First impressions: both Crappy and Happy

Our EXOtic Life

I entered the practise room. 


There were about 10 other girls, but no guys.....


[ Hmmm I wonder why? ;D ]


(Oh gosh!) I thought as I looked at the other trainees.


First I was the tallest in the room. I meant I wasn't that tall, but still! 



Second I was feeling awkward about wearing a Tube top and these girls-! I didn't even know that shots that short or shirts that tight were made, or sold anywhere.



I kissed my teeth...


(sloo tings!)


All heads turned to me.


Then one of them came up to me one of the more modest (?) ones.


"Annyeong~ I'm Min Ra!" she said giving me and eye-smile.


(Oh great, another aegyo creep!) 


"I'm Faith." I answered flatly. I wasn't a very trusting person. Whenever someone I didn't know was overly friendly they ended up stabbing me in the back. That's why I was so close with Nyika because she was one of the few people I trusted.


She tilted her head to the side at my name


"Are you American?" she asked




"No, I'm Canadian but my mother was Korean and my dad was Guyanese."


Her eyes rounded "Wow! So exotic!"


I smiled at her choice of words 


She turned to the rest of the girls and introduced me.


They were all friendly, even the older ones.

(Okay, maybe this won't be so bad) 


Then one of the girls who was waiting by the door squealed and said "OMG Do you know who's going to be the instructor!?" 


"Who?" I asked actually interested in who had to teach me for the rest of my trainee days.


Everyone looked at  me like I was an idiot.


"IT'S KAI OPPA!!" They all answered







(Oh hellz naw!!!)



(WHAT?! KAI?! THE EXO-K KAI?!?!) I panicked.


My hands started to sweat and my knees were practically knocking together.


Then another girl came bounding in saying 


"He's here! He's here! Kai Oppa~"


All the girls crowded in front of the door.


I on the other hand stood at the BACK.


I did not want to embarass myself in front of Kai!


Then with a chourus of "Annyeong Oppa~~!"


Kai entered the practise room.


His hair was tousled in that cool 'idgaf about my bedhead' kind of way and he wore normal black sweat pants and a navey blue hoodie.






He went to the front of the room where there were mirrors and faced the group. "You all know who I am ," he started "and I don't care who you are, so shut up, follow my every instruction, or det the hell out of my class."



(Well somebody  woke up on the wrong side of the bed!)



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Chapter 42: That was an exotic story. Hahaha
anitamahaexo #2
Chapter 42: Is she really going to be with Suho ;(
immiiy #3
Chapter 42: Amazing story!! I really enioyed it. Well done!!<3
Chapter 42: Wow! Brilliant chapter! I like the way things turned out.
Bizzle2 #5
Chapter 42: It's a good and cute ending ^^ I love it
Chapter 42: WHAT nonononononononono she not with kris WHAT nooooooooooooooooooo TT^TT
Chapter 42: Its the end!!!^^
Its a short ending but i like it!

Nice story!^^
Chapter 42: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 42: DAFUQ IS THIS. FAITH!!!
I don't like this update. It .
I can't believe. YABAI?!?!
Chapter 41: Maybe he's 7 or 8 inches. AWW everything's ok.....for now. ANOTHER DRAME BOMB???

If only you knew my first Kpop band :LEDApple then u could write a story on them