
Our EXOtic Life

[Nyika's P.O.V]



I stared into Luhan's beautiful eyes.



I felt like I was in a trance, I didn't know what was going on.



All I felt was the warmth of his lips and his tight grip around me.



Finally, breathless we broke the kiss which seemed to last forever, and yet still felt too short.



We both started at each other once more, breathing heavily.



I heard the door to the rooftop open, and Sehun stolled in.



I felt a pang of guilt when I saw him.



He looked from me to Luhn than back to me.



His expression turned cold.



"Yah Hyung, what were you doing?!" Sehun demanded.



Luhan ran a hand through his hair and scratched the back of his neck.



He looked at me saying "Well, I gott a run, so...yeah."



I stared after his retreating back as he left. He shut the door behind him.



Sehun walked right up to me and put his hands on either side of my face making me look at him head on.



I felt was far worse than guilt...I felt ashamed.



He said nothing. I knew that he knew.



Without any warning he attacked my lips with his.



Sehun was the gentlest when it came to everything but now....



I pushed him off trying to regain my composure.



He held my chin in his hand and ran his thumb over my lips.



"Only I can kiss you." he stated.



It seemed almost childish, the way he sounded so possesive, but it was comforting.



I was happy to know that he was jealous, that he only wanted me over any other girl he could have.



"Alright, but then only I can kiss you." I whipered back.



He finally smiled "Okay, deal."



I sighed and rested my head on his shoulders "So does this make me your girlfriend officially?" I asked.



I heard his chukle slightly "When were you not?"



I smiled to myself.











[Faith's P.O.V]



After another busy day I got a text from Suho asking me to meet him.



I went to the place he specified and waited.



When he finally came we sat down together.



"How was your day?" I asked conversationally.



"It was good, just the usual stuff, anything new with you?"



I shrugged "Yeah, just more debut preparation, plus I have this exam coming up soon..."



He frowned slightly "Have you been eating well? Are you sleeping enough lately? You look tired."



I smiled at his concern and waved my hand dismissively. "I'm fine, you worry too much."



He out his hand over mine on the table "If you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask alright?"



I nodded.  "So what's the special occasion that you're taking me out for?" I asked.



"I feel like we've never been on an actual date with our busy scheduals, so I wanted to do something nice for my girl."



(Aww~ He's so sweet~)



When out food came and our waiter offered us each a glass of wine Suho got his but before mine was poured,



"Ah none for her, she's allergic."



I looked at him. "I can talk for myself thank you very much." I said indignantly.



"You know you can't hold your liquor, so unless you want to wake up woth me tomorrow I suggest you stay sober."



I blushed at the recollection.



"You should'nt talk about things like that in public." I said



"Why?" he asked innocently



"Because people might misunderstand you." I replied.



He smirked "In today's society thing like that are normal."



I frowned 



He smiled back at me "Alright, alright no need to get upset."



I rolled my eyes at him.



It was nice to be on a normal date for once.



After dinner Suho invited me back to his place.



"Aren't the other there?" I asked.



He shrugged "So what?" 



I releuctantly agreed, hoping I wouldn't have another run in with a certain Duizhang.



When we arrived we were greeted by Xiumin, Chen, Baekyun and D.O.



"What are you two lover-birds doing back here?" Xiumin asked



"Yeah I wasn't expecting Joonmyun back until dawn," Chen added slyly.



Suho glared at them and led me to his room.



"Don't worry about them, they're just upset that they only have each other."



I looked at his room, which he probably shared considering the two beds and it was...interesting.



One side was neat with a bookshelf, nightstand and clean drawer. 



The other side had an unmade bed with clothes and other thing cluttering the floor.



"Uhm, yeah I have to share a room with Chen so.." he trailed off.



I nodded underatnding that the clean side of the room was his.



We watched a few films (documentaries not horror flicks that God!!) then we talked for what seemed like minutes,



in reality it was already past midnight when I checked the time.



"Well I guess I should be going..." I said, sad that I had to leave.



Suho wrapped his arms around me, "Why don't you pend the night, it's already late and cold anyways"



I sighed "Alright, but let me call hime okay?" he nodded.



I stepped out into the hallway to call Nyika.



N: Hello?



F: Hey, I'm going to stay over at Suho's wanna cover for me?



N: Mhmmm I see you, already going ALL the way



F: NOO! It's just late, and...



N: ALright, okay I got your back, just play safge okay






N: *Laughs* I'm joking okay, bye.



F: Bye.




I borrowed some of Suho's old clothes to wear and we both went to sleep.



No matter what I could never sleep in strange places.



Suho seemed peaceful enough beside me, but I just lay there staring at the ceiling.



I sighed and decided to get myself a cup of tea to help me sleep.



I walked into the kitchen when I noticed someone out on the balcony......



I went out and saw Kris starting out inot the night sky, similar to how he did when we first met.



Things seemed so different that what they were now.



He turned around, "Oh...Hi."



"Hi" I said awkwardly



I stood beside him and looked out into the city's lights.



I could feel Kris' eyes on me, he looked at what I was wearing.



"So I guess you're serious about Joonmyun..." he said.




I looked at him "And what would give you that idea?"




"Well, did you not just sleep with him? I didn't think you were easy so I thought you were serious."




I frowned at him. "I did not sleep with him, Joonmyun wouldn't pressure me into something I'm uncomfortable with."




This time Kris frowned. "Whatever, it's better you don't get attached because you can't be with him anyway...."




I looked at him "What do you mean?!"







[Nyika's P.O.V]



I was so glad that Min Ra and Li Hua were staying over at someone else's house because I needed some 'me' time.



After I showered I flopped onto my bed and decided to take a well deserved nap.




As I was drifting asleep my phone rang.




I talked to Faith and told her I'd cover for her.




Then I started to sleep....




I heard a banging in my dreams.




Then I realized I was awake and it was the door.




I oppened it.




"Sehun?!" I exclaimed




"What are you doing here at 1:00 am?!" I cried




He smirked "Can't a guy visit his girlfirend?"






(When I thought I was alone-!)

























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Chapter 42: That was an exotic story. Hahaha
anitamahaexo #2
Chapter 42: Is she really going to be with Suho ;(
immiiy #3
Chapter 42: Amazing story!! I really enioyed it. Well done!!<3
Chapter 42: Wow! Brilliant chapter! I like the way things turned out.
Bizzle2 #5
Chapter 42: It's a good and cute ending ^^ I love it
Chapter 42: WHAT nonononononononono she not with kris WHAT nooooooooooooooooooo TT^TT
Chapter 42: Its the end!!!^^
Its a short ending but i like it!

Nice story!^^
Chapter 42: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 42: DAFUQ IS THIS. FAITH!!!
I don't like this update. It .
I can't believe. YABAI?!?!
Chapter 41: Maybe he's 7 or 8 inches. AWW everything's ok.....for now. ANOTHER DRAME BOMB???

If only you knew my first Kpop band :LEDApple then u could write a story on them