Old Flames

Our EXOtic Life

[Faith's P.O.V]



Two weeks after EXO M left for China I really wasn't feeling great.




Did I honestly miss Kris of all people?!




What was wrong with me!?




I think Suho knew a bit because he was a bit cold towards me.




I couldn't blame him, I was the worst girlfriend ever!




It's not like I wanted to leave him for Kris I just....can't forget him overnight.




Kris was very important to me at one point in my life when I was younger.




When I first started to find out about EXO and him I realized how special he was.




I mean, he also came from Canada like I did, and if he could become as famous as he was and follow his dream, couldn't I?




So I worked hard in school, as well as on my music, composing and creating my own songs, and learning to play


instruments and how to speak different languages.




Of course my Mother was opposed to me becoming a musician, because she thought it wasn't a steady job and that there


were too many risks, she also didn't like the fact that it was on the other side of the world.




When I first came to Seoul and actually got to know Kris, not just as an Idol, but as a person, who helped and supported me,


he became an even greater influence on me.




Then I realized that was where everything went wrong, I didn't realize that  I depended too much on Kris, and I got hurt.



Other people would simply think that I was jealous or upset that he was with someone meanwhile leading me on.



But I felt ...betrayed. 




I opened up to him, something I never do with other people (save Nyika) I trusted him, almost blindly and I feel like he ruined


me for Suho.




And Suho.....I really did love him, but was I really ready to risk getting hurt for him?




My heart said 'yes' but another part of me, the part that held my entire past and who I once was, that knew all my pain said





Now, I was on the brink of a breakdown, if I could prove to Suho that I did love him as much as he did me, I would have to tell


him everything, about me, my past. 




This thought scared me. Even Kris didn't know everything about me.




Even Nyika only knew to a certain extent.




Did I trust Suho, and love him enough to let show him my darkside?




Now both parts of me answered "Yes,"












[Nyika's P.O.V]



Things seemed strange without EXO M.




It seemed like SM which was always busy, seem empty.




There was no trolling Chen, to greet me.




No Xiumin to offer me some of his snacks.




Lay wasn't there staring off into outer space.




There was no more Luhan bumping into doors as he walked.




No Kris nagging (or ing at) members.




No Tao taking Selcas.




But as an Idol, I had to continue on.




W!tch35 practised our choreography for our new MV dance.




Later we went on talk shows, varitey shows, and any other show you could think of.




With my six friends gone I usually now hung our with Jerry.




Since EXO M left, EXO K had to go and promote. 




Also Jerry was our backup dancer for our music video.




It was nice to have him around.




He was like a little bit of my old life in my new one.




When I was in Canada Jerry had moved from South Korea, at the time I just started to like K-Pop,


and when I foundout he liked it too, we instantly became friends.





Both of us enjoyed danceing and for a while I really liked him we were close.




Then when we were going off to highschool, Jerry told me he was auditioning for an arts school in the U.S.




He got in and that was the last I saw or really heard from him until I bumped into him here in Seoul.




I really like having him around, with our scheduals I barely got any time with Faith or the other members,



and with all of EXO gone I was feling alone.




Ever since I was young I had many friends, but as I got older and moved from New York to Toronto and to Seoul the


numbers started to dwindle.




But as I spent more time with Jerry I remembered to old feeling I had for him when we were younger.




I thought we could just move on now as friends, but I soon remembered that our relationship when we went separate ways


was complicated.




Jerry and I were very close, so much that people thought we re dating, but we never said anything about our relationship.




We talked and joked about marrying one another and having kids but I don't think either of us knew what our actual thoughts


about these things were.




So now, I was more confused than ever, I liked Sehun, he was my 'boyfriend' but with Luhan, and now Jerry I didn't know


where or who my heart was with.




Finally after two weeks of a non-stop sechdual W!tch35 got a break!




Li Hua flew back to Shanghai to visit her family, and Min Ra went to see hers in Busan.




This left me and Faith in our apartement, just like old times.




It seemed even mre empty now that almost all of our friends were gone.




One night as Faith and I were enjoying our free time, we had one of those long talks we really needed to catch up on.




We both knew we had big news and we were dying to tell one another. For the first time in a long time we spoke to one


another in English.




"Okay you first." Faith said,


"You know Jerry right?"



"Yeah,what about him?"



I tugged at the hem of my jeans a bit. "I think.....I'm still not over him."




I was glad she just swallowed her tea,because I could tell she was gonna do a spit-take.



"WHat?! But Nyika that was years ago!"



"I know I know, but I can't help it! With Sehun gone and not in contact with me, and you and all the other


members busy with stuff he was the only one with!"



She sighed and gave me a one armed hug.



"I'm sorry that we haven't been spending alot of time together but we knew that we would be busy all the time


from the start. And we can't expect EXO to be with us all the time, they're idol too, with fans like we were waiting


for them. We can't ask them to give up doing what they love for us..."



I nodded, she was right.



"And I know exactly how you feel about Jerry, I still don't think I can totally forget about Kris....at least not yet,


but we can't let our old flames get in the way of our new sparks, you know what i mean?"



"Yeah, it's just.....difficult...that's all."




There was a slight lull in conversation as Faith and I both thought of our situations.




"What about you?" I asked.



She took a deep breath. 



"Well, I'm thinking about my relationship with Suho...and I think I'm going to tell him...more...about me..."




I knew what she meant. There were something about Faith I didn't know about and I didn' ask.




I knew that she would tell me in time.




With what she did tell me, I knew she has to trust a person ALOT to tell them.



And trusting people is not one of Faith's strong suits.




"Are you sure about this?"  I asked her.




I didn't want another repeat of a similar situation with Kris.



She was my friend and I wanted mer to be happy.



"I really do love him, and I want him to know that, he's been so caring and understanding about me and Kris and  


I just want him to know that it's him, not Kris that I really love."




That's true. I knew what she meant.




Suho could only wait so long for her to make a decision.



"Aja aja Fighting~" I said pumping my fists showing her my support.



She smiled.




I'm glad we both got to share these thoughts or ours, but I was still concerned.




Old Flames die hard.





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Chapter 42: That was an exotic story. Hahaha
anitamahaexo #2
Chapter 42: Is she really going to be with Suho ;(
immiiy #3
Chapter 42: Amazing story!! I really enioyed it. Well done!!<3
Chapter 42: Wow! Brilliant chapter! I like the way things turned out.
Bizzle2 #5
Chapter 42: It's a good and cute ending ^^ I love it
Chapter 42: WHAT nonononononononono she not with kris WHAT nooooooooooooooooooo TT^TT
Chapter 42: Its the end!!!^^
Its a short ending but i like it!

Nice story!^^
Chapter 42: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 42: DAFUQ IS THIS. FAITH!!!
I don't like this update. It .
I can't believe. YABAI?!?!
Chapter 41: Maybe he's 7 or 8 inches. AWW everything's ok.....for now. ANOTHER DRAME BOMB???

If only you knew my first Kpop band :LEDApple then u could write a story on them