
Cinderella's Got Nothing on Me.

Sora rolled around in her bed to retrieve her cell phone, which had just buzzed. She unlocked it and read the number, which she instantly recognized even though she had still not registered it into her phone.

“Are you busy today?” Jiho had asked her. Sora sighed, ever since she had attended the Block B party; he had been contacting her non-stop. She had to admit, that she liked it quite a bit.

“Wae?” She answered back. She laid her cell phone back on the night stand and curled herself further into her sheets, even though she knew she would have to move in a second. A few seconds later, her phone buzzed once again, and she unknowingly smiled as she retrieved it.

“I have the day off. Food?” He replied. Sora bit down on her lip and weighed her options. Da Hee was off on vacation to Jeju Island with her family, and Sora had no schools assignments due since the end of the semester was a few weeks away.

“Arassoh, where to?” she quickly texted him back.

“Just meet me by the park near your house, I’ll pick you up in 10.” He replied back. Sora swore at her phone and rolled out of bed, with her comforters still enveloped around her.

She walked over to her cupboard and looked at her clothing. Nothing looked comfortable, so she opted for comfort. She pulled on a hair of dark jeans, which had studs, which stuck out around the pockets and threw on a loose vintage t-shirts that looked as if it was undamaged. On top of that she pulled on a jean jacket and pulled on a ragged pair of black Van shoes, which had several well-worn holes in them, yet she could not for the life of her throw them out. She looked at herself in the mirror and scowled at her reflection.

“Aissh, what’s wrong with my face?” She said as she pulled at her eyes. She hurriedly rummaged through her make up bag and applied a little eyeliner and some mascara, finally finishing herself off by sprayer a little perfume around herself.

“Aiigoo, what am I even doing?” She said as she began to rub away her perfume from her neck. Finial content with her look, she grabbed her purse, which matched her jeans and walked out of her room.

“Where are you going?” A familiar annoying voice asked her.

“Out.” She answered her mother as she continued to walk down the stairs and out of the house. Once outside, she dropped her sunglasses from her head and lightly jogged over to the park that was a five-minute walk from her house.

Once there, she felt a pang of guilt as she recognized a familiar car parked in front of the park. Inside she could see Jiho, with his sunglasses on and his cap low on his face as he waited. Slowly Sora crept up behind the car, as Jiho was fiddling with his phone. He brought the phone up to his ear as Sora jumped from behind and screamed. Jiho spun around in his seat and let out a small yell as his phone went flying into the passengers seat.

“YAH! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!” He yelled as Sora giggled and got into the car. Jiho was still panting as Sora settled in, still giggling.

“What are you a child or something? Pabo!” He continues as he revved the engine of his Audi A5 coup. Sora apologized as he drove off in a hurry.

After several minutes of silence, Sora broke the silence.

“So where are you taking me?” She asked gingerly as browsed through her phone.

“Sushi.” Jiho replied as the he changed lanes on the highway. Sora could not help but notice that he was driving in the ‘cool guy’ way of having one hand on the steering wheel. She made a face at his cockiness.

“Yuck. I hate sushi.” Sora replied in a small voice, suddenly feeling bad. Jiho looked at her surprised.

“Chincha? That’s fine, what do you like then?” He asked as he looked over at her. She looked back at him, and suddenly, she noticed something that she really liked.

“Hey... you have such beautiful beauty marks.” She said as she reached over and traced the dark spots, which were scattered around his eyes and near his jaw line, subconsciously. “You shouldn’t over them.” She whispered, fascinated by them

Jiho had gone still under her touch, no one had ever noticed his beauty marks, let alone called them beautiful. He cleared his throat; suddenly feeling the head creep up his face. As if snapped out of some trance Sora threw herself back into her seat, also embarrassed.

“Sorry.” She said picking her phone back up and looking through it. Jiho just laughed nervously as he exited the highway, no longer sure where he was going.

As Sora was looking through her phone, she decided to raise her phone up to her face and take a selca. Jiho slowed his car down to a stop at a red light began to flash, signaling that a train was about to pass.  

“Yah! Take a picture with me.” He said as he leaned in with his own phone. Sora obliged with a smile and also leaned into Jiho and they both began to snap away. At first, they just smiled in the photo, looking stiff, but after a few were snapped, they both gradually began to contort their faces, and with one final snap Jiho and Sora took a smiling photo, which much to Sora’s surprised made her heart swell.

In the picture, Sora was looking directly at the camera, and next to her, in almost a lovingly way Jiho was looking at her, his beauty marks in full view. A smile broke out on her face. A few seconds later, the blinking lights indicating that a train was passing ceased and Jiho drove off in the destination of a restaurant.


“UMMA! UMMA!” Nara’s cries woke Sora up. She rolled in her bed covering her head with her covers, no in the slightest bit interesting in what was wrong with her sister.

“UMMA! DO SOMETHING!” Nara cried again. Suddenly Sora’s door burst open, and she jumped up startled. Her mother was standing in her room, face redden and obviously enraged.

“Umma...” Sora trailed off confused.

“You little wench!” Her mother screamed at her. Sora sat in her bed and looked at her mother once again.

“What did I do this time?” Sora sighed as she swung her legs down from her bed.

“Do not down play this situation and play innocent!” Her mother replied through barred teeth. “How can you play around with your sisters man!” She spat out.

“Umma... I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.” Sora replied total confused. Her mother jut out her phone and played around for a few moments and threw her phone in her direction.

“Do you deny it?” She spat out at Sora, who’s face drained of colour. In her hands, she was looking down at a familiar selca that looked intimate. She was looking down at a picture of Jiho and herself in the car, and she read the caption “My new friend. Pretty, no?”

Sora looked up at her mother, with shaking hands and a pounding heart. Suddenly fear filled her, and she looked into her mothers face.

“I just went out for lunch-” Sora began, but didn’t get to finish as a hand descended onto her face. Sora flew from her bed and unto the floor, beginning to cry.

“Umma...” she began as her mother hit her once again. This time with a fist, causing her lip to split in two areas. Blood began to seep out as Sora let out a small cry.

“Do you know how hard we have been working to get Nara and Jiho together you little !” Her mother yelled again, and she began to kick Sora in the legs and stomach. “Years! Year’s we’ve been working to get them together, and you have to go and seduce him! You are just like your of a mother!” Sora’s mother spat out through kicks.

Suddenly Sora and her mother stilled as the last statement was said. Through tears Sora looked up at her mother, who’s normally perfectly quaffed hair and composure had been twisted and contorted in rage.

“W-what?” Sora said in a small voice, tears still streaming down her face. It was becoming hard to breath, as pain erupted in her chest every time she breathed in.

Sora mother pushed her hair back from her face and examined her hands, and cleaned off her rings.

“Your father was going to tell you when he felt you were ready, but as I let it slip, I’ll tell you instead.” She said as she was till examining her rings. Then she looked down at Sora with a disgusted expression.

“You are no child of mine. When your father was engaged to me, he had an affair with one of the dancers at the company, and nine months later, she was dead and you were delivered to our door, much to my surprise. I tried to rise you as my own, but you never were, and never will be, you come from filth, and you are now showing your true colours.” She said frankly as she her heel and began to leave the room, but before she left she added; “You have truly ruined the family, you are so much like your mother.” And with that she left.

Sora collapsed onto the floor, holding her stomach, stunned beyond movement. Silently she began to cry, and soon her silent cries turned into sobs.

Standing at her door, looking scared and guilty was Nara, unable to comprehend what she had just caused.


Wooh! So a little bit of fluff and then heartbreak.

Was that what you expected because of the title? Come to think of it, I want to change my title,

do you have any suggestions?

Tell me what you think!<3


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gimmekookie #1
Chapter 35: 와아아아아아아 대박! love this fic uwuwu
Jjongshi #2
Chapter 35: This is daebak~~~ woo jiho hwaiting!!!
Chapter 35: Omg I did read this in two days ;-; can't believe it's over now.... Seriously the best Block B fic I have readen!! And still so pumped up , even tough I was at their consert already three weeks ago. Ohh but I loved this!! And I do miss the boys ;-;
Chapter 35: It was definitely worth it that I spent my weekend on reading and fangiriling over this story!
Aya_Ayumi #5
Chapter 20: I can handle but for some reason,i feel so innocent when i read it XD i just kept using my hair as a curtain to close my left eye and i'm sinking into my pillow XD
Chapter 35: I loved it!!!!
ExoLuhanLittleDeer #7
Chapter 20: I did not expect that.. Though I skipped the .. Still love the story <3
wallflower_ #8
Chapter 35: Nice story!!!
rudelysweetk21 #9
really nice story, enjoyed readin thanks :)