
Our EXOtic Life

There he was. 












I stood there frozen.



This had to be a mistake. It just HAD to be!



There was no way Kai wanted to see me! Maybe Nyika was fooling around again....



(No, it couldn't be her, she doesn't like Kai either...)  then who?



I didn't know whether to turn around and leave or just walk up to him.



Before I had a chance to decide Kai turned around.



He seemed as shocked to see me as I was to see him.



He frowned slightly then opened his mouthe to say something.



That was it, I couldn't stand being talked down to again by HIM.



I spun on my heels and headed for the door.



Then I heard Kai say "Wait,"



I faced him, with a blank face, but really I was freaking out.



(Is he going to snap at me again?! Ugh I bet he'll get mad at me for stealing his roof or some crap -.-)



"Well," I said expectantly.



"Look, I know I haven't been the best teacher to you..." he started



"Or the best Sunbae, role model, friend.....or anything else really." I said pointedly



"Can I finish?" he asked.  I nodded.



"I know I don't have the best realationship with my trainees, so I wanted to start over with you."



(I must be dreaming) 



"so....." he trailed off awkwardly waitting for my response.



"Oh, ok then." He waited for me to say more. [Well, what more did he want?!]



"So...I'll see you tomorrow then..." I said.



I headed towards the door and Kai followed.



I assumed he had somewhere to go.



Until I was about to exit the main entrance did I say something, since this guy was STILL following me!



"Sunbae, don't you have somewhere to go?" 



He seemed shocked at me being polite to him and a (microscopic) smile tugged at the corners of his lips.



"I was going to walk you to the bus stop, it's not safe for you to out so late in and unfamiliar city alone."



I smiled back at him 



(Maybe we can be friends) 



When I go to the bus stop, Kai and I got to know each other better.




He insisted I call him JongIn Sunbae instead of just 'Sunbae' idk why but I did.



When the bus came and I got on, Kai went on with me.



"Ummm, JongIn Sunbae, don't you have to go somewhere?" I asked.



"I might as well talke you home." He said.



I shrugged (oh, well, it's better than him yelling at me.)
















[Nyika's P.O.V]



~ ~ ~Earlier that same day~ ~ ~


After I set up Suho and Faith, I walked into SM, and into someone.



I fell flat on my and looked up at the idiot, saying



"Yo! Watch where you're going!"



"Oh, sorry," said a familiar voice.



I looked up at EXO K's Crackyeol, *ahem* I mean Chanyeol.




I stood up and brushed myself off. Huffing a bit as I did so.




Then EXO M's Tao came jogging up towards us.




"Hyung! " He said to Chanyeol.



I glared at him.



"AND YOU!" I said pointing an accusatory finger at Tao.




"Don't you see I'm haveing a conversation with somebody?! You don't just interrupt some! It's rude!"




Tao looked at Chanyeol, who was looking at me, then started laughing.



"Hahahahahahahaha! I like you! Are you a new trainee?"



Chanyeol asked



"Nooooo, I'm the new janitior!" I said sarcastically.



Tao laughed and said "Well if you are then be careful of the washrooms after Tuesdays, because that's when Chanyeol-

hyung has mexican food."



(I can't get mad at these guys) I laughed at Tao's joke.




Chanyeol frowned at his dongsaeng and stuck his toungue out.




While I passed time before my schedul started, I chatted with Tao and Chanyeol.



I told them about my first few days in Seoul.



Then Chanyeol asked me "Yah, is it true that you cussed out JongIn?"



"Bwoh?!" Tao said shocked.



I waved my hand in dismissal, "Yeah it was nothing really. But I swear if he even goes near my friend imma flip a table at

his punk !"



We all laughed.



"I have to go train." Tao said 



"You throw them wushu sticks Tao!" Chanyeol yelled at his friend.



Chanyeol walked me to my class.



"Okay bye." i said



"What?" he asked tilting his head to the side givnig me a confused look.



"This is my class too." 



"No it's not." I said 



"Yes, it is." He said taking out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket.



"See, I'm teaching this class." He held the paper in front of my face.



It had a class list on it. and there the 12th name, was mine.



"Whay are you all teaching! You should be working on an album!!"



I said, telling Chanyeol what every EXOtic in the world wanted to say right now.



Chanyeol laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck.



"Ummmm, yeah about that, the reason we're doing this is because-


WAIT! I'm not supposed to talk about that they said!"



"Wait what? Who's they?" I asked confused at his outburst.


"N-Nothing!" He stuttered "J-J-Just go to class!" 



Being the good hoobae I am (not) I listened to Chanyeol and went to class.




Afterward my day went as usual. Around 11pm I was looking around for Faith.


(Where the hell is dis girl?!)




I knew she could take care of herself and I was tired AF so I headed home first.




~ ~ ~End Flashback~ ~ ~




































































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Chapter 42: That was an exotic story. Hahaha
anitamahaexo #2
Chapter 42: Is she really going to be with Suho ;(
immiiy #3
Chapter 42: Amazing story!! I really enioyed it. Well done!!<3
Chapter 42: Wow! Brilliant chapter! I like the way things turned out.
Bizzle2 #5
Chapter 42: It's a good and cute ending ^^ I love it
Chapter 42: WHAT nonononononononono she not with kris WHAT nooooooooooooooooooo TT^TT
Chapter 42: Its the end!!!^^
Its a short ending but i like it!

Nice story!^^
Chapter 42: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 42: DAFUQ IS THIS. FAITH!!!
I don't like this update. It .
I can't believe. YABAI?!?!
Chapter 41: Maybe he's 7 or 8 inches. AWW everything's ok.....for now. ANOTHER DRAME BOMB???

If only you knew my first Kpop band :LEDApple then u could write a story on them