Sorting Things Out

Our EXOtic Life

[Nyika's P.O.V]



I screamed in unison with Luhan and turned around shutting the door.








I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my ribcage, it was beating like a hammer.




After a minute or two I heard Luhan say from the other side of the door.




"Uhm, you can come in now."




I opened to door and looked up at him sheepishly.




He ran a hand over his face and sighed, I pretended not to notice that he was blushing.




"So what was so important that you just had to barge in huh?" He asked.




Suddenly I had a mental freakout because I didn't know what to say.




The pure shock I felt when I saw Luhan just made every thought I had before fly out of my head.




"I like you!" I blurted out.




This time Luhan was shocked, then he smiled.




"So you came all the way here to tell me that?"




"No, that's not what I meant, I like you...but I don't...I think...I don't know anymore!"




I tugged at my hair in frustration.




Luhan sighed.




"You mean, you have feelings for me but you won't give Sehun up."




I nodded.




"I actually came here looking for Sehun, but I needed to see you anyway."




Something in Luhan's eyes changed, but he kept his smile.




So fast I couldn't do anything, he came up to me, so close that I was backed up against the closed door.




"Why do you always decidethings on you own?" He whispered.




"Just like you don't want to leave Sehun, I don't want to give you up either, he knows this."




I gulped. "Then if you know how he feels why can't you just forget about me, please it would be easier on both of us."




He smirked, unlike his usual innocent smile.




"You know that we both don't want that."




(He's right.)




"Still, I won't cheat on the guy I'm with." I said.




Luhan let out a short laugh.




"Well, Sehun's already thinking of throwing you away like stale milk."




I froze. Sehun would never do that.




"You're lying." I said.




"Why would I? I want the best for you Nyika." He replied gently, my face with the back of his hand.




"Sehun would never do that to me."




I think I was trying to convince myself ore than Luhan.




"I know he will, why do you think he's avoiding you? He wants to find the right time to do it."




Tears welled up in my eyes "But why? What did I do?"




I sobbed, sinking to the floor.




I was going to lose Sehun, Sehun was leaving me.




I ran it over again in my mind.




Maybe it was Karma for having feelings toward Luhan.




Now I was certain that I had to see Sehun.




I got up and left Luhan's room, when I went to the livingroom, someone came into the dorm.




I locked eyes with Sehun.




He looked surprised to see me.




"I tried calling you, I even came here, I wanted to see you..."




He sighed.




"I spoke to Jerry, we're just friends, I tried to sort thing out with Luhan, but please, just give me time."




He looked puzzled. "What do you mean? Why are you crying?" He asked.




He held out a hand to touch me but I avoided it.




"Tell me the truth Sehun, were you thinking of breaking up with me?"




His eyes widened. "No, where would you get tha-"




He looked past me at Luhan.




"You," He said, his voice dangerously low.




Luhan leaned against the wall casually




"Hunnie, you shouldn't lie to her, adimit it, you couldn't stand that she liked me,"




I looked at Sehun.



"Is that true?"




Sehun sighed. "At one point yes, but I know that you'd never betray me, and I wouldn't do that to you either."




I knew he was telling the truth.




I felt like a weight was lifted off me.




I looked at Luhan. "Please, if you really did love me, you'd let me go."




His smirk faded, replaced by an unknown emotion.




"Are you really happy with him?" He asked.




I nodded "Yes I am."




Luhan looked at Sehun.




"I always hated fighting you Sehun-ah, but don't worry, I won't go after Nyika anymore."




He paused. "But don't you dare do anything to harm her, otherwise I'll murder you in your sleep."




This time Luhan smiled, his real Luhan smile.




Sehun walked over and hugged him.




"Thanks Hyung," He said.




Luhan looked at me. "What no goodbye hug?"




I laughed and gladly obliged.




"This isn't goodbye you know," I said to him, "It's a hello to a new relationship."




Finally, Luhan and I now are on good terms, even if we aren't together.









[Faith's P.O.V]




Everything my and Nyika's lives were wonderful.




Over he next few months W!tch35 toured along with EXO, F(x) SHINee and some of our other Sunbaes.




The girls and I got to explore Asia for the first time.




While were were on tour and doing concert, fanmeetings and such, all of us become closer.




Our Sunbaes no loner treated us like treainee punks, but as equals in a sense.




I also got to see more of Kris.




Our ties were suddenly cut.




We never talked, only when nessesary.




I talked with Suho, and he said it would be best if we tried to start over.




I thought about it.




I was already happy with Suho, so what could being friends with Kris do?




I was very hesitant at first, but along with being the best boyfirend ever, Suho taught me to let go.




He accepted me for who I was and not for my past.




So in turn I should do that for others, even Kris.




One day while we were in Hong Kong [Ironically]




I decided to make the first sep, to bridging the gap between us,




Because even though I didn't want to admit it, I didn't want to lose him.




Everyone was resting in the hotel or out exploring, but he was here.




Here being the rooftop of the hotel.




I stood beside him, not saying a word, as we watched the sunset.




He spoke first, breaking the comfotable silence.




"So, are we strangers now?" he asked.




I shrugged, my eyes still on the scenery before me.




"Maybe, if we are then shouldn't we get to know one another?"




He looked at me, trying to see if I was ouling some trick.




I only held out my hand to him.




He didn't take it, he stared at my ourstreached palm and then at me.




We didn't say anything, but we both knew what we wanted to say.




This simple act was the start of rebuilding, of healing, of forgivenss.




 I was willing to start over, was he?




For a long moment he paused, thinking.




Finally, he took his hand and grabbed mine, giving it a re-assuring grip.




"Sorry, for all that back then," He said.




He didn't need to specify I knew what he meant.




"Even if things didn't work out one way, we should try another." I replied.




He smiled slightly.




We let go, knowing that it was enough.




Looking ack at the sunset he said; "He knows right?"




He was talking about Suho, and my past.




I nodded "He took it wa better than I expected, I'm happy....he stayed."




"I'm jealous," Kris whispered.




I looked at him.




"But I'm glad at the same time, you're so much happier than when we first met.




It was all thanks to him, so I'm glad that you found happiness.



One day, you'll be able, to tell me as well."




He looked at me, his eyes reflecting mine




"It was him who helped me the most...but everyone else did as well.....Everyone."




(Even you)




He smiled.




"Wait for me," He replied.




"Alright, but not to long, you know I'm not that patient."




We both laughed.




For a while we stood there in comfortable silence, once again friends.




Finally, I was at peace.




The door to the roof opened and Suho walked in.




He smiled at us noth, he knew everything was alright now.




I looked over at Kris who noticed Suho as well.




"I'm glad I got to see you again," I said.




"I'm glad I met you,"




For a moment we stared at one another....things had changed so much over time.




Then Kris put a hand on m shoulder, turning me to face Suho,




"Go," He whispered, giving the small of my back  a slight push.




I walked to Suho and linked arms with him.




He smiled at me, "Everything went well,"



I looked back at Kris, who waved, I waved back.




Turning back to Suho, I replied "Yes, everything's sorted out."






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Chapter 42: That was an exotic story. Hahaha
anitamahaexo #2
Chapter 42: Is she really going to be with Suho ;(
immiiy #3
Chapter 42: Amazing story!! I really enioyed it. Well done!!<3
Chapter 42: Wow! Brilliant chapter! I like the way things turned out.
Bizzle2 #5
Chapter 42: It's a good and cute ending ^^ I love it
Chapter 42: WHAT nonononononononono she not with kris WHAT nooooooooooooooooooo TT^TT
Chapter 42: Its the end!!!^^
Its a short ending but i like it!

Nice story!^^
Chapter 42: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 42: DAFUQ IS THIS. FAITH!!!
I don't like this update. It .
I can't believe. YABAI?!?!
Chapter 41: Maybe he's 7 or 8 inches. AWW everything's ok.....for now. ANOTHER DRAME BOMB???

If only you knew my first Kpop band :LEDApple then u could write a story on them