
Cinderella's Got Nothing on Me.

Three Years Later

“Yah! Be careful, this material is super delicate.” Sora scorned as her sister button the finial button to her dress.

“Done.” Nara said as she clapped her hands. Sora then turned around and faced her sister and Dahee.

“Waah...” They both chimed in as they took in Sora, their mouths slightly agape.

Sora looked down at her dressed and smiled. Today was her day and she could not have looked more perfect. She had hand made her dress, much to the protests of her mother, who wanted to go dress shopping with her. Yet, to compensate Sora had created several sketches for them to choose from and the one which Sora liked the best, was picked and here she was wearing it.

It was a cream-colored dress, which had a heart shaped neckline, tastefully exposing Sora cleavage. The waist was tapered in, to show her S shaped body, and then the material loosely flowed down to he ground, to a small train in the back. On top of that, Sora had sown on lace, which flowed all the way up to her collarbones, where it tapered off. This extenuated her beautiful silky skin, and it also disguised her scar, which was located in the middle of her chest, in-between her s.

Nara begged to be the one to do Sora’s hair and make up, so she let her, and was glad that she had. She had brought her curly hair into an elegant bun on the top of her head and added a several small dainty pearls, which reflected the lace in her dress. As an extra, Nara secretly added a small hair piece that she had found at an old flea market into the side of her bun. It was the infinity symbol that matched her ring.

“How do you always look good?” Dahee said as she pouted. Sora walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

“Yah! My maids of honor are the best dressed out there!” Sora exclaimed as she twirled Dahee around so that she could get a better look at another on of her creations.

It was a simple dress, yet elegant. The material was the palest of purples that Sora could find, much to the help of her materal grandmother, who asked if she could help with the search. Sora had created toga like dresses that were one shouldered and tapered at the wasit, and much like hers flowed down to the group in flowing pleats. Yet the only difference was that it was tapered shorted in the front, so that Nara and Dahee could expose their long spidery legs. They both looked beyond gorgeous.

Suddenly Sora’s mother had walked in with three bouquets of flowers, all off-white orchids. Sora’s bouquet was mixed in with specially colored pale purple ones to match the dresses of her maids of honor.

“Alright girls. Let’s go before we are late!” She chimed in as she handed out the bouquets.

They arrived at the church and hurried walked into the small side reception hall so that the people inside and out would not see Sora. The media was held off that day, so there was no one waiting outside of the church to snap her picture, much to Sora’s delight. They would have a press after the reception, much to annoyance, but this was what it was going to be like to marry a idol and to be the daughter of a major CEO company.

Her mother had advised one of the men who worked there, and the soon, the sound of the organs became to play. It was time, for her to walk down the isle. In no time, both Nara and Dahee had walked down and were waiting at the alter. Nara’s father came in the small room and let out a loud breath.

“My Sora... you look beautiful.” He said as he took her in. She had kept her dress even secret to him; for fear that he would give hints to her Jiho. “Your mother would be so proud if she were here today.” He said in a quiet voice. Sora smiled and hugged her father tightly.

“Are you ready? They’ll think you have cold feet.” He joked as he took her arm and entwined it in his. She nodded and the doors swung open and everyone in the church stood up and looked behind them, all eyes were on Sora and she blushed furiously.

She looked up and saw Jiho standing at the alter in a tight and y suit. She smiled at him, when she saw his reaction. He was blown away. He smiled at her too and scratched the back of his neck as a blush crept up his neck. She then looked over at her Maids of Honor and noticed that they were not looking at her at all, but rather their own men, who were standing at the back of Jiho. She gave a small laugh at this. Girls will be girls.

They suddenly stopped, and Jiho walked down from the alter and bowed low to Sora’s father, before he handed over Sora’s hand for the last time to Jiho’s. He kissed his daughters forehead and took his seat beside his wife and Sora’s maternal grandparents, who more than gladly accepted him once again.

Jiho led her up to the alter and they smirked at each other as the priest began his speech. They repeated several lines after the priest and then it was time for the rings. Jiho turned around and retrieved his older brother, who then held up both of this thumbs to Sora.

“Saranghaeyo, Ahn Sora.” He whispered as he slipped the ring onto her finger. He looked up and savored Sora’s face. She looked so beautiful when she was surprised. They stared at each other for several seconds until the priest cleared his throat, and she turned around and retrieved the ring from her own sister.

“Saranghaeyo, Woo Jiho, Saranghaeyo.” She said as she slipped her ring into his finger. She looked up and smiled.

“You may now kiss your bride.” The priest announced and Sora almost pounced onto Jiho, but she contained herself as they both leaned in and kissed each other passionately.

“Saranghaeyo.” Jiho said as he continued to kiss her.


The end.



It's the end of my first ever fanfic! Gah!

How was it? Was the ending alright? I thought it needed some closure.

If you guys want more, I'd be more than happy to add some more stuff.

Anyhow! Thank you so so so so much for reading this story, its honestly been really fun! And please watch out for my next

fanfic which will be coming up soon! :D  <3


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gimmekookie #1
Chapter 35: 와아아아아아아 대박! love this fic uwuwu
Jjongshi #2
Chapter 35: This is daebak~~~ woo jiho hwaiting!!!
Chapter 35: Omg I did read this in two days ;-; can't believe it's over now.... Seriously the best Block B fic I have readen!! And still so pumped up , even tough I was at their consert already three weeks ago. Ohh but I loved this!! And I do miss the boys ;-;
Chapter 35: It was definitely worth it that I spent my weekend on reading and fangiriling over this story!
Aya_Ayumi #5
Chapter 20: I can handle but for some reason,i feel so innocent when i read it XD i just kept using my hair as a curtain to close my left eye and i'm sinking into my pillow XD
Chapter 35: I loved it!!!!
ExoLuhanLittleDeer #7
Chapter 20: I did not expect that.. Though I skipped the .. Still love the story <3
wallflower_ #8
Chapter 35: Nice story!!!
rudelysweetk21 #9
really nice story, enjoyed readin thanks :)