!! Love it!!
nhichole18 #6
Awww! This story is so cute~ ^^
jiyong was so sweet ^^
thank you for sharing! I really liked reading it :)
im sorry but i love this tory that i actually reading this whole story again!<br />
kekeke~ the cutest story ever!!!<br />
please do some sequel ^___^
Aigoo~ so cute ! I love love love love this fic~! <3
Great ending!! Loved it!!