What Am I?

Our EXOtic Life

[Nyika's P.O.V]



When I heard the door open later that night I knew it was Faith.




"Where have you been?! Don't you know what time it is?! Why didn't you call!!"




I yelled.




"Calm down, calm down, look I have a lot to tell you so listen."




I relented "Fine, but only because I have a lot to tell you too."




"You go first." she said.




"I explained about how Luhan came over and confessed to me.




"Woah...just....woah..." Faith said, stunned.




I nodded "I know right?! I didn't think that would hapen, now what do I do?"




"I don't know, aren't you dating Sehun kind of?" she asked.




"I don't know, I mean he said he liked me and we kissed but...I don't know if he's serious."




She nodded. "I'm kind of in a similar situation myself."




Then Faith told me everything, about Kris, and Suho.




"Holy ," I replied, I didn't know how to react.




"So basically, now they're going to go all drama style and fight for you?" I asked.




"NO! I least I hope not...but I'm not too sure about what Kris mean by "All's Fair" do you?"




I shrugged her guess was as good as mine.




She sighed and flopped backwards onto the couch. "Why are guys so complicated"




"We're just too awesome that they can't stand it." I said re-assuringly.




"I guess things will work themselves out?" she asked looking up at me.




"I guess...I hope....because we both know neither of us will be able to choose one right now." I said.




The next morning W!tch35 had yet another photoshoot.




I was kind of getting used to them.




Just dress in whatever they told you to, pose and act like there were no cameras around or 'natural'.




After that we recorded for a bit, then we went out for a fanmeeting.




This was our first one ever.




I didn't expect so many people, but apparently they liked us.




I was so glad Min Ra made me practise my signature.




Finally we had to go to a salon to change our hairstyles for our Debut showcase.




I sat in the salon chair and watched as my hair we trimmed, dyed and styled.




All of the members got a streak in their hair.




Mine was blue, Faith's was purple, Min Ra's was red and Li Hua's was pink.



When we went back to our dorm to go do some work we all sat together in Faith's room to study.




"Hey, why don't we play a game?" Li Hua suggested.




Faith shut the textbook she was reading at looked up "Alright, what game?"




"Okay so someone asks you a question and you have to answer truthfully, if you don't you have to tell



something embarrassing about yourself or an experiance you had."




"So it's like truth or dare?" I asked.



"Kind of." 



"Alright who's first?" Min Ra asked.



"I'll go," Li Hua said.



"Nyika, have you ever been kissed before?"



I scoffed "Yeah,"



"By who?!" Min Ra asked excitedly "Was it Sehun?!"



"Yah, only one question per turn!" I said, feeling myself blush a bit.



"Okay," I turned to Faith



"Who do you think is better Kris or Suho?"



She paused "Pass."



"Now you have to tell us something embarrassing." Li Hua chimed.



"This game isn't that fun," she grumbled "Well, one time Nyika and a few other people walked in on


me kissing a guy..."



We all laughed "Really Nyika?!" Min Ra asked.



I nodded "Yup, and it was pretty recent too."




I felt Faith's glare boring holes into my head but I ignored it.



"Okay my turn," she said "Li Hua, have you ever dated a guy older than you?"



Said hirl looked down at her fingernails "Yes....."




We all were shocked, quiet little Li Hua dated older guys?!




"Oho, I didn't know you rolled like dat." I said.




She turned red "No, No Unni~ There wasn't any rolling!!"




I laughed "It was just an expression."







It was nice that we got to know one another better,



especially since we were going to be together for a long time.









For the next few days Faith and I avoided contact with any of the members of EXO.




Because we knew that like animals, they travelled in packs.




One day I got a text from Sehun; "Where have you been? What have you been doing?"




I frowned.






Did Sehun think of me as his girlfriend?




If so, then wouldn't he be alot more concerned that we weren't talking?




I replied "What am I to you?"




I waited.




And waited.








There was no reply.




I ran a hand over my face (Why would I send him something like that?!)




The next day I headed into Sm and bumped into Luhan.




This was the first time I saw him since he confessed to me.




Talk about awks in a box.




"Hay," I said weakly




"Hi" he replied sensing my hesitance.




I went to go walk past him but he grabbed my arm.




"Are you alright? Something seems to be bothering you." He said, concern showing on his kind face.




I sighed.





We went to the roof where we could talk without being eavesdropped on.





I explained to him why I fely uneasy about my relationship with Sehun.




Luhan nodded once I was done.




"I know Sehun can be a bit cinfusing, but you have to know, you're his first..."




"Bwoh?!" I exclaimed




"You are Nyika, whether you like it or not.




You were Sehun's first date, kiss, and maybe even his first girlfriend."




"So..what you're saying is, we both have no idea what we're doing?" I asked.




"Basically," Luhan repled "You're just two kids."




I breathed deeply.




I was happy that I wasn't the only one confused about our relationship.




As I went to leave Luhan grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him.




He ran a hand through my hair.




I shivered slightly.




"I know that you like Sehun, but I want you to know that I'm still here."




I looked up at him. I knew it. I always did.




I hated knowing that Luhan was waiting for me.




"Luhan, please don't sacrifice your time on me, find someone else."




He gave me a kind smile, before leaning in and pressing his lips to my own.




When he broke away he said in a breathless whisper "You can't make me."






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Chapter 42: That was an exotic story. Hahaha
anitamahaexo #2
Chapter 42: Is she really going to be with Suho ;(
immiiy #3
Chapter 42: Amazing story!! I really enioyed it. Well done!!<3
Chapter 42: Wow! Brilliant chapter! I like the way things turned out.
Bizzle2 #5
Chapter 42: It's a good and cute ending ^^ I love it
Chapter 42: WHAT nonononononononono she not with kris WHAT nooooooooooooooooooo TT^TT
Chapter 42: Its the end!!!^^
Its a short ending but i like it!

Nice story!^^
Chapter 42: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 42: DAFUQ IS THIS. FAITH!!!
I don't like this update. It .
I can't believe. YABAI?!?!
Chapter 41: Maybe he's 7 or 8 inches. AWW everything's ok.....for now. ANOTHER DRAME BOMB???

If only you knew my first Kpop band :LEDApple then u could write a story on them