
This Pain

Hae Won walked around the empty bedroom.

The room is big, will high sky windows that showed the outside world, a mini open living room of its own and an open library. Hae Won was born is luxury but after deprived of it during her travellings she found herself indulging it too much. 

Walking around the room she looks at the rows of photo frames. pictures of him, in shows, with his big bang boys, his parents and individuals that she couldn't identify. She went to the book shelf and looked trough the books. never a fan of mystery or biography her sight travel fast between the book but a book caught her attention. "Again the magic by Lisa Kleypas" its her favourite writer. Taking out the book it only made her realise it was hers. she left it here 9 years ago. flipping it open she smiled slighty. she was always a dreamer. Always dreaming for a knight in a shinning armor. 

clutching the book in hand she walked to the make up table. And looked at herself.

She had her dinner, alone. It seems that Ji yong had something important to do and was out in town. Hae Won stood infront of the mirror and groans. never she regretted her hobby to collect and wear delicate nightwears...until now. She picked her least revealing gown but still...shaking her head she walked to the bed and laid down, the crisps bed smells of fresh soap. She loves the smell of soap as she sniff her own skin which was flower scented.

Oddly she does not feel trapped in this house. Reading the book Hae Won did not realise when tiredness took over her and her eyes closed.


Entering his bedroom shrugging his leather jacket his sight was greated with a small figure under the blanket. He felt relieved. walking in to the bath room he took his shower.Back from his lawyer's house discussing about the public announcment he was going to make, they have decided tomorrow will be just fine. 

All should be well. Now in his pajamas he walks to the bed, his sight falls on the empty other half. Slowly slipping in, he laid down and faced Hae Won, her dark hair covered the side of her face, a book was in between their pillows. He turned around and closed his eyes. He will deal with it tomorrow. 


Ji Yong woke up in the morning in an empty bed. She woke up so early? cleaned up he walked out to search for her. Walking down the stair the aroma is food struck his senses. is she making breakfast? 

In the kitchen she found ahjumma sitting at the counter chit chatting with Hae Won who was busy frying eggs. 

'but then I lost my lucky stethoscope in the airplane, its been with me since I was in medical school ahjumma' she said not realising Ji Yong was there. 

Ahjuma saw Ji Yong and smiled as she noticed he stood against the wall observing his wife clad in a silky black bathrobe. 

'maybe its time to change yes, so I bought another one somewhere but I plan to get one here. although I wont be working until next month so I have a lot of time' she countinued. 

Turning to the counter table she then realise Ji Yong is there 'Ji Yong, owh morning' a slight blush appeared. Ahjuma ignored what she tought of an intimate moment and went outside 'I need to check the garden' she said. 

Alone Ji Yong looked at his wife 'making breakfast?' 

'ehem' she nods trasfering the egg and turning back to the stove to fry another. Ji Yong looks at the sandwiches, red bean, sausages. 

'a big breakfast?' he asked sitting down at the counter. 

'yes, It seems that you work hard all day and you don't get to eat properly at work so I thought I'll make you a big breakfast today' 

Ji Yong smiled with the fact that she was talking to him in a long sentence. That was rare.

'maybe you should take your bath first, are you in a hurry for work?' 

Ji Yong checked the clock on the wall. 'not really, in two hours, ok then I'll go take my bath' he stood up and made his way back to their room. 


'do you have anything to do today?' Ji Yong ask Hae Won who was sitting opposite him in the round small table for 5. 

Hae Won shook her head chewing a small piece of sausage.  

ok' he nods 'today i'll be back late, Hae Won, by tomorrow people should know about this marriage. I'm making the announcment by today' 

Hae Won looked at him and nods in silence. it was bound to happen. 

'Ji Yong, would you be back for lunch, if not i'll cook you lunch and you can have it here' 

Ji Yong never came back for lunch, well he don't really have time and he never really had a wife. 

'ok' he said.


In the office Ji Yong looked at the time. He can't make it for lunch, He needs to be here to supervise the final editing. 

Calling home, he told ahjumma to inform Hae Won. He'll explain to her later. 

Feeling a bit guilty he decided he'll make time for lunch tomorrow. Back to his work Ji Yong focused back to the team. 


Ji Yong was on the sofa listening as the song filled the room. The team were nearly done. Ahjushi Kim appeared in the room. Ji Yong stood up 'Ahjushi anything happened?' Ji Yong sounded worried. Ahjushi never comes to his office unless its an emergency matter or he left his stuffs at home. 

Ahjushi smiled and gave him a paper bag 'Hae Won made lunch today, she took a lot of time to prepare it' 

Ji Yong took the bag and looked inside. containers of food. Proud of his wife he smiled 'thank you ajushi, i'll be back earlier today' 

Back to his sofa, the paper bag next to him, Ji Yong couldn't fight a smile. 

a wife isn't bad at all*




so sweet ><  like chocolate 

tq for the comments and subscribtion. Love Love!

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Heymama #1
Just found this..its goood!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 33: Done
Chapter 33: Great fan fic!
The story so sweet. Love d happy ending.. Childish gd is so cute.. Love it!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 33: Omg~ love it soooo much!! Jiyong is soooo cute n sweet!!! I think it shouldn't be 9 years of waiting. 4-5 years is more than enough.. It's a bit out of imagination with someone 29 years old with those actions.. 24 still acceptable to be acting cute and pouting along., haha.. But anyway, it's a very very cute and sweet story!!!! Love it!!
nhichole18 #6
Awww! This story is so cute~ ^^
jiyong was so sweet ^^
thank you for sharing! I really liked reading it :)
im sorry but i love this tory that i actually reading this whole story again!<br />
kekeke~ the cutest story ever!!!<br />
please do some sequel ^___^
Aigoo~ so cute ! I love love love love this fic~! <3
Great ending!! Loved it!!