
This Pain

'let's get going' Ji yong instructed. 

Silent Hae Won just followed

'my sandals' she whispered 

'go get them, I'll wait you down stairs in the garage' 


Ji yong taps his fingers on the sterring wheel. 

The fact that she's back still is taking time to sink in with his feelings. she's here and she's staying. 

Ji Yong couldn't identity this feeling, is it revenge he wants to take, is it convinence he wants to make. is it responsibility he wants to take upon or what? 

A slim figure appeared clutching a black sling bag. Her eyes slowly  travelled along the cars trying to find him. Walking slowly she must have followed the engine's sound as most of his cars are with tinted windows. 

Slowly opening the door she peeked inside and climbed into the red BMW. 

at the click of her seatbelt Ji Yong started their journey. 

'Where to?'  


He made a left turn and their journey was filled with akward tension. 

'ji yong, can I take my stuffs instead?' 

Ji yong glanced at her for a second. 'with that clothes?' he asked his toned lighter. 

Hae Won was silent. She's helpless, how can a 28 year old woman that travel all around, been in hundreds of difficult situations can't stand up infront of her own husband. 

its amazing how guilt can eat your words out she thought. how complicated had it become. 

why is she not fighting?. Hae Won sigh slowly, her face fall and her shoulders slumped. 

how can she be a real wife?

Deep in her thoughts Ji yong parked sideways infront of a boutique. 'wait' he said. 

Hae Won just nod and got back to her thoughts. She can't escape can she? Distressed she starts to bite her nails. 

Jiyong came back within a few minutes with a paper bag from the shop. 

'wear this, then it'll be easier for you to go and get you things'

Hae Won looked into the bag. a white sleevless casual dress that falls until her knee. She felt touched with his concern. Now where is she suppose to change? 

'you can go to the back seat, the car is tinted, no one will see' Ji yong looked at her. Is she that obvious?

'but...' she hesitated.

'I wont look' he started playing with his phone.

Hae Won went out from the car and enterned the back seat. as fast as she could she changed her clothes and sat back infront.  


Fighting a smile Ji yong side glace his wife beside him. How innocent of her to trust him when he had a full view of her from the mirror when she was changing.

reaching the hotel he went and followed her. silence all the way. Infront of her door she took out her card and insert it at the door knob. Her room was clean. too clean. Her small luggage proped at the corner of the room.

so she was ready to go away, Ji yong thought. That thought clamped his heart. she plans to leave again.ofcourse 

Hae Won walked  to the make up table and took a silver item away, placing it in her pocket. Ji Yong caught her hasty movement

'what is it?; he asked curious as the thing was familiar.

she smiled nervously and shook her head 'nothing'

Ji Yong went to her and took it out. like he thought, it was their wedding ring. she still have it.

'your ring' his voice low.

Ji Yong slowly took her hand and tried to put the ring in but she pulled back a bit.

Challanged, he tighten his grasps and place it in place.

Hae Won just stayed silent and went to her luggage ,inserting some toileries that she left in the toilet.

'i'll handle the check out, you can wait in the car' Ji Yong said.

Relieved with the space she was getting Hae Won passed him the room key. with his car key in hand she fled like her feet was on fire.


Ji Yong looked at Hae Won and stared back at the road. 

'I have work, can you wait for me until I finish, we'll be back at home maximum 4 hours' He said softly. 

Hae Won just looked at him. what is he going to explain to everyone if she came with him?. Numb and emotionally tired Hae Won nods. 


Ji Yong was listening to the boys recording, they were quite good. Discussing with the producer his sight falls on sleeping Hae Won, he promised her a 4 hours wait but they have been here for 6 hours now. Hae Won was propped on the sofa her face on the armrest. She must be tired. She was quite the whole time, making small conversations when the team talked to her. He caught her smiles a few time.  

The production team are questioning who she is but Ji yong just smiled and they all asummed she's his girlfriend. not to worry, he will bring out a public statement soon.rubbing his neck he got back to his work.  

'Hae Won' Ji yong whispered draping his leather jacket on her cold body. 

Hae Won opened her eyes slowly 

'just another 30 minutes' he assured her. 


Entering Ji Yong's house with him by her side Hae Won was nervous. Being with him at work showed her a different side of him. A very different side of him. He was always laughing, making jokes but capable at the same time. 

How many times the room burst into laughing because of his behaviour and jokes. and how many times did she have to fight a laugh not wanting to embarass herself.

Hae Won was speechless. It only made her realise that she never really got to know Ji Yong. 

He was a complete stranger to her 

Why is he so different with others but when with her... 

Looking at him smiling and laughing in the small recording room she saw a man she could live with and it scared her to death. 

How can she be married for 9 years but don't even know her husband. 

maybe Ji yong is right, maybe its time to make this work. 

'Hae Won' Ji Yong stopped in the living room. 

'I'll go and meet ahjuma, you can settle down in my room, its at the top most floor' he said looking at her. 

his room?

they are sharing a room? 

Hae Won gulped


her cheeks turn pink. 


wee. they process is starting :)

tq for the lovely comments <3 

to all subscribers. wee I <3 u! 

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Heymama #1
Just found this..its goood!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 33: Done
Chapter 33: Great fan fic!
The story so sweet. Love d happy ending.. Childish gd is so cute.. Love it!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 33: Omg~ love it soooo much!! Jiyong is soooo cute n sweet!!! I think it shouldn't be 9 years of waiting. 4-5 years is more than enough.. It's a bit out of imagination with someone 29 years old with those actions.. 24 still acceptable to be acting cute and pouting along., haha.. But anyway, it's a very very cute and sweet story!!!! Love it!!
nhichole18 #6
Awww! This story is so cute~ ^^
jiyong was so sweet ^^
thank you for sharing! I really liked reading it :)
im sorry but i love this tory that i actually reading this whole story again!<br />
kekeke~ the cutest story ever!!!<br />
please do some sequel ^___^
Aigoo~ so cute ! I love love love love this fic~! <3
Great ending!! Loved it!!