Confrontations (part II) and Resolutions

Our EXOtic Life

[Faith's P.O.V]




WTF is the perfect way to describe what was happening right now.




First Kai was ing at me again.




Then Nyika had to open her big mouthe and get us both into deep !




THEN (!) Kris has to walk in and now I think he might kill Kai with his death glare.




I looked at Nyika who was talking to Luhan.




Then I looked up at Kris, who was in front of me and tugged on his sleeve.




"U-Um...Kris-sshi don't you umm...have to...I mean.."




Then Kai in "I think she means that you shouldn't be in my class."




Kris raised an eyebrow. "I think you should remember who you're talking to JongIn."




He said pointedly.




I heard Nyika, Luhan and Lay go "OoooOOoo~" at Kris' remerk.




I tried talking again "Kris-sshi, I really think we should get back to the lesson now and-" 




But yet AGAIN I was cut off, but by Kris this time.




"How can you take this?!" He said 




"I-" started to speak but Kai interrupted AGAIN.




"She should be able to, the real stuff hasn't even begun, this is only her second day here!"




Kris whirled around and faced Kai.




"That's exactly why I don't understand you JongIn! You know they only arrived in Seoul yesterday,




yet you treat them like they've been here for years!"




Kai's eyes turned into daggers at Kris.




"Are you saying they should get speacial treatment? Just because they're new?!"




"No what I'm saying is you shouldn't be so hard on them."




"Really? Because last time I checked we were supposed to train them, not make friends Kris!"




"JongIn." Kris' voice was deadly.




Kai crossed his arms and turned to the rest of the trainees.




"All of you out, NOW."




All of them scurried out of the practise room. Before she left Min Ra shot me a glance that said "Good Luck."




I really needed it.




Kai turned back to Kris.




"Hyung, I think you need to start thinking, this girl doesn't have what it takes to be here."




He looked over at me 




"You know it. I guarantee she won't even last a year."




And with that he walked out of the room leaving me, Kris, Nyika, Lay and Luhan.




(Both Kai and my mother don't believe in me.) I thought.




My knees gave in and I sank to the floor.




I didn't know whether to be upset or cry.




I didn't do either. 




I just sat there staring out into space.




I felt Nyika put her hand on my shoulder in a comforting gesture.




I looked up at her, and she said "I think we should go now."  I nodded.




Luhan and Lay already left and as I was about to walk out with Nyika I felt Kris grab my wrist.




I turned and looked up at him. "Are you alright?" He asked.




I was just about to smile and say 'yes, I'm alright.' but I didn't. 




I sighed "I don't know, maybe he's right. I'm just not right for all this."




He gave me a comforting smile and ruffled my hair.




"I think you're going to be late."




I smiled at him silently thanking whatever force that let me become friends with Kris.















































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Chapter 42: That was an exotic story. Hahaha
anitamahaexo #2
Chapter 42: Is she really going to be with Suho ;(
immiiy #3
Chapter 42: Amazing story!! I really enioyed it. Well done!!<3
Chapter 42: Wow! Brilliant chapter! I like the way things turned out.
Bizzle2 #5
Chapter 42: It's a good and cute ending ^^ I love it
Chapter 42: WHAT nonononononononono she not with kris WHAT nooooooooooooooooooo TT^TT
Chapter 42: Its the end!!!^^
Its a short ending but i like it!

Nice story!^^
Chapter 42: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 42: DAFUQ IS THIS. FAITH!!!
I don't like this update. It .
I can't believe. YABAI?!?!
Chapter 41: Maybe he's 7 or 8 inches. AWW everything's ok.....for now. ANOTHER DRAME BOMB???

If only you knew my first Kpop band :LEDApple then u could write a story on them