Interviews, Photo shoots, and More Visits

Our EXOtic Life

[Nyika's P.O.V]



When Sehun and I arrived at Sm Lia ran up to me.




"Come on don't dawdle! We had lots to do! Where's Faith?"




I shrugged.




She sighed "Oh well, we can do without her now."




I then proceeded to turn into a proper idol.




My hair makeup and clothing were finished I had to pose.




"Now the look we want for you is 'innocent' " the photographer said.




I snorted (Me? Innocent?! That's funny.)




I was leaned against the fake streetpost and pretending to mind my own business while she photographed me.




When I was finished I watched Min Ra and Li Hua pose.




Faith showed up and proceeded.




Finally everything was done.




We thanked the crew for all their hardwork, and Lia drove us to the set of our first interview.




Faith's hands were shaking slightly as we sat in the back of Lia's car.




"Are you alright?" Li Hua asked "You look a bit pale."




She smiled ""Yeah...I'm great...just...uh....nervous."




I looked at her and spoke in English so the other's wouldn't eavesdrop.




"Are you really alright? Did something happen?"  I asked eyeing my friend worriedly




She pursed her lips and looked down at her hands.  "I'll tell you about it later."




I left it at that, because now we had more pressing matters that is, our very first interview as W!tch35.



"Annyeonsayo to our viewers my name is Park Yoon Ju and today I'm here with SM's rookie girl group W!tch35!"


said the interviewer.




The studio audiance applauded.




We then introduced ourselves, and Faith [being the leader] had the mic.




"Annyeongsayo, we are W!tch35, please take care of us."




The four of us make a 'W' sign with our three middle fingers on our left hand.




We sat down and the interview started.




"Why don't you all do your individual introductions?" Yoon Ju suggested.




Faith, sat the closest to the interviwer held the mic first




"Hello I'm W!tch35's leader, Faith."


The Min Ra who was next to her.




"Annyeonsayo, I'm W!tch35's  rapper Min Ra,"




Then Li Hua "Annyeonsayo, I'm W!tch35's Li Hua."




And [FINALLY] me.




"Annyeongsayo, I'm W!tch35's maknae and dancer Nyika."




"Omo,what lovely young ladies," Yoon Ju said.




"Now I heard that three of you aren't Korean, am I correct?" she asked.




Min Ra smiled politely and took the mic from me.




"Actually, we have only one and a half korean members."




"One and a half?" Yoon Ju asked confused.




"Yes, actually our leader Faith is only half Korean, she is also Guyanese."




"Oh~ I see, and I know that Li Hua is Chinese and Nyika...." she trailed off.




Min Ra handed me the mic and I replied "I'm Jamaican but I grew up in Canada."




"Omo, what a diverse group," Yoon Ju commented "And my I say you all speak wonderful Korean."




"Kamsamnida" We all answered in unison.


"Now, can one of you please explain your debut album..."The First Spell?" she asked.




The mic was again passed to Faith.




"Well, 'The First Spell' is a compilation of Korean tracks from SM and some of my own English songs that I composed.




The album is called 'The First Spell' because of the group name W!tch35.




Witches were thought of before as people who possesed magic, and were unique from everyone else.




We are hoping our songs are like magic to you and that our unique style will delight everyone."




"When your first teaser was released you got over 10,00 views in under an hour, how do you feel about that?"




Faith passed the mic to Li Hua.




"We were actually really shocked that so many people were interested in us, and we also would like to thank all our fans,



or our 'W!zards' as we call them.



We are also glad because we want to bring more people into K-Pop that aren't just in Korea, China or Japan,



we also want to cater to the whole world."



"I understand, there were many rumours of SM creating an 'international' group that had songs in multiple languages,



and now you are that dream in reality, do you feel any pressure?" Yoon Ju asked.



We all paused for a moment, and Li Hua passed me the mic.




I answered carefully, "There are pressures for us to do well, but not negative ones nessesarily.



I know since Faith and I have been friends even before we became trainees that this was our dream and goal,



we worked hard to learn Korean as well as other languages,



and I know that our other two members want to achieve their own goals.



Pressure can be positive because it is what keeps us going, because we all know what it's like to be a fan,



and we never want to dissappoint ours."




"Thank you for that, I'm sure you'll all do very well in the near future," she said.




"This has been Park Yoon Ju with W!tch35, be sure to look out for and buy their album 'The First Spell' In stores soon."




The camera stopped rolling and we were finished our very first interview.



As we walked off the set Yoon Ju smiled and shook our hands "Good luck to you all"



"Kamsa," I replied.



As Lia drove us back to our apartements she said.




"Since you're all a group now, Li Huan and Min Ra will be moving in with you two," she said to me and Faith.




"So you're going to have to figure out who's rooming with whom."




"I call Faith!" I shouted grabbing said friends hand




she smiled "Alright, but don't snore!"




I punched her arm.




We were going to debut soon adn I could hardly wait!





[Faith's P.O.V]




After Lia dropped us off Min Ra and Li Hua came back to our apartement to start moving some of their stuff in.



I opened the door and there sitting on my couch was Suho.



(Oh crap I forgot about him)



He put down th book he was reading and came to greet me.



"Hey," he said "You're here earlier than I expected.



"Yeah about that....we have new roomates apparently." I said gesturing back to Min Ra and Li Hua.



Suho smiled at them.






They both waved at him in shock.



"U-Unni, why is Sunbae in your apartement?" Min Ra asked me.



"Yeah Faith, DO TELL us why?" Nyika said slyly.



I shot her a glare.



"Suho came and wrapped and arm around my shoulder, "Faith and I are dating" he announced.



"Ooh~!" Both Li Huan and Min Ra squealed "Unni~ You're so lucky~"



Suho sighed "Yeah, she really is."



I rolled my eyes and took his arm off me, "Shouldn't you be going back to your own dorm?" I asked.



"That's why I was waiting for you to come back so I could say bye," he said,



"Bye, I'll call you later." He kissed me before I could react and raced out the door.



I stood there stunned.



Nyika made a face "Mmmhmmm look at chu gettin all frisky with Suho~" she teased.



I felt myself blush "S-shutup and go help them unpack!"
























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Chapter 42: That was an exotic story. Hahaha
anitamahaexo #2
Chapter 42: Is she really going to be with Suho ;(
immiiy #3
Chapter 42: Amazing story!! I really enioyed it. Well done!!<3
Chapter 42: Wow! Brilliant chapter! I like the way things turned out.
Bizzle2 #5
Chapter 42: It's a good and cute ending ^^ I love it
Chapter 42: WHAT nonononononononono she not with kris WHAT nooooooooooooooooooo TT^TT
Chapter 42: Its the end!!!^^
Its a short ending but i like it!

Nice story!^^
Chapter 42: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 42: DAFUQ IS THIS. FAITH!!!
I don't like this update. It .
I can't believe. YABAI?!?!
Chapter 41: Maybe he's 7 or 8 inches. AWW everything's ok.....for now. ANOTHER DRAME BOMB???

If only you knew my first Kpop band :LEDApple then u could write a story on them