we talk

This Pain

no she was not going to stop. 

Jiyong was now running to her and ofcourse he was faster. She was at the lift area when Jiyong overtook her and stopped her from going futher. 

'stop I say' Jiyong pantted. 

Hae Won bargged into him trying to get through, her face all the time looking down. 'give me way,bastard' she continued to push him hands for a way. 

'gosh, stop it' Jiyong sound annoyed and he trapped her in his embrace. she stood still 'let me pass through' 

he ignored her request 'why are you here?' he tried to look at her face but she was looking elseway, still determine to get away. 

'why are you here?' Jiyong softly made her look at him. He noticed her eyes were swollen. maybe a bit angry but they were glassy and the skin around it was pink. 

she tried to look away but jiyong's hands were strict on her chin. 

'cried? why?' he asked. 

she looked straight at him, for the first time. 

her voice was mixed with emotions 'I have the stupidest most selfish husband,you excpect me to have a jolly of a time?' her voice low. 

Jiyong's eyes flashed. He gripped Hae Won's arm, grabed her luggage and pull her to him suite. 

she fought, pulling herself away from him but jiyong's grip was painful. Hae Won wanted to scream but Jiyong's fierce look made her stop.

'don't embarass us please' he opened the door and barged in inside with her. 

'let my arm go, its painful' Hae Won fought a bit.

In the living area Jiyong let her go and at her arm has a pinkish mark from Jiyong's harsh handling. 

she rubs her left arm wishing she could just get away from him.  Hae Won didn't realise Jiyong's piercing eyes as she she took a step towards the exit.. 

'stop it!' jiyong yelled in anger. 

Hae Won eyes flashed 'what do you want?' 

He folded his arms infront and relaxed his back on the wall 'why are you here?' 

stupid Hae Won thought 'I came searching for you'  

Jiyong seemed like he got caught of guard 'anything happened? you want the divorce papers served faster?'

Hae Won gasps 'noooo, I just...nevermind, I'll just go back now' she looked at the exit and decided to turn her strategy as she asked nicely 'may I leave, I have a plane to catch' 

'you came here all the way from Korea to find me and now you want to leave?, whats the catch here?' jiyong's eyes kept Hae Won from running out. 

Hae Won felt hurt. He was the one who send me away from his office and now he's asking me all these questions like its the first time he knows I'm here searching for him. what a jerk! 

she felt defeated. like a toy. 

'just let me go, if you want to serve me with the divorce paper then just give them to my lawyer, just do whatever you want, we are that hopeless' Hae Won already regreted her words but she can't force their marriage. If its just whats left for them then maybe, it is. 

'you can't wait for another 3 more months? you're already planning for another marriage?' Jiyong was hurt, he felt like someone took his heart out but his voice dosen't reflect his emotions. He still couldn't believe that Haewon che

ated on him. 

'you're a serious jerk! I don't love Minki anymore, I didn't cheat on you! yes, ofcourse I came back for him, yes I did and yes the main reason why I stayed with you because I felt guilty but that was at first,I hanged our marriage for 9 years and I felt guilty..then I grew to care about you, I know its not some fairytale starting point but that's how our relationship start off, and..and..when I said I loved you, I did! I realise Minki was only an infatuation, he only treats me like a sister, nothing more. I didn't want to tell you because we were so new and I was afraid this would happen, you being an !' feels cloged but she continued as Jiyong is silent and giving her time and space 'I would never cheat on you, don't you understand that, I do really loved you but you left me just like that, what do you think I am, garbage?...'

Jiyong cut her off 'I saw a picture of you in his office'

'that was in Thailand, he saved me from an fatal accident, thats how I met Minki but Ji thats my past like your past, I don't love him and I never cheated on you..' her energy was out but her deep anger was not. 

'I came all the way here to tell you that but you send me out from your office saying you were busy and you were with your ex, ji, you're a big liar do you know that!! you promised me you won't leave me, you promised!! and you said you love me too!! you're a liar' tears were already falling and her eyes hurt, she used her hand to cleaned it away.  

'you came to my office?' he looked surprised.

Hae Won was really tired of all this 'yes I did! and you couldn't meet me cause you were too busy, even the receptionist felt sorry for me' she began to sob but continued 'now, let me go..'

'Hae Won, I, ok let me..' he began to walk to her and she reversed in horror 'don't come near, I'm tired, I don't want to deal with you, I'm tired jiyong, I'm just tired' 

jiyong was silent for a while and then said 'then go to sleep in that room' he pointed a door.  

Hae Won shook her head 'no, I need to catch my flight' she lied. 

'I'll buy you another ticket, you're not going anywhere until we settle this' jiyong strictly said. 

'owh now you want to settle this, two months ago you left me chasing the back of your car like an idiot' she said in between of her sobs. 

Jiyong rubbed his scalp, like a man holding the burden of the universe, his shoulder hunch back ' go rest in the room, you look like a mess, you're not leaving' he grabbed his a\other arm, softly this time and lead her to the room. 

'I'm not a puppet!' she flinched from his touch. 

Jiyong didn't miss the reaction of hers. In the room he set her bag next to the bed ' now you rest here, I'm going out for a while, the suite has a  lock system, you won't be able to go out' he explained. 

Hae Won just kept silent.

Jiyong looked at her for a while then turn 'I'll be back in less than an hour' 

Hae Won just continued to look elsewhere. 

'don't think to jump off the window, I auto locked it' Jiyong closed the door 


Jiyong came out from his office building with angry strides. The receptionist and James confirmed that Hae Won did come this afternoon and the reason why he didn't know was because of Sun Hee. Damn that woman! 

. He's is deep trouble. 

now all the past events flashed between his eyes. . 

he was so blinded by his anger.  

he left her. . 

and he promised he wont ever leave her. 

and she was him going out with Sun Hee

She must have hurt so bad and its all him damn bloddy fault.

damn it was only a misunderstanding

there's a big chance she won't forgive him. .

he needs to go back and he needs to get back him woman.

he didn't miss the work 'loved' she used when she was explaining. past tense. 

Jiyong could feel his muscle tense. 

She said she 'loved' him 

and she was involved in a fatal accident in Thailand?

the notion of nearly losing her send shivers down his spine. 

He speed up. 

He needs to see his woman. NOW


After 10 minutes of running around the suite trying to find a way out Hae Won gave up and layed down on her bed. 

She was tired, very much tired. 

Where is he? 

She thought divorce papers can only be issued in Korea?

what does she knows?

Her heart felt drown. 

its going to be the end.

She'll learn to forgive him one day but today is not the day. 


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Heymama #1
Just found this..its goood!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 33: Done
Chapter 33: Great fan fic!
The story so sweet. Love d happy ending.. Childish gd is so cute.. Love it!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 33: Omg~ love it soooo much!! Jiyong is soooo cute n sweet!!! I think it shouldn't be 9 years of waiting. 4-5 years is more than enough.. It's a bit out of imagination with someone 29 years old with those actions.. 24 still acceptable to be acting cute and pouting along., haha.. But anyway, it's a very very cute and sweet story!!!! Love it!!
nhichole18 #6
Awww! This story is so cute~ ^^
jiyong was so sweet ^^
thank you for sharing! I really liked reading it :)
im sorry but i love this tory that i actually reading this whole story again!<br />
kekeke~ the cutest story ever!!!<br />
please do some sequel ^___^
Aigoo~ so cute ! I love love love love this fic~! <3
Great ending!! Loved it!!