
Cinderella's Got Nothing on Me.

“YAH!” He yelled scared. “Y-y-you c-can’t be p-pregnant!” Sora flinched at his loud voice, and began to smile. Jiho began to pant his breathing becoming ragged.

“Oppa... calm down. Calm down!” Sora said as she began to laugh. Jiho watched her, his normal cat like eyes now almost full circles.

“How can I calm down? What if you’re pregnant! It says that a sign of pregnancy is nausea and vomiting! Look it says it here!” Jiho said as he shoved his sleek cell phone in her face.

“Jiho. Woo Jiho. I am kidding! I’m sick because I’m allergic to soy!” Sora said through giggles. She closed her eyes when she saw him relax, his chest and shoulders slumping against bathtub, defeated.

“So you’re not pregnant?” He said in a low voice, looking down at her. Sora smiled and shook her head in agreement. “That was possibly one the worst practical jokes ever. The worst.”

Sora just giggled, and then went suddenly serious and paled in colour. She suddenly got onto her knees and began to breath heavily.

“O-oppa... leave. Please.” Sora said, but it was too late and she began to throw, her back heaved and she began to vomit the remaining bile left in her system. Jiho stood up and held her hair back as she slumped back down on the floor. All her energy was finally drained.

Jiho reached over and flushed the toilet, then sat next to her and began to rub her back in a soothing rhythmic manner. Sora closed her eyes and relaxed her body against his.

“Pabo. If you knew you were allergic to soy, why’d you eat it?” He whispered softly as he continued to rub her back.

“You’re the pabo. Don’t talk about food to someone who just threw up.” Sora croaked, as she swallowed. burned, and she felt disgusting. She felt Jiho chuckle under her and she smiled, feeling slightly better.

“No offence Sora, but you kinda smell bad.” Jiho said, in a sweet tone, trying to hide the insult. Sora nodded and slowly got up, she sat up and felt dizzy, and she grabbed her head as if to stop the swaying. “Do you want me to help you?”

Sora contemplated for a while and then agreed. After all he had already seen her . She nodded her head, and Jiho stood up and began to run a bath, he tested the water then plugged it, and patiently waited till the water was high enough in the tub. He stopped it after several minutes and turned to Sora.

Sora weakly tugged at her shirt, but it just caught around her waist. Jiho exhaled and bent down and gently pulled off Sora’s loose shirt. She was wearing the clothing that she had been practicing in the day before. He looked down at her and examined her chest.

“So this is how the bra works...” He said playfully, making Sora smile. She raised her arms and Jiho slipped his hands under the firm elastic pulled off her bra, it a rough tug. “Jesus...” he said panting as he looked down at the bra.

Jiho looked down at her, and sighed at her beauty. Though he was seeing her , this time around he wasn’t aroused, and this was one of the first times that he felt this way. He was suddenly taken aback by the sudden revelation. He cleared his throat and kissed the top of Sora’s head.

“Can you stand?” He asked. Sora nodded and slowly stood up, trying hard not to upset her stomach further. As soon as she stood up, she closed her eyes tightly against the nausea, then slowly Jiho tugged at her sweats, he pulled them down and helped her step out of them.

Then she began to tug at her underwear and when she was fully , Jiho picked her up and slowly lowered her into the tub of hot water. She let out a sigh of comfort as the water enveloped her.

“Feeling better?” He asked in a soft voice as he began to rub her legs, with a washcloth. Sora just nodded as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the heat of the water. Jiho dipped the cloth back into the water and began to wash her feet, her foot slightly jerked from being ticklish and he let out a soft chuckle.

They were quiet for several minutes, Jiho still gently washing Sora’s body, until Sora broke the silence. She was quietly watching him, as he washed her and could no longer hold her curiosity.

“Oppa... why.” She paused as he looked over at her, his cat like eyes looking at her intently. “Why do you like me?” She asked still looking intently at him.

He looked down and twirled his finger in the water and shrugged. “It’s hard to explain.” He said still not meeting her eyes.

Sora sighed and stayed quiet, but the water was losing its heat, and she suddenly no longer wanted to be in a bath. “Can you hand me a towel?” Sora asked as she was push herself out of the bath.

“Wait... wait.” Jiho said as he let out a sigh. He looked over at Sora who was looking back at him in confusion.

“Oppa, you don’t have to tell me. I was just curious.” Sora said quietly as she sat back down in the tub, still looking at Jiho.

Jiho let his hands hang from the so that the water was dripping back into tub, he sighed again.

“Remember how I said I always knew who you were?” He said as he looked back up at Sora, suddenly feeling nervous. What happened to the cocky boy who played around with girls as he pleased? He shook his head and continued. “Well, I’ve always been watching you, since I can remember. I remember when you first began to dance, and when to stopped completely. It was heartbreaking to watch, to be honest and I think that is when I fell hardest for you. There’s just something about you that I can’t explain. So I have no explanation as to why, it just is.” Jiho looked up to see Sora smiling at him.

“You sound like a stalker, you know that right?” Sora said quietly and she chuckled. She scooted herself forward in the bathtub, and laid a soft, gentle kiss on his nose.



So, nothing had happened! ;)

Heres another short chapter, sorry they're probably short and boring.

I'm sorry once again, but three updates in one go, although they weren't that exciting :(

I promise to update soon, and for any readers who are reading my other story, I will try and make that one my next update!


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gimmekookie #1
Chapter 35: 와아아아아아아 대박! love this fic uwuwu
Jjongshi #2
Chapter 35: This is daebak~~~ woo jiho hwaiting!!!
Chapter 35: Omg I did read this in two days ;-; can't believe it's over now.... Seriously the best Block B fic I have readen!! And still so pumped up , even tough I was at their consert already three weeks ago. Ohh but I loved this!! And I do miss the boys ;-;
Chapter 35: It was definitely worth it that I spent my weekend on reading and fangiriling over this story!
Aya_Ayumi #5
Chapter 20: I can handle but for some reason,i feel so innocent when i read it XD i just kept using my hair as a curtain to close my left eye and i'm sinking into my pillow XD
Chapter 35: I loved it!!!!
ExoLuhanLittleDeer #7
Chapter 20: I did not expect that.. Though I skipped the .. Still love the story <3
wallflower_ #8
Chapter 35: Nice story!!!
rudelysweetk21 #9
really nice story, enjoyed readin thanks :)