
Cinderella's Got Nothing on Me.

He jumped and turned around. His hand flew to his heart scared. Sora walked over to him and began to run her fingers across his shoulders and down the back. She lifted the cuffs to his suit to examine the stitching.

“Tsk. What stitching.” She stated, before realizing that the man who was standing in her room was an intruder. Sora dropped his sleeve  and backed up a few steps, staring up at his face, mouth slightly open.

“Yah!” she whispered fiercely. “Who are you, and why are you in my room?!” She asked the stranger, suddenly putting her hands out defensively.

The man, or rather young man stared at her in an equally surprised state. Sora looked him over. He was around the same age as she, with a head of dyed blond hair which fell messily in front of his eyes, narrow eyes which were lined in eyeliner, a thick nose, perfect lips and an angular face, which was set in a round head. Her eyes looked down to take in his physique. He was wearing a tight black boat necked shirt, which was slightly translucent, which exposed his tattoo along his upper chest. Golden chains hung from his neck. The black blazer, which he was wearing, fit too snugly over his shoulders and apparent arm muscles. Next, his pants, a leather looking material also hugged his legs, exposing his leg muscles, and a little too much of his man hood for Sora’s taste. She looked back up at him squinting her eyes.

She had to admit, he was handsome, extremely handsome.

“Who are you...” She whispered again. The man seemed to snap out of his shock and stepped back, staring at her.

“Who are you?” He asked Sora, eyes slightly wide, as if he was looking at a ghost.

“Yah! Play the game fair. I asked first.” She replied, still in the defensive stance. “Ah, ppalli! My legs are burning.”

The man looked her over, shock still apparent on his face. “I’m Z-Zico...” he trailed off.

Sora looked at him confused and annoyed. “Who? Zico?” She asked dumbfounded. “What kind of parents names their kid Zico?” Sora said, more to herself than to the stranger looking at her, now with surprise instead of shock.

“You don’t know who I am?” He asked her, annoyed. “I’m Woo Ji Ho. Leader of Block B!” He replied in defeat.

Suddenly Sora sprang up from her defensive stance and stared at him, suddenly panicking. “WOO JI HO?!” She yelled, and suddenly covering .

“Ah, so you do know me.” Ji Ho smirked, obviously pleased. “Now, the question is who are you?”

“Why are you in my room?” Sora asked fiercely and ignored his question. Ji Ho looked around the room and shrugged.

“It was open, and I couldn’t help myself. I needed a place where I wouldn’t hear Nara’s voice-” He said the last part with a shiver, and then was suddenly cut off my Sora shushing him.

Sora froze, no longer listening to the sounds down the hall. Panic rose in her chest. If her mother were to find Ji Ho in her room, she would not hear the end of it. She looked around her room, desperate to hide him, as she heard the footsteps near her room.

“Ah! Hide! Hide now!” Sora said as she launched herself towards Ji Ho, and shoved him into her walk in wardrobe.

“Yah! Yah!” he began to protest, but Sora quickly shut the door on his face and leaned again the door, and held on to the handle to prevent him from opening it.

“Stay quiet, or I will kill you!” She whispered harshly into the door. The struggling abruptly stopped as her mother entered the room. Relief suddenly filled Sora, as she realized that Ji Ho somewhat understood the situation.

Her mother looked over at her quizzically.

“Why is your wardrobe closed?” She asked suspicious. Sora, looked at the close doors behind her.

“Uh, well I just had a poop, and it smelled funny... so you know, I closed the door.” Sora replied frankly, praying that her mother would drop the subject. Her mother squinted at her, obviously disgusted. From behind the doors, Sora could hear a soft laugh.

“Then tell me why it smells like men’s cologne in your room.” Her mother said looking straight at Sora.

Show no fear Sora, show no fear. Sora repeated in her head. “Why mother, are you telling me my excrement smells appealing?” Sora asked raising her eyebrow and folding her arms over her chest, delighted at her mothers taken aback expression. Once again, from behind the doors Sora could hear a muffled laugh.

“What’s with the visit?” Sora asked, trying to change the subject. This time it worked. Her mother looked over Sora, annoyance etched on her face.

“Woo Ji Ho hasn’t been seen for a while. Would you perhaps know where he would have gone?” She asked flipping her hair behind her shoulder. Sora laughed a little.

“Mother, I’m locked in this room, why would I know? But have you tried the garage?” Sora suggested. “He may be looking at the cars.”

“We have.” Her mother replied frankly. Sora looked at her and raised her shoulders, indicating that she did not know. She mother remained at the door for a new more minutes looking over her daughter.

“You are so strange. Why couldn’t you just do as you were told.” Her mother said in a reminiscent tone, looking at Sora in a distant way.

“To what are you implying.” Sora asked annoyed. She knew where this conversation was heading.

“You could have been in Nara’s position right now, having your ripe pick of any man you want. Yet you are here, a complete and utter embarrassed to the Ahn family, and to your father’s company.” Sora’s mother momentarily stopped talking and looked at her daughter with almost, remorseful eyes, Sora just stared at her mother, emotionless.

“You have no idea how much talent you have, Sora. You are a triple threat in this industry, dancing, singing and producing, you could have done it all. And yet you waste it on fashion, which you’re not even great at–“

“I’m the first in all of my fashion classes mother. You would know that if you paid the least attention to my work and if you weren’t so railed up on Nara.” Sora said cutting off her mother. Her mother looked at her, now all emotion was gone from her face.

“I don’t know why your father allows you to do what you are doing. It is such a waste. You are a waste, you know that right Sora?” Her mother said bitterly. Sora looked at her holding back her emotions.

“Now is not the time to have this conversation. You have guests to attended to.” Sora spit out harshly. Her mother continues to star at her before she spoke again.

“You have pencil marks all over your face.” She said curtly, and walked out of the room, leaving Sora speechless and embarrassed that Ji Ho had over heard their conversation. Now, Sora was no longer as anonymous as she once was. Someone other than Da Hee knew her story.

Slowly Sora walked away from the wardrobe feeling detached from her reality, letting the doors fall open. Ji Ho stumbled out, quickly attaining his balance and standing awkwardly rubbing the back on his head. Sora walked over to her bed and sat down, looking down at her hands.

“So the legend is real.” Ji Ho stated quietly as he sat down in Sora’s desk chair and faced her, arms resting on his legs.

“What?’ Sora asked rising her head and looking directly into Ji Ho’s face. Something in Sora’s conscious began to nag her like the night before. Why did this face look so familiar?

“There’s a legend at the studio. The legend is that the President has an eldest daughter who was sent to America when she refused to enter the company. Apparently she had so much talent that the loss of that one artist cost the company a lot of money.” He stated in a hush voice. “Rumor has it that she haunts the trainee’s that she believes are not good.” He said that last part in a sarcastic tone.

“But of course it’s a legend that all the sunbae’s tell the trainees. The majority of us don’t believe it. Including me – especially the last part.” He continued.

Sora chuckled, looking back down at her hands.

“You know my secret now.” Sora whispered.

“I’ve always known your secret, Ahn Sora.” Ji Ho replied as Sora looked up shocked.


Minus the fur of course!                                                                                            Just the pants!


Heres a short update, I will be uploading another one very soon! Stay tuned!

Also, if you guys wish to have visusals please tell me and I shall add them in :)


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gimmekookie #1
Chapter 35: 와아아아아아아 대박! love this fic uwuwu
Jjongshi #2
Chapter 35: This is daebak~~~ woo jiho hwaiting!!!
Chapter 35: Omg I did read this in two days ;-; can't believe it's over now.... Seriously the best Block B fic I have readen!! And still so pumped up , even tough I was at their consert already three weeks ago. Ohh but I loved this!! And I do miss the boys ;-;
Chapter 35: It was definitely worth it that I spent my weekend on reading and fangiriling over this story!
Aya_Ayumi #5
Chapter 20: I can handle but for some reason,i feel so innocent when i read it XD i just kept using my hair as a curtain to close my left eye and i'm sinking into my pillow XD
Chapter 35: I loved it!!!!
ExoLuhanLittleDeer #7
Chapter 20: I did not expect that.. Though I skipped the .. Still love the story <3
wallflower_ #8
Chapter 35: Nice story!!!
rudelysweetk21 #9
really nice story, enjoyed readin thanks :)