
Cinderella's Got Nothing on Me.

Though no one knew what had happened in Jiho’s room that night, they were well aware that something had changed between Sora and Jiho, and they accepted it.

“Yah! Jiho-ah, ppali! We’re going to late!” Kyung yelled as he and the rest of Block B stood by the door. Jiho walked out of his bedroom with his iPod and earphones in hand. Everyone looked at him and clucked their tongue in annoyance.

“Sorry... I got carried away with something.” He said lightly as he bent down and pulled on his shoes.

“See you later Nonna!” Jihoon said brightly and waved at Sora, who was sitting on the living room floor with her sketchpad pressed against her legs, and pencils scattered all round her, furiously sketching away.

“Mhmm...” Sora replied, not paying attention.

“Aish, this girl.” Jiho replied as he walked over and kissed her lightly on the head. All the boys looked away as Sora looked up, suddenly surprised by the weight on her head.

“Yah! Hurry and go before you’re late for your meeting.” She said smiling up at Jiho, then looking back down at her sketchpad, biting down on her pencil, examining her sketch. She tapped her lips and tilter her head.

“Pali! I need some quiet to concentrate on my sketches!” Sora said looking up at the boys who were looking at her, both in puzzlement and amusement.

“Seven, pretty good looking guys are waiting to say goodbye to you, and you don’t even react.” Minhyuk said as he shook his head in amazement. Sora lightly laughed as she continued to look down at her sketch.

“I’ll have stuff ready for you to eat when you come home, so someone text me. Jihoon-ah, I’m leaving that duty to you. Araso?” Sora said still looking down at her sketchpad, a crease forming in her brow.

“Noona, can’t you just come with us? I’d be so much more fun!” Jihoon protested, lightly stomping his foot. Sora looked at him then and smiled.

“Unless you want me to be caught by my father, then I can’t this time.” Sora replied, as she remembered the incident with her sister. Jihoon pouted but nodded.

“Yah. Sora...” Sora heard Jiho whisper. She looked up and smiled up at him and mouthed “Wae?” He cleared his throat and then shook his head. “Keep your phone on you, I’ll be texting you.”

Sora nodded, but suddenly remembered that she had not looked at her phone since the day that she had left her house. She got up and walked the boys out and then headed to Jiho’s room, where her luggage was. She fished through her stuff and found her cell phone, which was turned off. She sighed and turned it on, walking back to the living room where she sat back down on the floor. She entered her word and gasped at what she saw.

84 missed calls and 45 new text messages. She first went through her text messages, the majority of them to her relief were from either Jiho or Da Hee, but others to your surprise were from Nara and her mother. Sora quickly read them and her heart suddenly fell.

“Where do you think you’re hiding. We all know where you are.” -Minhee

“Don’t be such a baby and come home, Sora. Sheesh, she only hit you once.” -Nara

“Get over yourself, Christ! Just come home, dad is super pissed.” –Nara

“I guess you’re with guys. Mom was right, you are a . So much more fun without you here!” –Nara

“Where ever you are, stay. The house is so much more peaceful.” –Minhee


Sora sighed and looked at her missed calls, the majority of them from her father. She locked her phone and threw it onto the couch, feeling depressed. She looked down at her sketchpad ripped her sketch off, throwing it on the floor beside her. She looked around her pencils and subconsciously picked up a black pencil and began to sketch dark and depressive styles of clothing, representing her mood.

Suddenly she threw her sketchpad across the room, got up and walked to the kitchen to prepare the food for when the boys would get back from their meeting.


All seven boys bowed as they entered the office of their President. They all sat down on the white couches comfortably and looked over at their President, for an explanation of their meeting.

“Hello boys. How have you been doing?” He asked, breaking the silence. They all responded at the same time, mumbling all the same response of “Fine, thank you, and yourself?” The President, just smiled but they could see a sadness behind his smile, and everyone felt slightly bad.

“I’m fine thank you. Now you’re probably wondering why I called you here. And I have some good news!” the President said cheerfully.

“That’s great!” Jiho said clapping his hands together, waiting for what that good news was. They all looked at their President with expectant expressions. 

“Well, there are two good things. I’ll begin by the smaller one.” He paused and pursed his lips. “It has been a few nights now, that I have been thinking. I am truly impressed with your friend.”

“Our friend?” Taeil asked, looking around at his friends. They all looked at one another, suddenly realizing whom he was talking about and they all cleared their throats uncomfortable.

“Ah. Seo Minho?” Jiho asked, forcing a smile, suddenly dreading the direction the conversation was heading.

“Yes! Seo Minho. He was an amazing dancer and I would like to sign him to the company, yet he’s like a ghost. I was wondering if you could give me his contact information.” He paused and looked over at Jiho, who had began to feel beads of sweat erupt on his back. He laughed nervously and nodded his head.

“Great!” The President nodded, content. “Now onto the exciting part. Management have received many calls from Japan. Apparently you have hit it quite big down there and we have booked you several important fan events and concerts.”

The boys all cheered and smiled.

“Daebak!” Jaehyo and Yukwon said as they high fived each other.

“Yah, hyung. What are we going to do about Noona?” Jihoon whispered to Jiho, concerned. Jiho patted his leg reassuringly and looked back at the President, who was smiling at the reaction from the group.

“Sajangnim, when do we leave and for how long?” Jiho asked as he rubbed his palms against his thighs. Everyone quieted down.

“One month from today and you return in two. The schedule was just confirmed.” The President said smiling.


The seven were quite in the car on the way back to their dorm.

“Eotokke...” Kyung said as he looked at Jiho, who pulled his cap low on his face, deep in thought.

He shrugged. “I’ll talk to her, but it’ll just make her in a bad mood.” He sighed as he visualized how damaged Sora would be, if they all left to Japan, for two months. Jiho rubbed his hands along his face.

The car came to a stop and they all piled out, thanked their manager who then drove off in the direction of his own house. They all walked into the building and rode the elevator up to their floor. They entered their dorm to and mouth watering aroma, and all the boys piled in screaming how hungry they were, then suddenly stopped as they looked at the living room.

Asleep on the sofa, was Sora, mouth slightly open and eyes swollen and red. Jiho instantly knew that she had been crying.

“Aiish, this girl.” Minhyuk said as he passed her and walked down to his room to change into more comfortable clothing.

“Yah, hyung.” Jihoon said tapping him on the side. Jiho looked away from Sora and looked at what Jihoon was holding. He took them and examined them closer, a crease of concern formed between his brows. It was several of Sora’s sketched, which were crumpled up, thrown in the direction of the trashcan. He looked down at them and was taken away at the beauty of them. They were sketches of individuals, who had haunting and distraught expressions on their faces, and the clothing they were wearing was dark and depressing. Harsh pencil marks colored in dresses and suits, which indicated that she had angrily colored them in. Around the sketches, were smears from water. Jiho looked back and realized that she had drawn these while crying.

Suddenly, Sora stirred and sat bolt up on the sofa. Her hand flew to her chest, in surprise.

“Omo! You’re home.” She said and got up walking over to the kitchen.

“Sora...” Jiho said quietly. She turned around and looked at him, a small smile forming on her lips that didn’t reach her eyes. Her eyes were blood shot and swollen, and her nose was red. She had black pencil smears across her face.

“Noona... You have black all over your face!” Jihoon said as he walked up to her and giggled his thumb, trying to remove the pencil marks. Sora quickly dodged him, laughing. A genuine laugh, and Jiho smiled.

Jiho decided that he would tell her about her fathers offer and them going over seas later on.



A short and rather boring update I am sorry!

I think I will upload another one tonight, but I'm not too sure, now that school has started, I will be updating less quickly wha :'(

Thank you for your patiences!

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gimmekookie #1
Chapter 35: 와아아아아아아 대박! love this fic uwuwu
Jjongshi #2
Chapter 35: This is daebak~~~ woo jiho hwaiting!!!
Chapter 35: Omg I did read this in two days ;-; can't believe it's over now.... Seriously the best Block B fic I have readen!! And still so pumped up , even tough I was at their consert already three weeks ago. Ohh but I loved this!! And I do miss the boys ;-;
Chapter 35: It was definitely worth it that I spent my weekend on reading and fangiriling over this story!
Aya_Ayumi #5
Chapter 20: I can handle but for some reason,i feel so innocent when i read it XD i just kept using my hair as a curtain to close my left eye and i'm sinking into my pillow XD
Chapter 35: I loved it!!!!
ExoLuhanLittleDeer #7
Chapter 20: I did not expect that.. Though I skipped the .. Still love the story <3
wallflower_ #8
Chapter 35: Nice story!!!
rudelysweetk21 #9
really nice story, enjoyed readin thanks :)