
Cinderella's Got Nothing on Me.

“Appa! Appa!” Nara said as she ran into her father’s office and sat down into one of the plush couches.

“Nara... not now.” Nara’s father said as he rubbed his forehead from tiredness. He had not been able to properly sleep since Sora had left the house.

“But Appa! I found Sora!” Nara said pouting crossing her arms across her chest. Her fathers head snapped up and he looked at his youngest daughter. She was sitting with her arms crossed across her chest in a defiant manner.

“Tell me.” He said simply looking at her, but she just shook her head.

“If you want to know, you should ask nicely.” She said with aegyo.

“Tell me!” He yelled at her. She jumped in her seat and looked over at her father with tear filled eyes. “Nara, I’m giving you three seconds...” he trailed off as he pinched the bridge of his nose trying to control his anger.

“She - she’s with the boys in the dance studio...” She said through sniffles. “Appa! She’s with my man!” she added as her father got up to leave his office in search for his daughter.

“Nara, you are nineteen years old, get over yourself. No one if your man, and either way if Jiho were to like you I’d put in place a dating ban.” Her father said to her before he walked out his office and down to the studios, which were located in the basement.

Nara watched as her father left, and stamped her feet in defeat and quickly followed him out. She had just missed the elevator and had to wait for it.

Once Sora’s father reached the basement he quickly walked over to Block B’s personal studio and looked in the small window on the door. The boys were dancing hard to their new comeback song, but that wasn’t what he was interested in. He began to count the bodies in the room, and counted eight. He paused and counted again and sure enough there were eight bodies dancing to the song. He walked in and the boys instantly stopped dancing and bowed to greet their President.

“Annyeonghaseyo Sajangnim!” they all said in unison. Sora froze as she looked at her father. He nodded, and Jiho walked over to the stereo system and paused the song.

“I see you brought a friend with you.” Sora’s father said, as he looked her in the eyes. Thankfully she was back in her ‘boy’ wear, and wore her mask to cover her face.

“Ah ye. He is one of my oldest friends. He came down and I wanted to show him our dance.” Jiho said as he looked over at Sora.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Seo Minho-imnida.” Sora said in a deep voice that easily passed as male, surprising both all of the members who flinched back in surprise and also her father, who looked slightly disappointed.

“Well, Minho-ssi, I think you should audition for us next time auditions come around. You can dance quite well.” Sora’s father said as kept his eyes on the Jiho’s friends face. “Carry on, I just came for a quick hello.” He added as he turned around and left. They all bowed and as soon as the door closed, they all collapsed on the floor.

“Omo! That was so close!” Kyung said as he clutched at his chest looking between Jiho and Sora. “Yah! This isn’t funny!” He exclaimed as he watched Jiho’s face spilt into a massive smile and heard Sora laugh.

“Ok, I think we did enough today. Lets head back.” Jiho said as he walked over to his bag and picked up a towel and wiped the sweat off of his face. Sora wiped hers with the back of her hand.

As everyone walked out of the room, Sora smelt a familiar scent and tensed.

“Yah! Ahn Sora!” All the boys turned around and looked at Nara with annoyed expressions.

“Don’t be silly Nara, Sora isn’t here.” Jiho said, turning back around.

“You shouldn’t be one to talk, Oppa.” She responded wickedly and Jiho turned back around at her hatred burning through him. “And you can’t hide from me unnie. I can tell its you from your .”

Sora whipped around and faced her sister. She began to walk up to her slowly, ignoring the boy’s pleas of letting it go, and how she is not worth it. Sora walked right up to Nara and stared at her sister, whose bravado began to deflate under her sister’s glare. Slowly Sora lowered her hood, and took off her hat and then her mask. Nara narrowed her eyes at Sora and scoffed.

“Happy now?” Sora asked her sister in a low voice. “Is this what you wanted?”

Nara stared at her, unsure of how to answer. “Umma was right, you are a total . You leave the house just to live with my oppa.” She said at Sora loud enough for all of them to hear, then suddenly regretting it as she saw Sora’s face turn into a smile, but it wasn’t just any smile. It was a smile that Nara remembered from when they were kids, a smile that meant that Sora was truly hurt. A smile that just reached the mouth yet left the eyes looking utterly sorrowful. She watched as Sora swallowed down the ball in , and tears well up in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

“Feel better now?” Sora whispered as her voice broke. The sisters continued to stare at each other for several long seconds.

“Unnie...” Nara said with large eyes, concerned at how her words had affected her sister, suddenly wishing she could take back every word. But it was too late; Sora had already turned around and pushed her way through the crowd of boys, putting back her hat and mask. She threw on her hood low, avoiding the eyes of boys.

“Can’t you see you’re making things a lot worse Nara-ssi?” Taeil said as she shook his head at her, turning back to follow Sora to the elevator.

“I am not your man. I do not belong to anyone.” Jiho spat at her as he too turned around and hurried to catch up to Sora, whom he instinctively threw his arm around. Sora leaned in and cried silently into her hand, covering her face with her hand.


“Just when things were getting better for her... aissh!” Minhyuk said under his breath looking at Nara.

“Wh-what?” Nara asked Minhyuk. “B-Bomb oppa... when what was getting better?” Nara said as she reached over and stopped him from turning around.

“You don’t deserve to call me oppa, and B-Bomb, is not my name.” He said shoving his hand out her grip. “And what I’m saying is, she was finally beginning to eat and talk, so we brought her here to celebrate, and now you ruined it.” He added and then finally walked away with the rest of the boys.


Once they entered the dorm, Sora ripped off her disguise and headed for the washroom.

“Do you mind if I take my shower first?” She asked the boys, and they all shook their heads, unsure of how to act around a girl who had just been crying for the past thirty minutes.

“Thank you, I’ll be quick and so you can all have hot showers!” She said as she quickly ran into the washroom and changed out of her clothes and jumped into the shower.

Once the hot water hit her back she sighed from relief as all of the tension worked its way out of her muscles. She quickly washed her body and hair and stepped out of the shower only to feel her gut fall.

“Aiish!” She said as she hit her self in the back of the head. She quickly wrapped herself in a towel and walked up to the door.

“Yah! Boys!” She yelled through the door. “I forgot my clothes to change in so I’m gonna run to Jiho’s room, arasso?” She said and winced, as there was no reply back. She opened the door a crack to find no one in the living room or in the kitchen. There was no sound in the house.

“Yah!” she yelled again, but there was no response. So slowly, holding her towel tight to her body, she crept out of the washroom, and paddled her way to Jiho’s room, where all of her stuff was. She opened the door cautiously and walked in, slamming the door shut behind her, and standing it against her, eyes closed relieved that she had made it without being seen.

Eyes still closed, she suddenly heard a chair squeak against the floor.

“Yah!” Jiho said and Sora opened her eyes wide in shock. “Isn’t it too soon to try and seduce me?” Jiho said as he crossed his arms over his chest, keeping his eyes steady on her face. “Don’t scream, it’ll make things worse.” Jiho added as he raised his finger to his mouth when Sora opened .

“Yah! Woo Jiho! Turn around!” Sora said as she gestured for him to turn around. He smiled wide and slowly turned around, but not before Sora had noted the pink which had crawled his way up his neck and into his cheeks. “Don’t look or I will kill you!” She repeated as she ran over to one of her bags and fished through, half looking through her bag and half at Jiho.

“Don’t worry, I’m not a ert.” Jiho said as he stared ahead, with his eyes closed. He could hear Sora jumping around and quickly putting on clothing, and smiled.

“O-ook... You can look.” Sora said as she sat down on his bed, feeling utterly emotionally exhausted from. “Where is everyone?” she asked as Jiho turned around in his chair, a smile still playing along his lips.

“Asleep. You took too long.” He said half laughing. Sora nodded.

“Aish, today couldn’t be worse.” She said rubbing her face and running her hand through her wet hair.

“We can fix that...” Jiho said as he got up from his chair and out of his room. Sora watched as he left his room, and several seconds later came back with several bottles of Soju.

Sora looked at him and laughed and sat down on the floor with him as he cracked open a bottle, took a swig and then handed it Sora who took a considerable larger amount. She swallowed and let out a little cough.

“Want to play a game?” Jiho suggested, and Sora nodded in agreement. “Alright, a confession per drink? I’ll start...” He said, then paused pondering what to confess. “Hmm... I miss my family, mostly my hyung, and I sometimes cry at night.” He said and then took a long drink from the bottle and handed it to Sora.

Sora scoffed and thought. “I don’t have a mother.” She said quietly and took a swig from the soju.

“That’s ridiculous, of course you have a mother. Everyone has a mother.” He said looking at Sora, but she just shook her head.

“She’s not my mother, my mother is dead.” Sora said quietly as her vision blurred and tears began to slip down her cheeks.

The room was silent as Jiho took in what he had just heard. “Mwo?!” He said again in disbelief. Sora looked up at him and smiled a small smile.

“The day you came to get me. Nara’s mother told me that she was not my biological mother, and that my real mother died. She was apparently an up and coming dancer at Stardom, and was secretly dating my father before he was arranged to marry Kang Minhee. Seven months later, my father had a daughter, one he never knew about and probably never wanted...” Sora trailed off, and then took another long drink from the soju bottle, finishing it.

“Was she the one who did that to you?” Jiho asked quietly as he opened another soju bottle and himself taking a swig.

“Hey... don’t cheat.” Sora said, half-heartedly. “And yes, she did this after she found the picture.”

Jiho winced as he remembered the picture he stupidly uploaded onto his twitter. “Sorry. I’m so sorry.” He said as he sat closer to her, but she just waved off his apology.

“I should be thanking you. If you hadn’t done that, I would have never known who I really was... so thank you Jiho-ah.” Sora said looking at him, with red eyes and tear streaked cheeks.

Jiho lifted up his free hand and cupped her cheek, rubbing away the tears with his thumb. Sora tensed under his touch, surprised by it.

Jiho took another drink from his bottle and handed it to Sora who also took another drink. He sighed as if coming to terms with something, still watching her.

“I... I think I have fallen for someone I’m not supposed to.” Jiho confessed. Sora raised her eyebrow and handed the bottle back to Jiho.

“Then I think you need this more than me, Jiho-ah.” She said with a slight chuckle. She rubbed at her eyes, and looked back at him, but he was staring at her.

“Call me oppa, Jiho oppa.” He said quietly. Sora flinched at the sudden intimacy in his voice.

“Jiho... Jiho oppa?” She said, watching as he approached her slowly, still staring at her, never breaking eye contact.

“If you want me to stop, tell me now.” He whispered as he was inches from her face, lips seconds from touching.



Hehehe, I'm mean leaving you haning, eh? ;)

How'd you like this, not much flufff but... just you wait weeee :D

Happy reading everyone! I will probably update within the hour or even post a new fanfict.

I'm not too sure who the new characters will be, but I wanna write one outside of Block B... for now.



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gimmekookie #1
Chapter 35: 와아아아아아아 대박! love this fic uwuwu
Jjongshi #2
Chapter 35: This is daebak~~~ woo jiho hwaiting!!!
Chapter 35: Omg I did read this in two days ;-; can't believe it's over now.... Seriously the best Block B fic I have readen!! And still so pumped up , even tough I was at their consert already three weeks ago. Ohh but I loved this!! And I do miss the boys ;-;
Chapter 35: It was definitely worth it that I spent my weekend on reading and fangiriling over this story!
Aya_Ayumi #5
Chapter 20: I can handle but for some reason,i feel so innocent when i read it XD i just kept using my hair as a curtain to close my left eye and i'm sinking into my pillow XD
Chapter 35: I loved it!!!!
ExoLuhanLittleDeer #7
Chapter 20: I did not expect that.. Though I skipped the .. Still love the story <3
wallflower_ #8
Chapter 35: Nice story!!!
rudelysweetk21 #9
really nice story, enjoyed readin thanks :)