the talk

This Pain

walking into the tall modernly build building Hae Won carried a small lunch box for jiyong. He's going to be here the whole day today.Most probably until late night as he's supporting his juniors that will be debuting his songs. Hae Won is always amaze with the rate how Jiyong work. He push himself to get the best and he works really hard although he have been complaning lately that she is being a complete distraction for him. The thought send her smilling away and lifted up her spirit.   owh, how she is desperately in love with her own husband and she have no idea what to do with this feeling. 

It's so damn scary.

Showing her pass to the guard, he let her go.Lately, people started to recognize her as jiyong's wife as she made a couple of apprearance with him and she don't know how to explain the feeling of little sprinkle of pride that covers her little heart when people see her as his wife.  

Jiyong didn't know she'll come today. He asked her to come tomorrow and watch the performance but she was so bored at home that she decided to come. There was basicly nothing to do there and in less than two weeks she'll start working so its her time to spend with him. 

Trying to remember the instructions jiyong give Hae Won slowly walk along the corridor to find the room. she saw a door with a little star numbered '75'. confident that it was the door she opened it slowly and peeked inside but realize it was not jiyong's room as it was filled with girls changing and talking. They all ignored her and got back to what she was doing as they couldn't even see her.  

She was going to clicked the door shut but she couldn't when she overheard jiyong's name in their conversations 

'did you see jiyong, oh he's so hot babe' 

'love, he's married ok' 

'so what, 9 years marriage? please, we know jiyong, he's going to come back to me' 

the girl gasps 'OMO, did he?' 

'owh not yet, he's still enjoying that wife of his, trust me, he's going to get bored with her, its always like that cause in the end its always me that satisfy his needs' 

'yah, don't say things like that, his wife looks nice' 

the girl scoffed and Hae Won's heart died a little 'nice? you think jiyong likes nice, he wants adventure my dear, i've been in his bed so many times I know' 

'its the wife's fault, who asked her to leave him for 9 years, who the hell will do that'

'she's dumb, I don't blame jiyong to screw everyone'

'who knew jiyong is married for 9 years when he's like one of the biggest playboy in Seoul, I pity the wife, damn stupid' another voice came. 

Hae Won wanted to ran but she felt her feet was glued on the floor as every sentence they say send a sharp wound on her heart. 

'I tell you, jiyong is so good in bed, no wonder his wife is staying'

they all exploded in laughter.

'he's going to leave her soon, that's for sure' the girl's voice was so sure that Hae Won stepped back a little a tear dropping. one by one. 

Hae Won took another step back,ready to leave because truly her heart basicly can't take it anymore.  

another step back then she bumped into a rushing man.

'owh' he said catching her. It was jiyong. Jiyong started to smile suprised with her pressence but then stopped when he saw tears in her eyes. 

Hae Won wanted to run but she felt so numb and that perfect time the unclosed door let out her final punishment when one of the girls said 'There is no way Jiyong can be faithful to that wife of his' 

jiyong stiffen and nearly charged the door but Hae Won touched his chest and shook her head pleading for him to take her away. He saw the pain inflicted on her and took her away. She didn't know how much time passed because suddenly she felt fozen. 

'he's going to leave her soon, that's for sure' the words were like echo in her head. If he leaves her how is she going to countinue life like before. how? when somehow he have imprinted him self in such a short time. 

She wasn't consentrating that jiyong brought her into a small room and locked the door. didn't realise that he sat her down on a sofa, did'nt realise that she was still carrying his lunch box. 

jiyong slowly took the lunch box away from her. taking her face in his two palms he forced her to look at him. 

she couldn't pass her sight with the pain she felt, couldn't understand if it was pain and regret she felt or guilt and anger in his eyes. She wanted to run but it only send her swirling in a depth of angst. she ran before. its her fault. 

'baby love' he whispered wiping her eyes. 

she shook her head

'no, don't' he whispered.

'I will not leave you, no' he countinued

it only send her feelings on the ground, ofcourse he won't, its always her that does the leaving. 

more tears where treathning to come out and Hae Won lifted her handa to wipe them but jiyong stopped her.

'baby, don't be like this'

does he understand she was not angry but she was regreting

'what did you heard,tell me?' jiyong urged her continue wipping her tear streaken face. 

She shook her head and tried to turn away from him. 

'no' he said keeping her there but she persist and he let her turn away. Jiyong hugged her slowly from behind. 

'were they saying about me sleeping around before?' he whispered. 

It send a stab in her wounded heart. he guessed that because it was true and she was not angry at him but more to herself. 

she nods slowly and jiyong pulled her tighter 

'I'm sorry baby, I can't change the pass, i just...It was so hard for me when you weren't there' 

Hae Won took his hands and kissed he love this man but the image of him with someoneelse send her heart on rage. 

'can you be faithful now ji?' her voice soaked with hope and love.

jiyong slowly turned her to him and she didn't even fought a little.

'always love' he placed his forehead of hers

'I'm sorry' he whispered against her lips and she felt her whole body shook with love and fear.

she wanted to say sorry a thousand times but the words couldn't be utter.

he kissed her from the corner of her lips and she desperately hang to it as if it could mend her broken feelings.

oh ji, please don't leave me, Hae Won miserbly thought.  

'Hae Won' he whispered and took her in his arms. 




0.0 omo a sad chap :( 

I'm sorry I updated late. I had a big event last night and I sprain my arms =.= aish. 

sigh. this chap is so sad :< 

could the past be chatching up on them? 

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Heymama #1
Just found this..its goood!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 33: Done
Chapter 33: Great fan fic!
The story so sweet. Love d happy ending.. Childish gd is so cute.. Love it!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 33: Omg~ love it soooo much!! Jiyong is soooo cute n sweet!!! I think it shouldn't be 9 years of waiting. 4-5 years is more than enough.. It's a bit out of imagination with someone 29 years old with those actions.. 24 still acceptable to be acting cute and pouting along., haha.. But anyway, it's a very very cute and sweet story!!!! Love it!!
nhichole18 #6
Awww! This story is so cute~ ^^
jiyong was so sweet ^^
thank you for sharing! I really liked reading it :)
im sorry but i love this tory that i actually reading this whole story again!<br />
kekeke~ the cutest story ever!!!<br />
please do some sequel ^___^
Aigoo~ so cute ! I love love love love this fic~! <3
Great ending!! Loved it!!