Dark Past, and Doubts.

Our EXOtic Life

[Nyika's P.O.V]



The next day I went into SM even though W!tch35 was on a break.




I decided to set the record straight with Jerry.




I was going to tell him that at one point I did like him more than a friend,




but that that was in the past and I was happy with Sehun.




I guess it wouldn't really bother him, but I just needed some peace of mind.




I walked around Sm looking for him.




I found him alone in one of the practise rooms.




It was now or never.




"Jerry!" I called to him.




He turned around and smiled.




"Hey Nyika, what's up?"




I felt something in my throat tighten.




(Don't choke now!)




"Uhm yeah Jerry.......... I need to tell you something."




He seemed a bit unsettled about my tone of voice.




"Alright, what is it?"




"Uhm well, when we were younger I really liked you and I know you kind of felt the same way,




but that was in the past and this is now I'm already with Sehun and I'm really happy.




I'm glad that we're able to see each other after such a long time, but we're just going to be friends."




I sighed as I finished talking. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.




He nodded




"I knew that we couldn't just pick up where we left off....but you can't blame a guy for trying."




We both laughed.




I was happy that there was one misunderstanding cleared up.




(Now if only I could sort my feelings for Luhan out)











[Faith's P.O.V]





I called Suho after I knew his schedual was over.




"Hello?" For s slit second my mind went blank from just hearing his voice.




It had only been a few days but I missed him so much.




"Hi, JoonMyun Oppa...uhm I was wondering if you were free....."




This time he paused.




"Yeah, why?" Even through the phone I could picture his triumphant smile.




"Because we haven't really been seeing each other lately so-"




"Well, y'know we are idols so I'm pretty busy, I'm not sure if I can..."




He was playing the same game Kris was with me before he left.




"Oppa, I missed you~" I tried to sound as sweet as possible




(Even if I was picturing myself strangling that idiot)




I heard him laugh




"Alright, I'll pick you up in ten minutes?"








We both hung up.




I exhaled a breath I didn't even know I was holding.




This was it. I was going to tell him everything.














[Nyika's P.O.V]



As I was walking home from SM after my scedual was finished, I got a call.








"Hi Nyika,"




(Speak of the Devil) It was Luhan




"H-Hey how're you? What's up?" I didn't know why I was so nervous, maybe the fact that he was just on my mind.




"Oh well we just arrived at the airport,"








"Yeah, EXO M is officially back in Seoul~"




I felt relieved. So relieved that it worried me.




"I thought you guys were supposed to be there a bit longer though,"




"Well I guess we have more important things to do here." He replied




I nodded.




"Alright, so I'll see you round then."








I hung up and stood there for a while, just staring at my phone.




Was I falling for Luhan?!




I had felt so happy when he said EXO M was back.




I know I was with Sehun, and I really did like him, but I couldn't say Luhan was JUST a friend like Jerry was.



I decided to keep this to myself.





I mean it was probably just a little crush right?

















[Faith's P.O.V]



Suho and I went to our favourite coffee shop.




"So is there something important you need to tell me?" He asked.




I looked into my hot cocoa, tapping my fingernails aginst the mug's sides.



"What would make you say that?" I said 





"You're usually not this quiet," He teased.


I looked up at him and smiled.





(I really do love him)


"You're right, as usual. I do have to tell you something....."





You looked at me intently.

(This is it Faith, no turning back.)



"You know that I don't really trust people...and there are a few reasons why...two to be exact.





You know that I'm only half korean right?"





He nodded "Yes, but you never really talked about your background...or your parents come to think of it.."





"Well know you'll know why."




And suddenly I poured my whole heart  out to him.







"My mother was a University student in Toronto, Canada. She transferred from Seoul.



My father was a Guyanese man who was also stuying at the same University.




They met, and when my mother was only 20 years old, I was born. 




Both my parents had little, and were unmarried.




My mother's family was appalled at her having a child with a non-Korean,when they were umarried, they disowned her.




Up until I was five years old, my mother and father and I lived together in a small aparetment.




When I was five years old, I saw my father with another woman....."




I paused taking a drink, my throat got tight recalling the memory.




Suho's eyes studied me with concern and pity.




I took a deep breath and continued.



"My father left my mother. She was so traumatized that her first and only love betrayed her, she fell into depression.




While she was in rehab I stayed with my grandparents.




The last time I saw my father was when I was eight years old on Christmas Day.




Before he left, I told him to stop coming to see me, and he did."




"So....that's why you don't really trust others...because you know how it feels to be left behind,and what betrayal leads to."




I nodded.


"So...that was one of the reasons...what is the other?"





"Do you still really want to know?" I asked.





He put his hand over mine on the table, and gave it a comforting squeeze.


"I want to know everything, if you're willing to tell me."





"Okay," So I continued.





"Despite all my efforts when I was younger to never fall for a man, I did."




I felt Suho's grip tighten ever-so slightly.




"When I was in Highschool, I fell for a guy who I met in a coffee shop I would frequent.




He seemed perfect...I thought he was the only one for me.




He understood everything, he encouraged me to follow my dreams, like he was.






He was from Hong Kong and was studying in Canada, so eventually he had to leave.



I wanted to ask him to stay, but that would have been selfish. So he left."



"And that was the end of that?" Suho asked.




I shook my head, tears threatening to fall.


"After a few months, I heard that he wasn't doing well, his parents had split, he lost his job and had nowhere to go.




He became an alcoholic and he self-harmed....."


Suho wiped away a tear with his thumb.





"In my third year, I found out that he had commited suicide by jumping off a bridge."






I looked up at Suho, who had listened to everything I had been through, and waited for a response.






He paused thinking, and let go of my hand.




For a moment I was worried that he couldn't handle all my baggage.


"I can't tell you that I've had a similar experiance, because I haven't and I don't really know how to comfort you,"




He replied "However, it doesn't change my feelings for you. I love you, everything about you."






I started to cry even more.




Suho looked shocked. "D-Don't cry! Was it something I said?!" he panicked.




I laughed at him through my tears.




I was so happy "That was the first time to said you loved me pabo."




He pouted. "Well don't laugh at me, you were crying, at least reply properly."




I wiped away the last of my tears on the back of my hands.




"Arrasso, arrasso, Kim JoonMyun, I love you."




When it was finally said out loud, any doubts I could have had were erased.






[Nyika's P.O.V]



I sat in my room, on my bed staring at the ceiling.




I had to do some serious thinking.



When I first saw EXO, I liked Luhan the most.




But as I got to know then m more (when I was a fan) I came to like Sehun more.




Now it seemed like it was the opposite.



At first, I mean I still do, really.....really like Sehun.




But I can't help feel attracted to Luhan, not just because he confessed, but because there's something...about him.




I didn't know how to put it into words, but when I look into Luhan's eyes, I get lost.




Did this count as cheating?




I mean it wasn't like Sehundidn't know about how Luhan felt.




And I didn't purposely seek out Luhan right?




I ran the situation in my mind, over and over, and over again.




The only thing I thought of was to talk with both of them.




Especially Sehun.




Faith came home starry eyed and in a daze.




She came into my room and sat on my bed next to me, smiling like an idiot.




I rolled my eyes, "What happened now?" I asked.




The only things that ever made her happy were writinng a good song, singing, and Suho.




She stared at my, biting her lip to keep her from grinning any further.




Finally she said., "He said 'I love you' for the first time."




I sat bolt upright in my bed.




I punched her arm affectionately "You go Faiiith~ look at you an' Suhoooo~"




She swatted back at me playfully, "I know riiiight? Soon I'll have to be looking at wedding gowns~"



She got up and pranced out of my room.




I smiled, my usually sullen friend was now a ray of sunshine thanks to one person.





 ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~ The Next Morning  ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~




[Nyika's P.O.V]



Today I was going to talk to Sehun.




With the same determination Faith had yesterday to see Suho, I called Sehun.




Answering machine.



I tried again.






Answering machine.




I tried again. Nothing.




I hurled my phone dramatically at the wall, and took one of my many others and went off.




If he was avoiding my calls then I was going to see him in person then.




I marched up to EXO's dorm dorr and pounded on it with both my fists.




D.O opened the door with wide(r than usual) eyes.




"Nyika what's wrong?!"




"WHERE'S SEHUN!"  screeched.




D.O. shrunk back a bit. "Uhm...he's not here at the moment, did you try calling him?"








He shunk even further "N-N ma'am.....b-but I really don't know where he is."




I sighed, almost like a balloon losing its hot air all my gumption was gone.




Then I new idea popped into my mind.




I was going to have to speak to either of them soon anyways.




"Is Luhan here then?" I asked in a more civil tone.




D.O seemed relieved that I wasn't barking at him anymore



He nodded "He's in his room, but kno-"




I didn't let him finish his sentence. I bolted to Luhan's door and practically kicked it open.



Well........I got my wish....I saw Luhan




















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Chapter 42: That was an exotic story. Hahaha
anitamahaexo #2
Chapter 42: Is she really going to be with Suho ;(
immiiy #3
Chapter 42: Amazing story!! I really enioyed it. Well done!!<3
Chapter 42: Wow! Brilliant chapter! I like the way things turned out.
Bizzle2 #5
Chapter 42: It's a good and cute ending ^^ I love it
Chapter 42: WHAT nonononononononono she not with kris WHAT nooooooooooooooooooo TT^TT
Chapter 42: Its the end!!!^^
Its a short ending but i like it!

Nice story!^^
Chapter 42: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 42: DAFUQ IS THIS. FAITH!!!
I don't like this update. It .
I can't believe. YABAI?!?!
Chapter 41: Maybe he's 7 or 8 inches. AWW everything's ok.....for now. ANOTHER DRAME BOMB???

If only you knew my first Kpop band :LEDApple then u could write a story on them