
Cinderella's Got Nothing on Me.

“Sora.... Sora... Ahn Sora....” Jiho quietly cooed as he shook Sora who was still asleep in his lap. She began to slowly wake up from her sleep, she breathed in deeply and stretched like a cat.

“W-wae?” She asked eyes still closed. She sat up and rubbed her nose, still half asleep, but when she finally opened her eyes, Jiho was nowhere in sight. Suddenly she heard a loud sigh of a mixture of pleasure and relief from the washroom. She got up from the bed and walked over to the washroom, and leaned against the open door frame.

“Yah, Oppa. What’s wrong... why’d you wake me up?” She said as she continued to rub her eye while looking in. She looked at in the washroom and took in Jiho’s figure. He was standing, taking a pee with his head thrown back.

“I’m sorry, but I had to pee so... so bad!” He exclaimed, as he looked back. Sora let our a low chuckle and walked into the washroom, heading towards the sink.

“Yah! What are you doing?” He asked suddenly becoming shy. He quickly finished his business and zipped his pants, flushed and turned around to face Sora. His face was slightly pink.

“Calm down, I want to brush my teeth, I’ve horrible vomit breath.” Sora said as she pulled out her toothbrush and began to brush her teeth. When she was done, she felt better; she turned around and noticed that Jiho was still watching her. She watched him back then nodded her head towards the sink.

“Wash your hands.” She said frankly, somewhat annoyed how he didn’t was his hands after using the washroom. Jiho ran towards her with her out stretched hands, attempting to touch her. She let out a few squeals of disgust, and suddenly she was pinned to the wall with both of his hands on the sides of her face.

“You’ve done far worse with it...” Jiho whispered quietly as he trailed his eyes down to her lips. Sora suddenly smirked, and bit her lip, causing him to want her more.

“You wish I’ve done more.” She said cockily, then leaned in and kissed his ready lips. They stayed like that for several seconds, kissing each other passionately and slowly, savoring each other until Sora pulled away. Jiho followed her lips like a magnet, but she stopped him with a slight push. “Wash ‘em.” She said again smiling.

“Aish.” He said as he ripped his hands away from the wall and walked over to the sink, where he lathered his hands with soap he rinsed them thoroughly then dried them and walked back to Sora, with a glint of revenge in his eyes.

Sora saw then and quickly escaped from the washroom and into the rest of the room with a squeal. But Jiho was fast and he caught up to her quickly, wrapped his hands around her waist and hauled her onto the bed. He leaned down on her, so that both of their chests were touching. Their lips connected in a deep kiss, and his hands trailed her waist seductively. Sora entwined her arms around her shoulders, lacing her fingers around his neck. He broke away from their kiss, and moved his mouth down to her neck and shoulders, slightly. Sora let out another squeal of delight.

Then much to Sora’s embarrassment, a loud roar erupted from her stomach. Jiho pulled away quickly and looked down at her with a confused expression.

“Was that you?” He asked quizzically. Sora covered her face with both hands as she nodded.

“I’m sorry!” she said in dead embarrassment, as another growl made itself heard. She wanted to crawl in a hole, but then again she hadn’t eaten in close to two days. Jiho peeled himself off of Sora with a smile.

“Sora... look at me.” He said sweetly. When she moved her hands slightly away from her eyes, she noticed that Jiho had has hand out. She took it and he pulled her up to her feet. “Get dressed we’ll go out to eat, I know this real good restaurant near here.” He said as he warped his hands around her waist. Sora laughed lightly as she nodded. She went to suitcase and pulled out a pair of simple jeans with a tight black long sleeve shirt. She wrapped herself a cardigan then a thick scarf before walking over to Jiho’s suitcase and pulling out his Comme des down hat, and shoving that on her head.

“Mmmmkay, I’m ready.” Sora said as she innocently looked at Jiho. He was watching her again with a certain glint in his eye.  Sora looked down at her attire. She looked normal. “W-what?” she asked, blushing slightly.

Jiho just shook his head, as if breaking from a daze. “Nothing... nothing.” He said as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissing her cheek then nibbling on her ear lobe. They were both laughing as they opened the door to their room, and then suddenly stopped.

Sora and Jiho looked down at a girl, roughly around the same age as Sora. She had a pixie like hairstyle, which framed her face and enhanced her lenses eyes, which were abnormally large. She was petite, and wore oversized clothing. Sora had to admit, besides the eyes, she was extremely pretty, and she could not help but feel the drop of her stomach when Jiho removed his arm from around her shoulders.

“Kira-cha... w-what are you doing here?” Jiho said in a surprised voice. He looked over at Sora nervously, and shoved his hands in his pockets, looking down at his feet.

“Zico, who is she?” The girl spat at him with venom in Japanese, her smile never faltering from her porcelain face. Sora flinched at the sudden malice in her voice.  Kira looked over at Sora, with that same smile plastered on her face yet her eyes were emotionless. Sora bowed and smiled and looked over nervously at Jiho.

“She’s uh... she’s...” He struggled to find the right words in front of this girl. Sora cleared , and bowed at the girl politely and introduced herself in Korean, though she could fully understand and converse in Japanese. She wanted to know where this conversation was headed. Kira still watched her with narrowed eyes.

“Why are you here?” Jiho finally asked. Kira’s eyes moved from Sora to Jiho and Sora watched in horror at how fast her expression and eyes changed. When she looked at Jiho, she looked completely innocent and lovey-dovey. Sora had a bad feeling about her.

“I heard that you were back in the country, so I came to pay a visit.” She said innocently, her eyes flickered towards Sora and she pouted. “But I guess you’re busy. Can’t you make time for mee?” she said in an overly cute voice. Sora had an urge to gag.

Sora cleared and lightly nudged Jiho. He looked down at her somewhat dazed, as if he had forgotten that she had been standing there the whole time.

“Go have a coffee with her, I’ll just go out with one of the others.” Sora said with a forced smile that she hoped looked genuine.

He looked over back at Kira and gave her a small smile, then let out a breath. “Are you sure?” he asked looking back at Sora. When she nodded, he also nodded and quickly squeezed her hand before walking off with Kira.

Sora watched them walk away, and then suddenly felt annoyed and sad at the same time. She could tell that there was obvious history between them, as she watched Kira wined her skinny snake like arm around and hug him tight. She looked back at Sora and gave her a death like stare, before turning the corner and vanishing with Jiho in toe.

Sora couldn’t help but suddenly feel empty.


Grrrr! I'm sorry, but I had to add in a conflicting character!

Theres nothing better than a character that everyone loves to hate! ;)

Oh, and on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad should I make this Kira character?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I think I may be adding another tonight.

<3 Love you all! <3


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gimmekookie #1
Chapter 35: 와아아아아아아 대박! love this fic uwuwu
Jjongshi #2
Chapter 35: This is daebak~~~ woo jiho hwaiting!!!
Chapter 35: Omg I did read this in two days ;-; can't believe it's over now.... Seriously the best Block B fic I have readen!! And still so pumped up , even tough I was at their consert already three weeks ago. Ohh but I loved this!! And I do miss the boys ;-;
Chapter 35: It was definitely worth it that I spent my weekend on reading and fangiriling over this story!
Aya_Ayumi #5
Chapter 20: I can handle but for some reason,i feel so innocent when i read it XD i just kept using my hair as a curtain to close my left eye and i'm sinking into my pillow XD
Chapter 35: I loved it!!!!
ExoLuhanLittleDeer #7
Chapter 20: I did not expect that.. Though I skipped the .. Still love the story <3
wallflower_ #8
Chapter 35: Nice story!!!
rudelysweetk21 #9
really nice story, enjoyed readin thanks :)